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Quality Counts California (CA)

The goal of Quality Counts CA is to ensure that children in California have access to high quality programs so that they thrive in their early learning settings and succeed in kindergarten and beyond. The Quality Counts CA (formerly CA-QRIS) Consortium strives to improve the quality of early learning with a focus in three areas of program quality: child development and readiness for school; teachers and teaching; and program and environment quality.

California has a collective of county and regional QRISs. Each QRIS in California:

  • Assesses program quality comparably across provider types (publicly and privately funded, centers and family child care homes) throughout the state;
  • Aligns program standards with early learning and practitioner standards;
  • Supports continuous quality improvement for participating programs and their staff;
  • Provides families with information about program quality to assist them in making informed choices.

Quality Counts CA Consortium Documents

Annual Data Collection

Site-level common data report for each county or regional consortia for Quality Counts CA accountability and performance monitoring.

Quality Counts CA Website

The Quality Counts CA has developed a Web site focused on providing local resources and supports to California’s parents, families, and early learning and care providers while connecting policymakers to the importance of the California’s QRIS and quality early learning and care experiences.

Quality Counts California Regional Certification and Coordination Grant

The Quality Counts CA Regional Certification and Coordination Grant provides federal Child Care and Development Block Grant funding to the Quality Counts CA Regional Hub Lead Agencies and the Tribal Child Care Association of California for regional certification of assessors and trainers, regional coordination, regional communities of practice and regional training.

Questions:   Early Education Division | | 916-322-6233
Last Reviewed: Monday, June 17, 2024
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