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In-Person Instruction and Expanded Learning Opportunities Grants

Funding Description

Provides funding to county offices of education (COE), school districts, charter schools and state special schools to assist with offering in-person instruction to the greatest extent possible during the 2020-21 school year; and to expand in-person instructional time and provide academic interventions and pupil supports to address barriers to learning, and accelerate progress to close learning gaps.


Eligible Applicants Local educational agencies, other organizations or agencies
Required Eligibility Criteria LEAs that receive funding pursuant to EC 43521(c) must offer in-person instruction as defined in EC 43521(c)(3). Allocations are subject to reduction equal to 1 percent per instructional day, from April 1 to May 15 and forfeited as of May 15, for each day that in-person instruction is not offered; funds are forfeited if in-person instruction is not offered as of May 15. LEAs must comply with distance learning requirements of EC 43503 and instructional time/day requirements as applicable.
Other Eligibility Considerations LEAs receiving funds pursuant to EC 43521(b), must adopt a plan by June 1, 2021, describing how funds will be used; and also implement a learning recovery plan pursuant to 43522(a)(1). LEAs receiving funds pursuant to EC 43521(c) must certify by June 1, 2021 compliance with in-person instruction criteria in EC 43521(c)(3). A final expenditure report for all funds is required by December 1, 2024, pursuant to EC 43523(c). LEAs that do not submit the final expenditure report shall forfeit all funds. Funds are subject to annual audit. LEAs receiving funds pursuant to EC 43521(c) must certify by June 1, 2021 compliance with in-person instruction criteria in EC 43521(c)(3).
Eligible Grade Level(s) K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Eligible Age Level(s) Not applicable


Legal Authority Part 24.6 (commencing with Section 43520) of the California Education Code, added by Section 2 of Assembly Bill 86 (Ch. 10, 2021) and amended by Section 34 of AB 130 (Ch. 44, 2021), Section 12 of AB 167 (Ch. 252, 2021),and Section 24 of Senate Bill 153 (Ch. 38, 2024)
Source / Type State / Apportionment
State Fiscal Year 2020-21
SACS Resource / Revenue Codes 7422, 7425, 7426 / 8590
Total Available $4,541,113,000
Recipient Amount See Allocation Formula
Match Requirement No
Allocation Formula Allocations are calculated as follows: $4,557,443,000 is allocated pursuant to EC 43521(b) which provides $1,000 per homeless pupil, and $725 per ADA for State Special Schools, remaining funds are allocated proportionally based on LEAs' 2020-21 LCFF P-2 entitlement. Of the amount available, $2,016,330,000 was shifted to federal stimulus funding, refer to EC43521(a). $2,000,000,000 is allocated pursuant to 43521(c), based on LEAs' 2020-21 LCFF P-2 entitlement. Non-classroom-based charter schools are not eligible for EC 43521(c).

Important Dates

Date Application Available Unavailable
Due Date Unavailable
Expected Notification Date March 19, 2021

Additional Information

Application Unavailable
Background Unavailable
Fiscal Unavailable
Funding ResultsRes-20: In-Person Instruction []
Other Funds allocated pursuant to EC 43521(b) may be spent for allowable purposes specified in 43522(b) including extended learning time, accelerating progress to close learning gaps and integrated pupil supports. Funds allocated pursuant to EC 43521(c) may be used for any purpose consistent with providing in-person instruction pursuant to EC 43522(f). The Legislature strongly encourages LEAs to prioritize pupils who would benefit most from in-person instruction and those identified as needing integrated supports or academic interventions.


Program See "Additional Contacts" on Funding Results Web Page
Fiscal Categorical Allocations and Audit Resolution Office,
Division School Fiscal Services Division
Last Modified: October 16, 2024
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