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Transcript: Grade One ELA Designated ELD

Grade One English Language Arts (ELA) Designated English Language Development (ELD) Video Transcript.

Grade One English Language Arts Designated English Language Development: Expanding Sentences Using a That Clause to Describe Firefighters

Grade One ELA Designated ELD Video Transcript (DOCX)

Introductory Slides (00:00–03:35)

Narrator: Welcome to the California Department of Education Integrated and Designated English Language Development Transitional Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve Video Series.

Narrator: Designated English Language Development—Building Into and From English Language Arts in Grade One. In this lesson, the students are learning, reviewing, and practicing how to expand and enrich their ideas using the relative pronoun "that". They intentionally listen, read, speak, and write in order to build language and linguistic structures. The students use these language resources to be more precise and detailed in discussing and writing informational texts now, as well as when they return to their integrated English language arts class to read, write, and speak about community helpers.

Narrator: The Focal California English Language Development Standards Driving this Lesson. The English Language Development Standards at the Bridging level are: Grade 1, Part 1, Standard 1, Exchanging Information and Ideas, where students contribute to class, group, and partner discussions by listening attentively, following turn-taking rules, and asking and answering questions; and Grade 1, Part 2, Standard 4, Using Nouns and Noun Phrases, where students expand noun phrases in a variety of ways, in order to enrich the meaning of phrases and sentences, and add details about ideas, people, things, and the like, in shared language activities guided by the teacher and independently. Watch how students move from early levels of proficiency toward the Bridging Levels of these English language development standards throughout the lesson.

Narrator: The Supporting California English Language Arts Standards Used in Tandem with the Focal English Language Development Standards. The English Language Arts Standards are: Grade 1, Speaking and Listening, Standard 1, where students participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about Grade 1 topics and texts, with peers and adults in small and larger groups: they a) follow agreed upon rules for discussions, b) build on others talk in conversations by responding to the comments of others through multiple exchanges, and c) ask questions to clear up any confusion about the topics and texts under discussion; and Grade 1 Language, Standard 1j, where students demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. They produce and expand complete simple and compound declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences in response to prompts. Watch for how these California English language arts standards are addressed throughout the lesson.

Narrator: Watch how the teacher leads the students through a series of activities that allow them to expand and enrich their descriptions of firefighters and their equipment. The students engage in oral exchanges with the whole group and then with a partner, creating expanded novel sentences using a "that" clause, before moving to independent writing.

Teacher Introduces the Lesson (03:36–09:55)

Teacher: We want our writing to be precise. Show me “precise.”

Students: [choral response and gesture] Precise!

Teacher: And detailed... detailed. “Precise” means we are getting right to the point, and “detailed” it's interesting, we're adding some more information. All right, let's get started.

Students: [choral response] Yay!

Teacher: We have a short informational text that we're gonna read together. All right, let's read the heading, "Firefighters."

[Teacher points to words in the text on a screen.]

Students: [choral read] “Firefighters are community helpers that help people stay safe.”

Teacher: Okay, we are going to get started, because I can tell that you have read informational text, you have watched a video about it, and now we have another informational text. Now we're going to start looking at specifically the language now. Are you ready?

Students: [choral response] Yes!

Teacher: Look at this sentence. Ready, ready, read!

Students: [choral read] “Firefighters are community helpers.”

Teacher: you think that sentence is very precise?

Students: [choral response] No!

Teacher: Detailed?

Students: No! It is simple! … simple sentence!

Teacher: It is a simple sentence and we say that's not very interesting...

Student 1: Yeah, it needs the word “that.”

Teacher: We might need “that.” Yes, we've been talking about that relative pronoun "that."

Student 5: Wait, there is the words right there.

Teacher: So, firefighters are community helpers... that... help people stay safe. Oh boy, are you ready?

Students: Yes.

Teacher: I need to tell you more about the word "that," it's a relative pronoun. Say “relative pronoun.”

Students: [choral response] Relative pronoun!

Teacher: “that...”

Students: [choral response] That!

Teacher: Now I say, “that” tells me more... about what came before. Excellent, so we're going to give more information. So, let's read that simple sentence. We're going to expand and enrich, and we're going to add more details. Are you ready?

Students: [choral response] Yes!

Teacher: Here we go…

[Teacher points to words in the text on a screen.]

Teacher and Students: “Firefighters are community helpers that [blank]”.

