Uploading Child Records
This chapter provides definitions, step-by-step instructions, and templates for managing child records, including manual data entry, electronic file uploads, and editing records.Chapter 5: Uploading Child Records
5.1 Child Record File Definitions
5.2 Child Record File Input/Edit: Step-by-Step Instructions
5.3 Child Electronic File Upload
5.4 Child Record File Template
5.1 Child Record File Definitions
The Child information fields, whether entered manually or uploaded electronically, are accompanied by their respective definitions and guidelines. For a comprehensive description of all data fields in Classroom Records files, please refer to Appendix A: Data Definitions (DOCX).
5.2 Child Record File Input/Edit: Step-by-Step Instructions
Agencies are required to provide complete information for every child record listed on the California Preschool Data collection system (CAPSDAC).
- Refer to the data definitions for these fields in the CAPSDAC User Manual: Appendix A: Data Definitions (DOCX)
- To multi-select more than one option, hold down the Control button on your keyboard and click each desired option individually
- Access information field tooltips by hovering your cursor over the question mark icon
- Child or Staff records cannot be added until there is at least one Classroom record added to the CASPDAC
Locate Child Record
- Log in to the CAPSDAC
- Note: Skip this step if you are already logged into the CAPSDAC
- Select a California State Preschool Program (CSPP) school or site from the “Preschool site Name” dropdown list to view the CAPSDAC School/Site Dashboard web page.
The top of the webpage should display the preschool site name you have selected followed by the word “Dashboard”
- Ensure that the correct “Preschool Site Name” and “Preschool County-District-School (CDS) Code” are listed in the “Overview” section at the top left of your screen
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the “Child Records” tab
- Note: This tab will not be available for data entry if you have not entered any classroom records
- Click on the button labeled “Add Child”, which brings the user to the “Add Child Record – XXX School Site” popup screen.
Complete the Child Record Files
- Select the “Personal” tab in the “Edit Child Record” pop-up window to go to the “Child’s Personal Information” data input screen. Manually input all the required information for the following fields:
- ChildID
- Last Name
- First Name
- Middle Initial
- Gender
- Start Date of Preschool Enrollment
- End Date of Preschool Enrollment
- Eligibility Status
- Date of Birth
- Country of Birth
- State of Birth
- City of Birth
- Hispanic
- Race(s)
- Active Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)
After completing inputs for all data fields on the “Child’s Personal Information” screen, click on “Save Child Record” button to go to the “Child’s Language Information” data input screen.
- User may select the “Language” tab in the “Add Child Record” pop-up window to go to the “Child’s Language Information” data input screen. Manually input all the required information for the following fields:
- Date of Family Language Instrument
- Home Language(s)
- Most-used Language
- Dual Language Learner (DLL)
After completing inputs for all data fields on the “Language” screen, click on “Save Child Record” button to go to the “Child’s Family Information” data input screen.
- User may select the “Family” tab in the “Add Child Record” pop-up window to the “Child’s Family Information” data input screen. Manually input all the required information for the following fields:
- Family Identification Case Number (FICN)
- Family Size
- Family Monthly Income
- California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) Recipient
- Reason For Needing Service
- 1st Head-of-Household (HoH) Last Name
- 1st HoH First Name, Middle Initial
- 1st HoH Highest Education
- 2nd HoH Last Name
- 2nd HoH First Name, Middle Initial
- 2nd HoH Highest Education
- Written Communication Preference
- Verbal Communication Preference
After completing inputs for all data fields on the “Child’s Language Information” screen, click on “Save the Child Record” button to go to the “Child’s Address Information” data input screen.
- User may select the “Address” tab in the “Add Child Record” pop-up window to go to the “Child’s Address Information” data input screen. Manually input all the required information for the following fields:
- Home Address Line 1
- Home Address Line 2
- Home Address City
- Home Address State
- Home Address ZIP Code
- Mailing Address Line 1
- Mailing Address Line 2
- Mailing Address City
- Mailing Address State
- Mailing Address ZIP Code
After completing inputs for all data fields on the “Child’s Address Information” screen, click on “Save Child Record” button to go to “Child’s Classroom Enrollment Information” data input screen.
- User may select the “Classroom Enrollment” tab in the “Add Child Record” pop-up window to go to the “Child’s Classroom Enrollment Information” data input screen. Manually select all the required information for the following fields:
- Full-Time Enrollment
- Part-Time Enrollment
- Service Type
- Click the "Save Child Record" button after all child information has been entered.
- If error messages are displayed, make the appropriate corrections, and select the "Save Child Record" button again. Repeat this process until no error messages appear. The complete record free of data quality errors is automatically saved in the CAPSDAC.
- If the fields can’t be saved, or have any error message, please correct the error according to the error message indicated and save the files again.
What Happens Next
After inputting the child record via the CAPSDAC, the following actions occur:
- The original file is stored in the CAPSDAC database
- The data file is available to review under the school dashboard
- The data file is displayed as a list, including the row number and pages
- Four columns are presented: Child Name ( Last, First, MI ) , Date of Birth, Edit
- The data file can be edited by clicking “Edit,” allowing users to navigate to the data elements and re-input the data
- The data file is available to download and review by the LEA for "This LEA's current data submission period (TIME PERIOD) classroom records."
- The download file includes all the data files from all LEAs
- The data file is available for download as a Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file
- The download file includes 49 columns with a list of rows of Child records (PreschoolCDSCode, ChildID, LastName, FirstName, MiddleInitial, Gender, DateOfEnrollmentStart, DateOfEnrollmentEnd ,EligibilityStatus, DateOfBirth, CountryOfBirth, StateOfBirth, CityOfBirth, IsHispanicYN, Races, IEPorIFSP, DateOfInstrument, LanguagesHome, LanguageMostUsed, IsDualLanguageLearnerYN, IsDLLTeacherDesignatedYN, FICN, FamilySize ,FamilyMonthlyIncome, CalWORKsRecipient, ReasonForService, HeadOfHouseholdLastName1, HeadOfHouseholdFirstName1, HeadOfHouseholdMiddleInitial1, HeadOfHouseholdEducation1, HeadOfHouseholdLastName2, HeadOfHouseholdFirstName2, HeadOfHouseholdMiddleInitial2, HeadOfHouseholdEducation2, LanguageFamilyWritten, LanguageFamilyVerbal, HomeAddress1, HomeAddress2, HomeCity, HomeState, HomeZIP, MailingAddress1, MailingAddress2, MailingCity, MailingState,MailingZIP, ServiceType, FullTimeEnrollment, PartTimeEnrollments)
- The data file can be changed and re-uploaded
- Agencies may download, revise, and upload the file. Make sure to receive a file upload successful confirmation when reupload the file.
- LEAs can upload new files multiple times, but each submission will replace the previous files.
5.3 Child Electronic File Upload
For more information on creating and uploading a Child Electronic File Upload, please refer to CAPSDAC User Manual, Appendix B: Creating Electronic Files (DOCX).5.4 Child Record File Template
The Child Records File Format Specifications provide detailed format specifications for each data field of the Child Record File. For more information, please refer to Appendix C: Electronic File Format Specifications (DOCX)
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