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Upcoming Guidance and Family Fees

Email Information on Upcoming Guidance and Family Fees

Subject: Upcoming Guidance and Family Fees

Attention: Executive Directors and Program Directors of All Subsidized Early Learning and Care Programs

The California Department of Education (CDE), Early Learning and Care Division (ELCD) would like to thank local partners and programs for all of your efforts in supporting children and families during this incredibly difficult time. We acknowledge each and every one of you who are continuing to support the children and families of California. Whether you are currently open, preparing to open, or preparing for distance learning, the ELCD acknowledges your need for guidance at this time. We appreciate your efforts and continue to work with the Legislature and the Administration in order to provide the direction you need.

To address concerns regarding the collection of family fees in a variety of situations, the CDE, ELCD engaged with the Legislature and the Administration on a solution to waive family fees for July and August 2020. Further, the CDE understands the Administration and Legislature plan to address the fee cost in August Budget Actions.

Contractors must immediately suspend collecting any family fees for the month of August and must notify families and providers that the fees for July and August have been waived, pursuant to the Superintendent’s authority provided by Education Code Section 8209. In addition, contractors should not disenroll families for non-payment of family fees until further guidance is released from the CDE. This guidance will address family fees for emergency childcare, distance learning, reimbursing families for paid fees, reimbursing providers for fees not collected, and other issues.

In addition, we understand the urgent need for information and appreciate your patience as we work hard to implement Management Bulletins (MBs) based on the Fiscal Year 2020–21 Budget Act.

As a reminder, the CDE will be releasing MBs for direction and guidance covering the following topics:

  • Direct contract programs – regarding distance learning, Desired Results Developmental Profiles, contract reimbursement, and related issues
  • Alternative Payment & Data – regarding provider payment and data collection requirements
  • Resource and Referrals and Local Planning Councils – regarding data collection requirements and supply distribution
  • Family Fees – regarding family fees for children that are distance learning and addressing family fees paid for July and August.

Please visit our Early Learning and Care Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) web page for the latest updates.

If you have questions regarding the information in this email, please contact your assigned Program Quality Implementation Regional Consultant on the ELCD Consultants Regional Assignments web page.

Questions:   Early Learning & Care Division |
Last Reviewed: Thursday, February 08, 2024
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