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General Assurances 2018-19

General Assurances and Certifications required for grants supported by state or federal funds in 2018-19
  1. Programs and services are and will be in compliance with Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; the California Fair Employment Practices Act, Government Code §11135; and Chapter 1, Subchapter 4 (commencing with §30) of Division I of Title 5, California Code of Regulations (5 CCR).
  2. Programs and services are and will be in compliance with Title IX (nondiscrimination on the basis of sex) of the Education Amendments of 1972. Each program or activity conducted by the local educational agency (LEA) will be conducted in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 2, (commencing with §200), Prohibition of Discrimination on the Basis of Sex, of Part 1 of Division 1 of Title I of the California Education Code (EC), as well as all other applicable provisions of state law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex.
  3. Programs and services are and will be in compliance with the affirmative action provisions of the Education Amendments of 1972.
  4. Programs and services are and will be in compliance with the Age Discrimination Act of 1975.
  5. Programs and services for individuals with disabilities are in compliance with the disability laws. (Public Law (PL) 105-17; 34 Code of Federal Regulations (34 CFR) 300, 303; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973)
  6. When federal funds are made available, they will be used to supplement the amount of state and local funds that would, in the absence of such federal funds, be made available for the uses specified in the state plan, and in no case supplant such state or local funds. (20 United States Code (USC) §6321(b)(1); PL 114-95 §1118(b)(1))
  7. All state and federal statutes, regulations, program plans, and applications appropriate to each program under which federal or state funds are made available through this application will be met by the applicant agency in its administration of each program.
  8. Schoolsite councils have developed and approved a Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) for schools participating in programs funded through the consolidated application process, and any other school program they choose to include, and that school plans were developed with the review, certification, and advice of any applicable school advisory committees. (EC §64001)
  9. The LEA will use fiscal control and fund accounting procedures that will ensure proper disbursement for state and federal funds paid to that agency under each program. (5 CCR, §4202)
  10. The LEA will make reports to the state agency or board and to the Secretary of Education as may reasonably be necessary to enable the state agency or board and the Secretary to perform their duties and will maintain such records and provide access to those records as the state agency or board or the Secretary deems necessary. Such records will include, but will not be limited to, records which fully disclose the amount and disposition by the recipient of those funds, the total cost of the activity for which the funds are used, the share of that cost provided from other sources, and such other records as will facilitate an effective audit. The recipient shall main­tain such records for three years after the completion of the activities for which the funds are used. (34 CFR 76.722, 76.730, 76.731, 76.760; 2 CFR 200.333)
  11. The local governing board has adopted written procedures to ensure prompt response to complaints within 60 calendar days, and has disseminated these procedures to students, employees, parents or guardians, district/school advisory committees, appropriate private school officials or representatives, and other interested parties. (5 CCR, §4600 et seq.)
  12. The LEA declares that it neither uses nor will use federal funds for lobbying activities and hereby complies with the certification requirements of 34 CFR Part 82.
  13. The LEA has complied with the certification requirements under 34 CFR Part 84 regarding debarment, suspension and other requirements for a drug-free workplace. (34 CFR Part 84)
  14. The LEA provides reasonable opportunity for public comment on the application and considers such comment. (20 USC §7846, PL 114-95, §8306(a)(7); 20 USC §6318; PL 114-95, §1116(b)(4))
  15. The LEA will provide the certification on constitutionally protected prayer. (20 USC §7904; PL 114-95, §8524(b))
  16. The LEA administers all funds and property related to programs funded through the Consolidated Application. (20 USC §6320; PL 114-95, §1117(d)(1))
  17. The LEA will adopt and use proper methods of administering each program including enforcement of any obligations imposed by law on agencies responsible for carrying out programs and correction of deficiencies in program operations identified through audits, monitoring or evaluation. (20 USC §7846; PL 114-95, §8306(a)(3)(A-B))
  18. The LEA will participate in the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress. (EC §60640, et seq.)
  19. The LEA assures that classroom teachers who are being assisted by instructional assistants retain their responsibility for the instruction and supervision of the students in their charge. (EC §45344(a))
  20. The LEA governing board has adopted a policy on parent involvement that is consistent with the purposes and goals of EC Section 11502. These include all of the following: (a) to engage parents positively in their children's education by helping parents to develop skills to use at home that support their children's academic efforts at school and their children's development as responsible future members of our society; (b) to inform parents that they can directly affect the success of their children's learning, by providing parents with techniques and strategies that they may utilize to improve their children's academic success and to assist their children in learning at home; (c) to build consistent and effective communication between the home and the school so that parents may know when and how to assist their children in support of classroom learning activities; (d) to train teachers and administrators to communicate effectively with parents; and (e) to integrate parent involvement programs, including compliance with this chapter, into the school's master plan for academic accountability. (EC §§11502, 11504)
  21. Results of an annual evaluation demonstrate that the LEA and each participating school are implementing Consolidated Programs that are not of low effectiveness, under criteria established by the local governing board. (5 CCR §3942)
  22. The program using consolidated programs funds does not isolate or segregate students on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation or socioeconomic status.  (United States Constitution, Fourteenth Amendment; California Constitution, Article 1, §7; California Government Code §§11135-11138; 42 USC §2000d; 5 CCR, §3934)
  23. Personnel, contracts, materials, supplies, and equipment purchased with Consolidated Program funds supplement the basic education program. (EC §62002; 5 CCR, §§3944, 3946)
  24. At least 85 percent of the funds for School Improvement Programs, Title I, Title VI and Economic Impact Aid (State Compensatory Education and programs for English learners) are spent for direct services to students. One hundred percent of Miller-Unruh apportionments are spent for the salary of specialist reading teachers. (EC §63001; 5 CCR, §3944(a)(b))
  25. State and federal categorical funds will be allocated to continuation schools in the same manner as to comprehensive schools, to the maximum extent permitted by state and federal laws and regulations. (EC §48438)
  26. Programs and services are and will be in compliance with Section 8355 of the California Government Code and the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, and implemented at CFR Part 84, Subpart F, for grantees, as defined at 34 CFR Part 84, Sections 84.105 and 84.110.
  27. Federal grant recipients, sub recipients and their grant personnel are prohibited from text messaging while driving a government owned vehicle, or while driving their own privately owned vehicle during official grant business, or from using government supplied electronic equipment to text message or email when driving. Recipients must comply with these conditions under Executive Order 13513, "Federal Leadership on Reducing Text Messaging while Driving," October 1, 2009.
  28. The Federal grant sub recipient has complied with the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act, as defined in 2 CFR Part 25 (PL 109-282; PL 110-252) regarding the establishment of a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number and maintaining a current/active registration in the System for Award Management External link opens in new window or tab..


Questions:   Education Data Office | | 916-319-0297
Last Reviewed: Monday, May 20, 2024
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