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Child Care Reporting--Income Level: 85 Percent

Family Income Greater Than 85 Percent of State Median Income Level

The Family Income Greater Than 85 Percent of State Median Income Level information field indicates whether the family’s income was greater than 85 percent of the State Median Income (SMI).

Where to Find It

Three kinds of information are needed to determine this response:

Information Source

Family size during the report period


On the ELCD-9600, look at item C, “Family Size” in Section III Family Adjusted Gross Monthly Income and Size.

Family monthly income for the report period

On the ELCD-9600, look at Item A Family Monthly Income in Section III Family Adjusted Gross Monthly Income and Size.

Schedule of Income Ceilings

Income Ceilings can be found at Early Education Division (EED) Management Bulletins.

Locate the family size and family income for the report period on the schedule of income ceilings for 85 percent of the SMI. If the family income exceeds the income listed for the family size on the schedule, select "Yes." If the family's income does not exceed the income listed for the family size on the schedule of incomes for 85 percent of the SMI, select "No."

Rules and Guidelines

  • This information field is required.
  • There are only three possible choices:
    • Yes – The family income is greater than 85 percent of SMI during the report period.
    • No – The family income is not greater than 85 percent of SMI during the report period.
    • Unavailable – The information for the family is unknown. This option should be chosen only for those Child Protective Services (CPS) cases where income is not collected, or for children receiving subsidized child care services under the Programs for Children with Severe Disabilities (CHAN) program because income information is not collected.

Error Messages and Solutions

  • The “Family Income Greater Than 85 Percent of State Median Income” information is required. [801A Electronic File Transfer], [801A Input/Edit], [801B]

    No selection has been made from the “Family Income Greater Than 85 Percent of State Median Income Level” dropdown list or this information is missing in the electronic file. This information field must contain information and cannot be left blank.

    Solution: Select Yes, No, or Unavailable from the dropdown list or confirm that Y, N, or U is entered in the electronic file.

  • Invalid Family Income information. [801A Electronic File Transfer only]

    Problem: The “Family Income Greater Than 85 Percent of State Median Income Level” information is not one of the valid choices.

    Solution: Confirm that a valid code (“Y,” “N,” or “U”) is entered.
  • “Unavailable” for “Family Income Greater Than 85 Percent of State Median Income” is only allowed when “Reason for Receiving Child Development Services” is “A – Child Protective Services.” [801A Electronic File Transfer], [801A Input/Edit], [801B]

    Families are required to provide income information when their eligibility to received subsidized child care services through an agency’s contract with the Early Education Division (EED) is determined, unless the reason for receiving subsidized child care services is CPS.

    Solution: Verify the information entered for the family’s monthly income and reason for receiving care.
  • Answer to “Family Income Greater Than 85 Percent of State Median Income Level” is inconsistent with “Family Size” and “Monthly Family Income” information provided. [801A Electronic File Transfer], [801A Input/Edit], [801B]

    The information entered for the following information fields is inconsistent: Family Size, Monthly Family Income, and “Family Income Greater Than 85 Percent of SMI." This error occurs when the “Family Income Greater Than 85 Percent of State Median Income Level” information field is answered “Yes,” but the family’s income and family size indicate the family’s income level is at or below 85 percent of the SMI. Or this error occurs when the “Family Income Greater Than 85 Percent of State Median Income Level” information field is answered “No,” but the family’s income and family’s size indicate the family’s income level is more than 85 percent of the SMI.

    Solution: Confirm that the family’s monthly family income and family size are entered correctly. Confirm that the Family Income Greater than 85 Percent of the State Median Income Level information field is answered accordingly.

  • The “Monthly Family Income” for this family’s size must be less than 85 percent of the State Median Income unless the “Reason for Receiving Child Development Services” is “A – Child Protective Services,” “J – Handicapped,” or “Q – California State Preschool Program.” [801A Electronic File Transfer], [801A Input/Edit]

    Problem: The family’s income level, based on the family’s size, cannot be more than 85 percent of the SMI based on the current Family Fee Schedule (FFS) or Income Ceilings in effect for families who receive subsidized child care services through an agency’s contract with the EED. The only exception to this is when the reason for receiving child development services is “A – Child Protective Services” or when all children in the family receive services from the part-time California State Preschool Program (CSPP) program or the CHAN program.

    Solution: Confirm that the information inputted into the following information fields is entered correctly: Monthly Family Income, Family Size, Reason for Receiving Child Development Services, Program Code(s), and Child Receives Part-time Care.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What do you mean by "Family Income Greater Than 85 Percent of State Median Income Level?"

    To answer this question correctly, look at the FFS or Income Ceilings that were in effect for the report period. Based on the family’s size, if the family's income is the same or less than the amount on the Monthly Income Ceilings row (the bottom row) of the FFS, then the answer to this question is "No." If the family's income is more than the amount shown on the Monthly Income Ceilings row, then the answer to this question is "Yes."

    Follow the steps: Find the family’s size on the applicable schedule. Determine "Is the family income more (a higher number) than the highest amount shown for this family’s size?” If it is, answer this question “Yes.” If it is not, answer this question “No.”
  • I am trying to change the answer to this question, but the only option is “No.” This family’s income information is incorrect. Their income does exceed 85 percent of the SMI. What do I do? [801B only]

    Exclude families with incomes that exceed 85 percent of the SMI from the CDD-801B. Only families with incomes that are at or below 85 percent of the SMI are eligible for the CDD-801B.
  • Income is not collected for certain families referred by CPS. What should we report here? [801B only]

    Report “Unavailable” for all income questions and select “A – Child Protective Services” as the “Reason for Receiving Child Development Services.” Leave the “Monthly Family Income” blank and check the CPS Override box.


Return to Appendix A: Data Definitions

Questions:   CDMIS Office |
Last Reviewed: Friday, March 08, 2024
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