Instructional Quality Commission

Instructional Quality Commission
An advisory body to the California State Board of EducationMEETING AGENDA
January 29–30, 2025
Instructional Quality Commission Members
- Lena Bradshaw
- Jacquay Durant
- Anita Friedman
- Cheryl Frye
- Charice Guerra
- Javier Hernandez
- Jennifer Hicks
- Janet Lanning
- Neil MacGaffey
- Alicia Raygoza
- Nikole Reina-Guerra
- Kou Vang
- Marcey Winawer
- Kimberly Young
- Erica Zepeda
- Katherine Verrando, Student Member
- Assemblymember James Ramos
- Senator Ben Allen
Executive Director
- Mike Torres
State Board of Education Liaisons
- Cynthia Glover Woods
- Brenda Lewis
- Sharon Olken
Schedule of Meeting | Location |
Commission Orientation Wednesday, January 29, 2025 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. ± (plus or minus)* Commission Meeting (live webcast) Thursday, January 30, 2025 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. ± (plus or minus)* |
California Department of Education 1430 N Street, Room 1101 Sacramento, CA 95814 916-319-0881 |
Please see the detailed agenda for more information about the items to be considered and acted upon. The public is welcome.
All times are approximate and are provided for convenience only.
All items may be heard in a different order than how they are listed on the agenda on any day of the noticed meeting.
The Instructional Quality Commission (IQC or Commission) will hold a commissioner orientation on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, followed by a meeting on Thursday, January 30, 2025, at the location indicated above. The meeting will include some activities involving the IQC as a whole and others involving one or more of the IQC’s various committees. The following outline of activities is provided for convenience only. The actual order of business may be changed without notice by the IQC Chair or Executive Director to accommodate the needs of members, invited presenters, and key staff. Anyone interested in a particular matter should plan on being in attendance for the whole meeting. Timing and order of activities may change. The full IQC and its various committees will commence, recess, and reconvene as necessary throughout the meeting.
The agenda listing is illustrative of the matters to be considered, but it is not necessarily exhaustive.
The agenda for this IQC meeting may involve the full scope of its statutory responsibilities, which includes studying the problems of courses of study in the schools of the state; developing criteria; conducting the evaluation of instructional materials; and recommending minimum standards for courses of study, curriculum frameworks, and the adoption or rejection of instructional materials. The IQC reserves the right to consider specific matters and take action within the full scope of its responsibilities. The list that follows is illustrative of the matters to be considered, but it is not necessarily exhaustive.
Members of the public may view the meeting by live webcast which will subsequently be archived on the IQC web page. The orientation will not be archived, and the video recording will be available on request.
The January 29–30, 2024, IQC orientation and meeting will be held at the California Department of Education (CDE) building at the address noted above. The CDE building will be open to the public; however, capacity may be limited to allow for physical distancing, and masks will be made available to those members of the public attending the meeting.
Public comment on items before the IQC at this meeting may be provided via email, phone, or in person, as specified below.
The public is highly encouraged to submit written comments to the IQC Commissioners in advance for their prior consideration. In order to help ensure that Commissioners have sufficient time to review comments prior to the meeting, please submit your comment by noon on Thursday, January 23, 2025, to the IQC mailbox at Join the IQC electronic mailing list to receive information and updates from the Commission.
While not required, we ask that the following information be included in the body of the email:
- Commenter’s first and last name
- Organization affiliation
- Agenda item number or general public comment
Public comment on items before the IQC at this meeting may also be provided during the meeting by dialing the phone number and following a prompt to provide a participant access code. The operator will notify callers when it is their turn to provide public comment. If possible, we recommend that members of the public dialing in for public comment view the live stream of the meeting for awareness of the order and timing of items being considered. The number and access code are below and will also be announced at the start of public comment for each item.
- The phone line will open before each agenda item and close at the conclusion of that item. Commenters should not call in until the beginning of the agenda item they wish to give public comment on.
- Prior to making public comment, speakers who are watching the meeting via live webcast should make sure the volume on their computer is muted to avoid an echoing or feedback sounds during the call.
- Each speaker will be allotted one minute of public comment for each agenda item.
