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Nectarine, Yellow

Department of Defense fresh fruits and vegetables fact sheet for nectarines.

Product Description

Round or oblong shaped, with a yellow and red skin color.  The nectarine is sweet but its skin may come with a tart flavor.

Peak Growing Season

California growing season lasts from May to October, with the peak growth time between June and August.


Can be eaten out-of-hand, or with skin peeled and added to other meals like fruit salad or yogurt.


Nectarines can bruise easily, so handle them with care.  Before using remember to wash with cool water and dry the fruits.


To ripen the nectarines store at room temperature (65-72 degrees Fahrenheit) until no longer firm. Refrigerate the fruits in the coldest part of the refrigerator, ideal temperature is 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

Best if Used By

For best quality, use fruits three to five days after refrigerating.

Nutrition Facts

Legend: kcal = kilocalorie; g = gram; mg = milligram; RAE = retinol activity equivalent; IU = international unit

117 Count

One 3.63 ounce peach (1/2 cup) provides:

Calories 31 kcal
Protein 0.76 g
Fat 0.23 g
Carbohydrates 7.54 g
Dietary Fiber 1.2 g
Sugars 5.64 g
Calcium 4 mg
Iron 0.20 mg
Magnesium 6 mg
Phosphorus 19 mg
Potassium 144 mg
Sodium 0 mg
Zinc 0.12 mg

Sources of Information

Questions:   Food Distribution Program |
Last Reviewed: Friday, October 11, 2024
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