Teacher: Okay, now we're gonna think about this... how can we expand and enrich this?

Student 5: Maybe we could... stretch it out more.

Teacher: Okay, so we're going—

Student 5: And add more detail.

Teacher: Yes! Say it, we are gonna stretch it out more and add more detail.

Students: [gesturing] … more detail!

Teacher: I love your emotions, you did, Shelly!

Student 5: We need more key details.

Teacher: Yes, because we don't know how firefighters are helping the community...

Student 5: But... maybe we have to take community out... but we have to put some of the words there.

Student 1: Because if we just say, firefighters are community helpers that help people, we don’t know what they help people for.

Teacher: So, we need to think about how firefighters help people in the community. Okay, what do they do to help them? Yeah, what do they do? Think about it... you might say something like: Firefighters are community helpers that help put out fires.

Student 3: That’s what I was going to say!

Teacher: Amazing! I bet though... I bet you could come up with more ideas. Are you ready... you have some ideas... we're going to turn and talk.

[Students turn to a partner.]

Student 1: I have another idea... Firefighters are community helpers that...that help people when they are in an emergency.

Student 3: I can...

Student 1: Respond to me!

Student 3: I can build on your idea. Ummm... Firefighters are community helpers that... that help people and... that... help people who are in an emergency.

Student 1: I have another idea... Firefighters are community helpers that...

Student 3: help...

Student 1: …that help people who are sick or hurt.

Teacher: Now, let's read the sentence frame together.

Students: Okay!

Teacher and Students: “Firefighters have fire trucks that [blank.”

Teacher: Okay, now you're gonna take some of our ideas, right... first, we have to put them in our graphic organizer and then we're gonna practice expanding and enriching. Are you ready? What do fire trucks have?  Get your pencil ready... okay think about it...

Student 1: I know it... Fire trucks have flashing lights. Flashing lights...

Teacher: Could you write that in your oval? In your graphic organizer?

Student 3: I... I... I have another idea Bella, ummm, you know... Firefighters have fire trucks that have ladders and radios.

Teacher: Ladders and radios... oooh, that was another idea! And I want you to write your sentence.

Student 1: Do we start writing?

Teacher: Yes, please. Begin.

[Students writing and sounding out words.]

Student 3: d-d-d radio... d...d...d... Where’s d? ra-d-d-io... radio... Firefighters have fire trucks that has radios.

Student: Firefighters have fire trucks that have radios and ladders and hose.

Teacher: Hoses, more than one hose. Are you ready to share out Christopher?

Student 10: Firefighters have h-h-hoses that shoot out water.

Teacher: Wow! That is an original sentence... he added

Students: [choral response] Shoot!

Teacher: He added, what do the hoses do?

Students: [choral response] Shoot out water!

Beyond the Designated English Language Development Lesson Building Into and From Content Instruction (09:56–11:30)

Narrator: By engaging in designated English language development lessons such as this one, the students are better prepared and more confident to express their growing content knowledge in listening, speaking, reading and writing during collaborative activities with peers, in small groups, as a whole class, and individually with increasing independence.

Student 1: Fires happen…

Student 3:

Student 1: Firefighters put out fires, wherever fire happen... firefighters can...

Student 7: What is this word again?

Student 1: I need my notes...

Student 7: What is this word again?

Student 1: Wherever...

Student 7: I don't even know.  

Student 1: You know how to draw that!  Firefighters put out fires wherever fires happen. Then draw it!

Student 2: What about the fires?

Student 8: Firefighters was teaching him, umm...

Student 2: Firefighters can teach people how to be safe... I am going to help...

Student 8: Firefighters help... people... Firefighters help people...

Closing Slides (11:31–12:48)

Narrator: Reflection and discussion, reflect on the following questions: First, how did you observe the following focal English language development standards and supporting content standards being implemented in this grade one designated English language development lesson? English Language Development, Part 1, Standard 1, Exchanging Information and Ideas; and Part 2, Standard 4, Using Nouns and Noun Phrases. English Language Arts, Speaking and Listening, Standard 1, and Language, Standard 1j. Second, what features of designated English language development did you observe in the lesson? Now, pause the video and engage in a discussion with colleagues.

Narrator: The California Department of Education would like to thank the administrators, teachers and students who participated in the making of this video. This video was made possible by the California Department of Education in collaboration with WestEd and Timbre Films.

Questions:   Language Policy and Leadership Office | 916-319-0845
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
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