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Child Care Reporting--Services Date

Services Date (CDD-801A only)

The Services Date information field indicates the date on which a child began receiving subsidized child care services through an agency’s contract with the Early Education Division (EED) by one of the following:

  • A specific provider (the person or entity that physically provides the services)
  • A specific Type of Care
  • A specific program type (contract prefix) (i.e., CSPP, CCTR, etc.)

When any of the three items noted above changes, the Services Date must reflect the effective date of the change. This date is used to calculate the ACF-800 Annual Aggregate report, which is a required federal report.

Where to Find It

The most accurate documentation should be located in the agency’s provider payment records. Documentation may also be located in the family’s file.

Rules and Guidelines

  • This information field is required.
  • Enter the date (day, month, and year) services began or changed with a specific provider, in a specific Type of Care, or under a particular Program Code.
  • If there is a change in the provider, the Type of Care, or the Program Code, enter the date on which the change became effective.
  • The Services Date must be on or after the Child Start Date.
  • The Services Date must be during or before the report period.
  • Change the Services Date when the provider’s Federal Employment Identification Number (FEIN) or Social Security Number (SSN) changed from the prior report period or changed during the report period. Use the effective date of the change as the new Services Date.
  • Change the Services Date when the Type of Care changed from the prior report period or changed during the report period. Use the effective date of the change as the new Services Date.
  • Change the Services Date when the Program Code changed from the prior report period or changed during the report period. Use the effective date of the change as the new Services Date.

Example 1

Janet Jones has received subsidized child care at Happy Day Care Center since April 1, 2018, three days a week after school. On April 15, 2019, she also began receiving subsidized services from Deanna's Family Day Care Home five days a week before school started. In the April 2019 report month, the agency reports two provider FEINs for this child: one for Happy Day Care Center (along with the Type of Care and Program Code) and one for Deanna's Family Day Care Home (along with the Type of Care and Program Code). The Services Date for Happy Day Care would remain April 1, 2018. The Services Date for Deanna's Family Day Care Home would be April 15, 2019.

Example 2

George Jones began receiving subsidized child care at Happy Day Care Center on February 15, 2019. George's last day at Happy Day Care Center was April 11, 2019, and the next day, April 12, 2019, George began receiving subsidized care at Deanna's Family Day Care Home. The agency reports two provider FEINs for this child in the April 2019 CDD-801A: one for Happy Day Care Center (along with the Type of Care and Program Code) and one for Deanna's Family Day Care Home (along with the Type of Care and Program Code). The Services Date for Happy Day Care would remain February 15, 2019. The Services Date for Deanna's Family Day Care Home would be April 12, 2019. In the May 2019 report month, the agency would only report one Provider FEIN/SSN for George, which would be Deanna's Family Day Care Home.

Example 3

Ben Kim has always received subsidized child care at Happy Day Care Center under the CCTR program. On April 10, 2019, the funding for his care changed from CCTR to CMIG. In April 2019, the agency's records showed that the majority of Ben’s care was provided by the CMIG contract. For the April 2019 CDD-801A, the agency changes the Services Date to April 10, 2019. In addition, the agency selects CMIG for Program Code 1 because CMIG paid for the greatest amount of services in the month. The agency selects CCTR for Program Code 2.

Example 4

For families who were served by an agency under C3AP in December 2018 and were determined eligible for CalWORKs Diversion services effective January 1, 2019, the January 2019 CDD-801A would reflect changes to both the Services Date and the Program Code.

For example, Sally Smith was receiving services from your agency under C3AP in December 2018 and was determined eligible for CalWORKs Diversion services effective January 1, 2019. For the December 2018 CDD-801A, there was no change in reporting this family. In the January 2019 CDD-801A, the agency changes the Services Date to January 1, 2019, and changes the Program Code to C2AP to reflect the services now being received under C2AP.

Example 5

For families who were served by an agency under C3AP in December 2018, were determined eligible for CalWORKs Diversion services to begin December 2018, and were transferred to C2AP immediately, the December 2018 CDD-801A would reflect a change in the Services Date in both Program Code 1 and Program Code 2. The January 2019 CDD-801A would reflect a change in Program Code 1. Program Code 2 would be blank.

