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Child Care Reporting--Child's Primary Language

Child's Primary Language (CDD-801A only)

The Child's Primary Language information field indicates the child's primary language, which is identified as the Native Language Code on the Confidential Application for Child Development Services and Certification of Eligibility (9600 Form).

Where to Find It

On the 9600 Form, look in the box “Language Code” in in Section IV: Data on Children.

Rules and Guidelines

Report the child’s primary language. If the child speaks more than one language, select the language in which they are the most fluent. The languages and codes below are the same as those listed on the 9600 Form.

  • This information field is required.
  • For agencies using the CDD-801A Electronic File Transfer function, enter the code associated with the child's primary language listed below.
  • For agencies using the CDD-801A Input/Edit function, select the child's primary language from the dropdown list.
Language Code Language Code Language Code
Arabic 11 Hungarian 24 Punjabi 28


12 Ilocano 25 Russian 29
Assyrian 42 Indonesian 26 Rumanian 45
Burmese 13 Italian 27 Samoan 30
Cantonese 03 Japanese 08 Serbian 31
Cebuano (Visayan) 36 Khmer (Cambodian) 09 Serbo-Croatian 52
Chaldean 54 Khmu 50 Spanish 01
Chamarro (Guamanian) 20 Korean 04 Taiwanese 46
Chaozhou (Chaochow) 39 Kurdish 51 Thai 32
Croation 14 Lahu 47 Toishanese 53
Dutch 15 Lao 10 Tongan 34
English 00 Mandarin (Putonghua) 07 Turkish 33
Farsi (Persian) 16 Marshallese 48 Ukrainian 38
French 17 Mien 44 Urdu 35
German 18 Mixteco 49 Vietnamese 02


19 Native American Languages 88 Other Languages of China 55
Gujarati 43 Pashto 40 Other Languages of the Philippines 66
Hebrew 21 Pilipino (Tagalong) 05 Other non-English 99
Hindi 22 Polish 41 N/A N/A
Hmong 23 Portuguese 06 N/A N/A

Error Messages and Solutions

  • “Child's Primary Language” must be a valid two digit language code. [801A Electronic File Transfer]

Problem: The information in the upload file for the Child's Primary Language is not a valid code.

Solution: Confirm a valid two-digit code from the list above is entered.

  • Answer to Child's Primary Language is required. [801A Electronic File Transfer], [801A Input/Edit]

Problem: The question “Child's Primary Language” is not answered.

Solution: Confirm a primary language is selected for the child.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I know which is the primary language?

The box “Language Code” in Section IV: Data on Children of the 9600 Form should list the code for the primary language.

  • What if the family files does not contain this information?

This information is required on the 9600 Form. If this information is missing, contact the family to obtain the child’s primary language and update the information in the family file.

  • What if the family indicates a primary language that is not listed?

If the language on the 9600 Form is not on the list, choose "Other non-English" for the child


Return to Appendix A: Data Definitions

Questions:   CDMIS Office | | 916-445-1907
Last Reviewed: Thursday, June 15, 2023
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