21st CCLC & ASSETs
NOTE: The application due date for this program has passed.
Funding Description
The purpose of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) is to support community learning centers that provide academic enrichment opportunities for students who attend high poverty and low-performing schools. The purpose of the 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) Program is to support community learning centers for students in grades nine through twelve with academic enrichment opportunities and activities designed to complement students' regular academic program.Eligibility
Eligible Applicants | Institutions of higher education, local educational agencies, nonprofit organizations, other organizations or agencies |
Required Eligibility Criteria | Public or private entities are eligible to apply for 21st Century Community Learning Centers or ASSETs funds (20 United States Code Section 7173[a][3]) provided that they propose to serve Title I schools that have schoolwide programs, or a Title I school with at least 40 percent of the students eligible for Free or Reduced Price Meals and the school is 1) either in Program Improvement, or 2) been determined by the local educational agency to be in need of intervention and support, and all programs must serve the families of students at these schools. |
Other Eligibility Considerations | State and federal funding priorities apply. |
Eligible Grade Level(s) | Pre-K, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 |
Eligible Age Level(s) | Not applicable |
Legal Authority | Every Student Succeeds Act; EC sections 8420-8428 and 8484.7-8484.9; Budget Item 6100-197-0890 |
Source / Type | Federal / Grant |
State Fiscal Year | 2022-23 |
SACS Resource / Revenue Codes | 4124 / 8290 |
Total Available | Unavailable |
Recipient Amount | 21st CCLC $50,000-$152,662.50; ASSETs $50,000-$254,500 |
Match Requirement | No |
Allocation Formula | Unavailable |
Important Dates
Date Application Available | September 24, 2021 |
Due Date | November 16, 2021 |
Expected Notification Date | May 1, 2022 |
Additional Information
Application | http://www.cde.ca.gov/fg/fo/r27/documents/cclc22rfa.docx |
Background | Funding Opportunities [http://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/ex/fundingop.asp] |
Fiscal | Funding Results [http://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/ex/exldfundingresults.asp] |
Funding Results | Res: 22-21st CCLC Elementary/Middle [http://www.cde.ca.gov/fg/fo/r27/cclc21stelemresults2022.asp] |
Other | Unavailable |
Program | Expanded Learning Division, 21stCCLCandASSETsRFA@cde.ca.gov |
Fiscal | Expanded Learning Division, 21stCCLCandASSETsRFA@cde.ca.gov |
Division | Expanded Learning Division |
Last Modified:
September 28, 2021
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