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Child Care Reporting--Cost of Care

State Subsidized Monthly Payment for This Child Care (CDD-801B only)

For CalWORKs Stage 2 (C2AP), CalWORKs Stage 3 (C3AP), California Pivotal Practice Program (CAPP), California Migrant Alternative Payment Program (CMAP), and Child Family Child Care (CFCC) contracts, the State Subsidized Monthly Payment for This Child Care information field indicates the amount the provider is paid for the subsidized child care services provided during a given report period.

For General Child Care and Development (CCTR), California State Program for Severly Disbaled Children (CHAN), California Migrant Child Care and Development Program (CMIG), and California State Preschool Programs (CSPP) contracts, the State Subsidized Monthly Payment for This Child Care information field indicates the amount claimed for fiscal reimbursement purposes under an agency’s contract with The Early Learning and Care Division (ELCD) during a given report period. This amount includes any adjustments applicable to this child (e.g., for infants, exceptional needs, severely disabled, etc.). This amount does not include the family fee or administrative costs.

Where to Find It

For C2AP, C3AP, CAPP, CMAP, and CFCC contracts, provider payment information is typically found in the agency’s payment records for the report period. Each agency has its own method of keeping this information. Check with the agency staff responsible for issuing payments to providers. See examples for C2AP, C3AP, CAPP, CMAP, and CFCC contracts below.

For CCTR, CHAN, CMIG, and CSPP contracts, the amount claimed is dependent upon any adjustment factors that may be applicable to a particular child for a given report period. Typically, the agency’s attendance records will indicate how the Standard Reimbursement Rate being claimed has been adjusted either for time-base (i.e., half-time, three-quarter time, full-time, or full-time plus) and/or for unique characteristics of the child (e.g., infant, severely disabled, limited and non-English proficient, etc.). It is possible for adjustment factors to vary across report periods for a given child, or even within a single report period. Check with the agency staff responsible for attendance reporting and for submitting the Attendance and Fiscal Reports to The California Department of Education (CDE), Fiscal Administrative Services Division, and Child Development and Nutrition and Fiscal Services Office to identify the correct information for a particular child and report period. See examples for CCTR, CHAN, CMIG, and CSPP contracts below.

Rules and Guidelines

  • This information field is required.
  • Enter only numbers; do not enter a dollar sign ($) or decimal point (.).
  • Zero is not acceptable as this would indicate that no subsidy was paid for the services provided during the report period.
  • Round to the nearest whole dollar. Do not enter cents.
  • Amounts for C2AP, C3AP, CAPP, CMAP, and CFCC contracts services must be consistent with the Regional Market Rates ceilings in effect for the report period.
  • Amounts for CCTR, CHAN, CMIG, and CSPP contracts services must be consistent with the contractor’s Standard Reimbursement Rate in effect for the report period.

For C2AP, C3AP, CAPP, CMAP, and CFCC contracts: Enter the total dollar amount the provider was authorized for services provided to the child during the report period. This amount will include the family fee, if the parent paid it directly to the provider and it was kept by the provider.

  • Example 1, Family Fee Collected by Contractor: The provider’s charge for child care is $200 for the report period. The family fee is $15 and is collected by the contractor. The contractor reimburses the provider $200 for the cost of care. The State Subsidized Monthly Payment for This Child Care is $200.
  • Example 2, Family Fee Collected and Kept by Provider: The provider’s charge for child care is $200 for the report period. The family fee is $15. The $15 family fee is paid by the parent directly to the provider and kept by the provider. The contractor reimburses the provider $185. The State Subsidized Monthly Payment for This Child Care is $200. Because the family pays the family fee to the provider directly (and it is kept by the provider), the amount reported is still $200 because the contractor is reimbursing the provider the balance remaining for that child’s care.
  • Example 3, Family Fee Collected by Provider and Submitted to Contractor: The provider’s charge for child care is $200 for the report period. The family fee is $15. The $15 family fee is paid by the parent directly to the provider, who then turns it over to the contractor. The contractor reimburses the provider $200 for the cost of care. The State Subsidized Monthly Payment for This Child Care is $200.
  • Example 4, No Family Fee: The provider’s charge for child care is $200 for the report month. The family does not pay a family fee because of their family size and income. The contractor reimburses the provider $200 for the cost of care. The State Subsidized Monthly Payment for This Child Care is $200.

For CCTR, CHAN, CMIG, and CSPP contracts:Enter the dollar amount reimbursed by the CDE for the child for the given report period. Include any adjustment factors (e.g., infants, toddlers, etc.) for this particular child. Do not include administrative costs as they are claimed separately on the Administrative Costs line item of the Attendance and Fiscal Reports. Do not include (do not add it to the total and do not subtract it from the total) the family fee or family co-payment in the calculation of this amount.

