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Chapter Three Long Descriptions

Long descriptions for complex figures in chapter three of the California Practitioners’ Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities.

Figure 3.5

Figure 3.5 is a screenshot of a form for recording and documenting summary information on the interventions that have been tried with a student and the outcomes of these interventions. The form was created by Gaviria and Tipton included in the San Diego Unified School District’s, CEP-EL: A Comprehensive Evaluation Process for English Learners: A Process Manual, has been adapted for 508 compliance, and can be found in a fillable format in appendix 3.4 of this guide.

Figure 3.5 a screenshot of the top part of the form providing spaces to enter information about the student: their name, identification number, date, school, grade, teacher, and program type. There is also a text box for entering information on the student’s strengths.

Underneath the student strengths text box is a column aligned to the left margin stating: Area of concern: Extrinsic factors (refer to English Learner [EL] extrinsic factors form). Next to this column, in the center, a space is provided to describe the intervention, and the column to the right of the center column provides a space for recording the outcomes and dates of the intervention.

The source for the form is adapted from A. Gaviria, and T. Tipton, CEP-EL: A Comprehensive Evaluation Process for English Learners: A Process Manual (San Diego: San Diego Unified School District, 2012, updated 2016).

Return to the California Practitioners' Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities (PDF; 6MB)


Figure 3.6

Figure 3.6 is a screenshot of a flow chart form titled “English Learner Initial Referral and Decision-Making Process” created by Gaviria and Tipton and included in the San Diego Unified School District’s CEP-EL: A Comprehensive Evaluation Process for English Learners: A Process Manual. The form has been adapted for 508 compliance and can be found in appendix 3.5 of this guide.

The screenshot provides the top part of the flow chart. The top box in the flow chart states “English Learner is experiencing academic and/or behavioral difficulties as determined by performance data across settings, strengths and weaknesses, and comparison to peers (where possible, from similar backgrounds).” From this box there is a downward pointing arrow to a new box asking the first question: “Have the English Learner’s physical and psychological factors been ruled out as primary contributors to the difficulties?”

If the answer to the first question is “yes,” provided in a box under the first question, the reader is led to the second question, under the “yes,” providing the second question: “Have the English Learner’s personal and cultural factors been ruled out as primary contributors to the difficulties?”

If the answer is “no” to the first questions, provided to the right of the first question, the reader is led to a box to the right of “no” stating: “Provide intervention in areas such as vision, nutrition, hearing, sleep, trauma or injury, illness, living conditions, safety, belonging, and self-esteem (See Section A, EL Extrinsic Factors form).”

If the answer to the second question is “yes,” the reader is led to a third question appearing below the “yes”: “Has the English Learner’s language development been ruled out as a primary contributor to the difficulty?

If the answer to the second question is “no,” the reader is led to a box to the right of the "no" stating: “Provide intervention in areas such as socioeconomic status (e.g., utilize community resources), parental involvement & education, mobility, attendance, experience, cultural norms and dynamics, and acculturation process. (See Section B, EL Extrinsic Factors form).”

If the answer to the third question is “no,” the reader is led to a box to the right of “no” stating: “Provide intervention in areas such as proficiency in all languages (social and academic) and English Language Development (ELD) instruction. (See Section C, EL Extrinsic Factors form).” The flow chart form is adapted from A. Gaviria, and T. Tipton, CEP-EL: A Comprehensive Evaluation Process for English Learners: A Process Manual (San Diego: San Diego Unified School District, 2012, updated 2016).

Return to the California Practitioners' Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities (PDF; 6MB)


Questions: Patrick Garcia-Smith | | 916-322-5101 
Last Reviewed: Friday, February 2, 2024
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