- Please use the phone number and access code provided below:
- Phone number: (667) 770-1523
- Access code: 651905
- Speakers may only give comment for themselves and not provide comment on behalf of another individual or group.
In Person
Public comment may also be provided in person at the IQC meeting; however, capacity may be limited to allow for physical distancing, and masks will be made available to those members of the public attending the meeting. In all cases, the presiding officer reserves the right to impose time limits on presentations as may be necessary to ensure that the agenda is completed. Following are general guidelines when providing public comment in person:
- CDE Headquarters is a secured building. Visitors must check in with the guard station and show a valid photo identification to receive a temporary badge.
- Members of the public may sign up to address the IQC/Committee during the time allocated for such public comment.
- Members of the public may only sign up to speak themselves and may not sign up other speakers.
- Speakers will be allotted a prescribed maximum amount of time, at the discretion of the IQC/Committee Chair, based upon the number of speakers.
- Speakers may not provide comment on behalf of another individual or group who is not present.
- Speakers may not allocate their allotted time to another speaker.
- Speakers shall refrain from using profanity and shall conduct themselves in a respectful manner.
Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability or any other individual who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in a meeting or function of the IQC may request assistance by contacting the CDE's Curriculum Frameworks & Instructional Resources Division Office at 1430 N Street, Room 3207, Sacramento, CA 95814; telephone 916-319-0881; facsimile 916-319-0172 at least three days in advance of the scheduled meeting date.
This agenda is posted on the IQC website.
Instructional Quality Commission
Email Address:
Phone: 916-319-0881
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
1 p.m. to 4 p.m. ± (plus or minus)
2025 Instructional Quality Commission Orientation
- Welcome and Introductions
- Roles and Responsibilities
- IQC Protocols and Processes
- Public Comment on the Orientation
- Commission Sunshine Club
- Subject Matter Committee Preferences
- Lessons Learned
- Adjournment of Orientation
Commission Dinner
1801 Capitol Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95811
(No business will be conducted at this event)
Thursday, January 30, 2025
9 a.m. to 12 p.m. ± (plus or minus)
- Full Instructional Quality Commission
- Call to Order
- Salute to the Flag
- Overview of Agenda
- 2025 Election of Chair, Vice Chair, and Three Executive Committee Members
- Approve Minutes for the Following Meeting (Action)
- Report of the IQC Chair
- Report of the Deputy Superintendent
- Report of the Executive Director
- Report of the State Board of Education
- Approve 2025 IQC Goals (Action) (DOCX)
- Approve 2026 IQC Meeting Dates (Action) (DOCX)
- Approve Personal Finance Subject Matter Committee (Action)
- Personal Finance Curriculum Guide Timeline and Foundational Principles (Information)
- Preschool Transitional Kindergarten Learning Foundations Presentation (Information)
- Executive Committee (DOCX)
- Appointment of Subject Matter Committee Chairs
IQC Chair Appoints - Assignment of Members to the Subject Matter Committees
Executive Committee Appoints - Designation of Liaisons
IQC Chair Appoints- Concurrence Committee for the California Subject Matter Projects
- Commission “Sunshine Club”
- Appointment of Subject Matter Committee Chairs
- Ad Hoc Committee (DOCX)
- Election of Vice Chair (Action)
- Arts Subject Matter Committee (DOCX)
- Election of Vice Chair (Action)
- Education Technology Committee (DOCX)
- Election of Vice Chair (Action)
- English Language Arts/English Language Development Subject Matter Committee (DOCX)
- Election of Vice Chair (Action)
- Health Subject Matter Committee (DOCX)
- Election of Vice Chair (Action)
- History–Social Science Subject Matter Committee (DOCX)
- Election of Vice Chair (Action)
- Mathematics Subject Matter Committee (DOCX)
- Election of Vice Chair (Action)
- Personal Finance Subject Matter Committee (DOCX)
- Election of Vice Chair (Action)
- Physical Education Subject Matter Committee (DOCX)
- Election of Vice Chair (Action)
- Science Subject Matter Committee (DOCX)
- Election of Vice Chair (Action)
- World Languages Subject Matter Committee (DOCX)
- Election of Vice Chair (Action)
- Full Commission Reconvenes
- Adjournment of Meeting