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Child Care Reporting--Monthly Family Income

Monthly Family Income

The Monthly Family Income information field indicates the total adjusted gross monthly income used in determining a family’s eligibility to receive subsidized child care services through an agency’s contract with the Early Education Division (EED). Monthly family income is verified income.

Where to Find It

On the ELCD-9600, look at item Family Monthly Income in Section III: Family Adjusted Gross Monthly Income and Size.

Rules and Guidelines

  • This information field is required.
  • The maximum length of this field is five numbers.
  • Enter numbers only; do not enter a dollar sign ($) or decimal point (.)
  • Round the monthly family income to the nearest whole dollar. Do not enter cents.
  • In CPS cases where income is not collected as part of determining eligibility, enter 0 (zero). However, if the income was collected, it should be entered.
  • The monthly family income must be greater than the amount entered in the Monthly Child Care Fee information field unless both are 0 (zero). [801B only]
  • The monthly family income cannot be greater than the income ceiling indicated on the applicable Family Fee Schedule (FFS) with the following exceptions:
    • The family’s reason for receiving child development services is “A – Child Protective Services,”
    • The family’s reason for receiving child development services is “J – Handicapped Program”; all the children in the family receive services in CHAN only, or
    • The family’s reason for receiving child development services is “Q – Part-Day California State Preschool Program (CSPP)”; all the children in the family receive services in part-day CSPP only.

Error Messages and Solutions

  • The Monthly Family Income is required. [801A Electronic File Transfer], [801A Input/Edit], [801B]

Problem: The Monthly Family Income is required. This field must have information.

Solution: Enter the monthly family income.

  • A valid Monthly Family Income must contain only whole numbers. [801A Electronic File Transfer], [801A Input/Edit], [801B]

Problem: A monthly family income that contains letters or symbols, or has not been rounded to the nearest whole dollar is entered. A valid monthly family income contains only whole numbers. The Child Development Management Information System (CDMIS) will not save an entry with letters, symbols, or decimals.

Solution: Confirm that the monthly family income is entered correctly.

  • “Monthly Family Income” must be zero because countable income has not been identified. [801B only]

Problem: The monthly family income is more than 0 (zero) dollars, but no income sources have been indicated for the family.

Solution: Confirm that the monthly family income and the income sources are entered correctly.

  • “Monthly Family Income” cannot be zero because countable income has been identified. [801B only]

Problem: The monthly family income is 0 (zero), but at least one income source has been indicated for the family.

Solution: Confirm that the monthly family income and the income sources are entered correctly.

  • Answer to “Family Income Greater Than 85 Percent of State Median Income (SMI) Level” is inconsistent with “Family Size” and “Monthly Family Income” information provided. [801 Electronic File Transfer], [801A Input/Edit], [801B]

Problem: The information entered for the following information fields is inconsistent:

  • Family Size
  • Monthly Family Income
  • Family Income Greater Than 85 Percent of SMI

This error occurs when the “Family Income Greater Than 85 Percent of State Median Income Level” information field is answered “Yes,” but the family’s income and family size indicate the family’s income level is at or below 85 percent of the SMI.

Or this error occurs when the “Family Income Greater Than 85 Percent of State Median Income Level” information field is answered “No,” but the family’s income and family’s size indicate the family’s income level is more than 85 percent of the SMI.

Solution: Confirm that the family’s monthly family income and family size are entered correctly. Confirm that the Family Income Greater than 85 Percent of the State Median Income Level information field is answered accordingly.

  • Monthly Family Income for this Family Size cannot exceed 85 percent of the State Median Income [801B only]

Problem: For families sampled for the CDD-801B, the family's income level, based on their family size, cannot be more than 85 percent of the SMI.

Solution: Confirm that the monthly family income and family size are entered correctly.

If the family’s income truly exceeds 85 percent of the SMI, the agency must exclude that family from the CDD-801B and update the record in the corresponding CDD-801A.

  • The “Monthly Family Income” for this family’s size must be less than 85 percent of the State Median Income unless the “Reason for Receiving Child Development Services” is “A – Child Protective Services,” “J – Handicapped,” or “Q – California State Preschool Program.” [801A Electronic File Transfer], [801A Input/Edit]

Problem: The family’s income level, based on the family’s size, cannot be more than 85 percent of the SMI based on the current FFS or income ceilings in effect. The only exception to this is when the reason for receiving child development services is “A – Child Protective Services” or when all children in the family receive services in CHAN or part-day CSPP.

Solution: Confirm that the information inputted into the following information fields is entered correctly: Monthly Family Income, Family Size, Reason for Receiving Child Development Services, Program Code(s), and Child Receives Part-time Care.

  • A family with children receiving services only in the part-day California State Preschool Program cannot have a “Monthly Family Income” that is more than 15 percent above the current income ceiling based on the family size, unless the "Reason for Receiving Child Care" is "A – Child Protective Services", “H – Seeking Permanent Housing” or the family is a Temporary Assistance to Needy Families/California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids Program (TANF/CalWORKs) Cash Aid Recipient. [801 Electronic File Transfer], [801A Input/Edit]

Problem: Based on the family income and family size provided, the family's income level exceeds the 15 percent over-income limit for families with children in part-day CSPP only.

Solution: Confirm that the Monthly Family Income, Family Size, and Program Codes are entered correctly.

  • The Monthly Family Income should be greater than the Monthly Child Care Fee. [801B only]

Problem: A Monthly Family Income that is the same or less than the Monthly Family Fee is entered.

Solution: Confirm that the Monthly Family Income and Monthly Family Fee are entered correctly.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The Monthly Family Income for a particular family is more than 100 percent of the state median income. This is actually a full-cost family. How should I answer this question?

CDD-801A: Full-cost families or families whose child care services are 100 percent funded by a source other than an agency’s contract with the EED should not be reported in the CDD-801A. The CDD-801A is specifically for the reporting of families and children whose child care services are paid through an agency’s contract(s) with EED.

CDD-801B: Families sampled for the CDD-801B are taken directly from CDD-801A reports submitted by agencies. Full-cost families should not be reported in the CDD-801A. If a full-cost family is listed in error in a CDD-801A, the agency must exclude that family from the CDD-801B and delete the record from the corresponding CDD-801A. Instructions for excluding information is located on the CDD-801B Edit Family Information screen within the CDMIS.

  • What do I do if the family had several income changes in the report month?

If the family’s monthly income increased, input the income used to determine the family’s eligibility to receive subsidized child care services through an agency’s contract with the EED for the current fiscal year (FY).

If the family’s monthly income decreased, use the last reported income for the report period (the last adjustment for the report period). The monthly family income reported should match the income used to determine the family fee.

  • The Monthly Family Income listed for this family is not correct in the CDD-801B. What should I do?

The monthly family income is taken directly from an agency’s submitted CDD-801A. An agency must correct the incorrect monthly family income reported in the CDD-801B and the corresponding CDD-801A.


Return to Appendix A: Data Definitions

Questions:   CDMIS Office | | 916-445-1907
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, March 12, 2024
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