For example, Jenny Jones received services from an agency in C3AP in December 2018. The determination of her eligibility for CalWORKs Diversion services was made on December 15, 2018. If an agency chose to transfer Jenny to C2AP at the time the eligibility for Diversion services was determined, the December 2018 CDD-801A for this family would reflect a change in the Services Date to December 15, 2018. Program Code 1 and Program Code 2 should reflect services from both C2AP and C3AP (the program listed under Program Code 1 should be the program that provided the most services during that report period). For the January 2019 CDD-801A, Program Code 1 should reflect C2AP as the only services Jenny received.

Example 6

For families who were served by an agency under C2AP in December 2018, exhausted their 24 months of eligibility after December 31, 2018, and were determined eligible for CalWORKs Diversion services, no changes in the Program Code or Services Date are necessary.

For example, Beth Bertolluci is receiving services from an agency under C2AP. Beth exhausted her 24 months of eligibility after December 31, 2018. Beth has been determined eligible for CalWORKs Diversion services, which will begin January 1, 2019. Because the program funding Beth's services did not change, no changes in the Program Code or Services Date are necessary because the family continues to receive under C2AP.

Example 7

Families who were served by Agency A under C3AP in December 2018, were determined eligible for CalWORKs Diversion services after December 31, 2018, and transferred to Agency B in January 2019, are considered new families.

For example, Leif Erickson was receiving C3AP services from Agency X until December 31, 2018. Leif is determined eligible for CalWORKs Diversion services and comes to Agency Y for services under C2AP in January 2019. Leif would be considered a new family and the Family Start Date would be the first day Leif began receiving services from Agency Y.

Error Messages and Solutions

  • The Services Date is required. [801A Electronic File Transfer], [801A Input/Edit]

Problem: The Services Date is blank.

Solution: Enter the Services Date.

  • Invalid Services Date. [801A Electronic File Transfer], [801A Input/Edit]

Problem: The Services Date entered is invalid or missing.

Solution: Enter a valid date.

  • The Services Month is required. [801A Input/Edit only]

Problem: No month was selected from the dropdown list.

Solution: Select the month from the dropdown list (January – December).

  • The Services Day is required. [801A Input/Edit only]

Problem: No day was selected from the dropdown list.

Solution: Select the day from the dropdown list (1 – 31).

  • The Services Year is required. [801A Input/Edit only]

Problem: No year was selected from the dropdown list.

Solution: Select the year from the dropdown list.

  • The Services Date must be on or before the report month/year. [801A Electronic File Transfer], [801A Input/Edit]

Problem: The Services Date is after the report period, indicating that the services are being reported in a month that has not yet begun.

Solution: Confirm that the Services Date is entered correctly.

  • The Services Date must be on or after the Child Start Date. [801A Electronic File Transfer], [801A Input/Edit]

Problem: The Services Date entered is before the Child Start Date.

Solution: Confirm that the services and child start dates are entered correctly.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I have a child who has changed centers during the month. Both centers are operated by the same provider but they have different zip codes. Nothing else changed for this child except the zip code of the provider. Do I change the Services Date because of the change in service location?

    Yes. Because the zip code changed for this provider, the Services Date should be changed based on the date the child began receiving subsidized child care services through an agency’s contract with the EED at the new location.
  • I do not know the Services Date. What should I do?

    First, determine whether a Services Date needs to be entered or changed by referring to the examples below.
Agencies Reporting the Following Appropriate Action
A new child for the first time

The Services Date is the date on which the child began receiving services from a specific provider. This date is found on the Notice of Action. For center-based programs, this is usually the first day the child attended the program and was eligible to be claimed for fiscal reimbursement purposes under an agency’s contract with the EED. For other programs, this is usually the first day that the agency paid for care for that child.

For a new family with a new child, the Family Start Date, the Child Start Date, and the Services Date will typically all be the same.

A child whose provider (the person or entity that physically provided the services) changed from the previous report period or changed during the current report period

Change the Services Date when the Provider FEIN/SSN changed from the prior report period or changed during the report period. Use the effective date of the change as the new Services Date.

A child whose Type of Care changed from the previous report period or changed during the current report period Change the Services Date when the Type of Care changed from the prior report period or changed during the report period. Use the effective date of the change as the new Services Date.
A child whose Program Code (i.e., contract funding source) changed from the previous report period or changed during current report period

Change the Services Date when the Program Code changed from the prior report period or changed during the report period. Use the effective date of the change as the new Services Date.

A child receiving services from the same provider, in the same type of care, and the same program code but who changed centers or classrooms Do not change the Services Date.


Return to Appendix A: Data Definitions

Questions:   CDMIS Office | | 916-445-1907
Last Reviewed: Monday, April 15, 2024
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