Below are examples of how to manually calculate the State Subsidized Monthly Payment for This Child Care:

  • Example 1: The contractor's daily rate for their CCTR contract is $38.29. They served a six-year-old child for 22 days of a report period. The contractor claims 15 percent administrative costs. The adjustment factor for a child three years old and older receiving full-time care in CCTR is 1.0. The adjusted cost is $716.02 ($38.29 per day x 85% [100% - 15% administrative cost] x 1.0 x 22 days). This amount is rounded to the nearest dollar. The total reported amount is $716.
  • Example 2: The contractor's daily rate for their CCTR contract is $38.29. They served a toddler for 22 days of a report period. The contractor claims 15 percent administrative costs. The adjustment factor for a full-time toddler in CCTR is 1.4. The adjusted cost is $1,002.43 ($38.29 per day x 85% x 1.4 x 22 days). This amount is rounded to the nearest dollar. The total reported amount is $1002.
  • Example 3: The contractor's daily rate for their CSPP contract is $38.53. They served a three-year-old child for 15 days of a report period. For 10 days of the report period, the child received full-time care. The adjustment factor for three and four-year-olds receiving full-time care in CSPP is 1.0. The adjusted cost is $327.51 ($38.53 per day x 85% x 1.0 x 10 days). For five days of the report period, the child received half-time care. The adjustment factor for three and four-year-olds in half-time care is 0.6195. The adjusted cost is $101.45 ($38.53 per day x 85% x 0.6195 x 5 days). The total reported amount rounded to the nearest whole dollar ($327.51 + $101.45) is $429.

Error Messages and Solutions

  • The “State Subsidized Monthly Payment for This Child Care” is required.

Problem: The State Subsidized Monthly Payment for This Child Care information field is blank under the Program Code listed in the error message.

Solution: Enter the “State Subsidized Monthly Payment for This Child Care” for the listed Program Code in whole dollars without decimal points. Refer to the examples above for help in calculating this amount. If this provider did not provide subsidized child care services to the child during the report period, exclude this Type of Care from the CDD-801B and the corresponding CDD-801A.

  • The “State Subsidized Monthly Payment for This Child Care” can contain only whole numbers.

Problem: The “State Subsidized Monthly Payment for This Child Care” under the Program Code listed in the error message has a decimal point. This payment should be rounded to the nearest whole dollar. The Child Development Management Information System (CDMIS) will not save entries with both dollars and cents provided.

Solution: Confirm that the “State Subsidized Monthly Payment for This Child Care” is entered correctly with only whole dollar amounts listed.

  • The “State Subsidized Monthly Payment for This Child Care” must be greater than zero.

Problem: Zero is entered for the “State Subsidized Monthly Payment for This Child Care.”

Solution: The amount entered for “State Subsidized Monthly Payment for This Child Care” cannot be 0 (zero) as this would indicate that no services were provided to this child by this provider. Verify the amount using the examples provided under the Rules and Guidelines section and correct the information, accordingly.

  • The “State Subsidized Monthly Payment for This Child Care” cannot be less than the minimum hourly rate available based on the “Total Hours of Care.”

Problem: The total cost of care reported in the “State Subsidized Monthly Payment for This Child Care” for the listed child is less than the minimum hourly cost of care available for subsidized child care.

Solution: Confirm that the “State Subsidized Monthly Payment for This Child Care” is entered correctly. Verify the amount using the examples provided under the Rules and Guidelines section and correct the information, accordingly. Double check the agency’s records for this child’s care.

  • The “State Subsidized Monthly Payment for This Child Care” exceeds the maximum hourly rate available based on the “Total Hours of Care.”

Problem: The total cost of care reported in the “State Subsidized Monthly Payment for This Child Care” for the listed child is greater than the maximum hourly cost of care available for subsidized child care.

Solution: Confirm that the “State Subsidized Monthly Payment for This Child Care” is entered correctly. Verify the amount using the examples provided under the Rules and Guidelines section and correct the information, accordingly. Double check the agency’s records for this child’s care.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We have a child who received subsidized care for the month listed, but the provider never billed us. How should I answer this question?

Enter the estimated payment that was authorized (based on the examples provided above) for the report period and that would be paid to the provider when the bill is received.

  • We have a child who was enrolled and therefore listed on the CDD-801A but never received child care for the report month because the parent was not able to find a provider. What should we do?

If a child was not claimed for fiscal reimbursement purposes under an agency’s contract with the ELCD for a given report period, the agency must exclude the child from the CDD-801B and corresponding CDD-801A. Instructions for excluding information is available in Chapter 4: CDD-801B Reporting in the CDMIS User Manual as well as on the CDD-801B Edit Family Information screen within the CDMIS.

  • In my center-based program, I do not understand what the adjustment factors are or where to find them.

Adjustment factors are applied on a child-by-child basis in accordance with regulations. A child may have no adjustment factors applied or may have one adjustment factor applied, depending on the following: their characteristics as certified on the ELCD-9600; and the number of hours per day they are receiving subsidized child care services. A child may also have more than one adjustment factor during a given report period if their hours of service were not the same each day during the report period. Agencies should consult the person in their agency responsible for preparing the Attendance and Fiscal Reports in order to determine whether any adjustment factors should be applied for a particular child during a given report period.

Return to Appendix A: Data Definitions

Questions:   CDMIS Office |
Last Reviewed: Thursday, March 21, 2024
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