Family Involvement & Partnerships
Resources and support for parents, guardians, and families of children with disabilities.This page will highlight the topics and links from other sections of this website, which are of particular interest and will provide information, resources and support to parents, guardians and families of children with disabilities.
Complaint Support Unit
Provides technical assistance information and resources for parents, school districts, advocates, agencies and others of procedural safeguards regarding students between ages 3 and 21 with disabilities and their educational rights.
- Toll-free Help Line: 800-926-0648; Weekdays, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Email:
- FAX: 916-327-3704
Rights of Parents and Children
Special Education Rights of Parents and Children Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, and the California Education Code.
Parents' Rights
A brief summary of Procedural Safeguards for students with disabilities receiving special education services.
Derechos de Los Padres
Un breve resumen de las garantías procesales para los estudiantes con discapacidades que reciben servicios de educación especial.
Training on Writing Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) Based on State Standards
Writing measurable annual goals and objectives in the IEP related to California Content Standards.
California Autism Professional Training and Information Network (CAPTAIN)
CAPTAIN is a multiagency network developed to support the understanding and use of Evidence Based Practices for individuals affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder across the state
California Parent Organizations
List of California agencies providing resources for families of children with disabilities.
Connections California
Statewide accessible resource provided by Parents Helping Parents (PHP) of Santa Clara, a Parent Training and Information Center (PTI) for anyone with any disability to access to support transition into adulthood.
Reasons for Concern
When you suspect your child or a child in your care may have a disability or special need(s).
Diabetes Management in Schools
Information to assist schools in effectively managing diabetes, one of the most common chronic diseases in school-aged children.
Algebra I/Mathematics I Graduation Requirements
Frequently asked questions for Algebra I graduation requirements.
ED Response to Report Card and Transcript Questions (Posted 24-Aug-2006)
United States Department of Education clarifies issues regarding grade reporting for students with disabilities.
A child with or at risk of developmental delay or disability
can receive an "Early Start" in the State of California.
The California Department of Developmental Services plans, develops,
implements, and monitors the statewide early intervention services
system in collaboration with the California Department of Education.
National Center for Parent Information and Resources (CPIR)
A central source of information on IDEA, No Child Left Behind (as it relates to children with disabilities) and research-based information on effective educational practices. Materials found on the CPIR have been created and archived for Parent Training and Information Centers around the country to help them provide support and services to the families with children who have disabilities
Parents Helping Parents E-Learning Library
The E-Learning Library is accessible statewide 24/7 via Parents PHP of Santa Clara, a PTI, in an effort to provide downloadable content for disability support and information.