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IQC Meeting Minutes June 20, 2016

State of California
Edmund G. Brown Jr., Governor

Instructional Quality Commission
An advisory body to the California State Board of Education
Report of Action
Monday, June 20, 2016

10:10 a.m. to 12:27 p.m.

Instructional Quality Commission (IQC) Members Participating
  • Lauryn Wild, IQC Chair, at San Bernardino City Unified School District (USD) Office
  • Bill Honig, IQC Vice Chair, in Mill Valley, CA
  • Soomin Chao at South Pasadena USD, South Pasadena, CA
  • Lizette Diaz at Ontario-Montclair School District, Ontario, CA
  • Rob Foster at Beattie Middle School, Highland, CA
  • Lori Freiermuth at Olympian High School, Chula Vista, CA
  • Risha Krishna at Dublin Library, Dublin, CA
  • Dean Reese, at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA
  • Jennifer Woo at California Department of Education (CDE), Sacramento, CA
State Board of Education (SBE) Liaisons Participating:
  • Ilene Straus in Los Angeles, CA
  • Trish Williams in San Diego, CA
Science Framework Writer Participating:
  • Matthew d’Alessio at California State University, Northridge, CA
California Department of Education Staff Participating:
  • Bryan Boyd
  • Kristen Cruz Allen
  • Deborah Franklin
  • Gustavo Gonzalez
  • Stephanie Gregson
  • Cynthia Gunderson
  • Ken McDonald
  • Blessing Mupanduki
  • Cliff Rudnick
  • Tracie Yee
Public Members Present:
  • Jennifer Allison at San Bernardino City USD, San Bernardino, CA
  • Bryan Ehlers, CalRecycle, at CDE, Sacramento, CA
  • Lisa Hegdahl, California Science Teachers Association (CSTA) at CDE, Sacramento, CA
  • Gerald Lieberman, State Education & Environment Roundtable (SEER), at Olympian
  • High School, Chula Vista, CA
  • Pat Maio, EdSource, at Ontario-Montclair School District, Ontario, CA
  1. Instructional Quality Commission

    1. Call to Order
      IQC Chair Lauryn Wild called the meeting to order. All participating members introduced themselves and verified the posting of the public meeting notice. The participating CDE staff members and the public were also identified.

  2. Health Subject Matter Committee
    Subject Matter Committee (SMC) Chair Jennifer Woo called the Health SMC meeting to order.

    1. 2019 Revision of the Health Education Framework
      1. Schedule of Significant Events (Timeline) (Information/Action)
        ACTION: Commissioner Krishna moved to approve the Schedule of Significant Events for the 2019 Revision of the Health Education Framework for California Public Schools: Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve and to request that the full IQC approve and recommend to the SBE the Schedule of Significant Events for the 2019 Revision of the Health Education Framework for California Public Schools. Commissioner Honig seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. A roll call vote was taken. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the committee members present (4–0).
      2. Application for Appointment to the Health Education Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee (CFCC) (Information/Action)
        Health SMC Chair Woo suggested adding the six health content areas of the health education standards as a checklist and clarifying language body of the third question in the Areas of Expertise and Leadership section of the application.
        Commissioner Krishna moved to add suggested language then approve the Application for Appointment to the Health CFCC and to request the full IQC to approve and recommend to the SBE the Application for Appointment to the Health Education CFCC with the new language. Commissioner Wild seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. A roll call vote was taken. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the committee members present (4–0).

  3. Full Commission Reconvenes
    IQC Chair Wild reconvened the full IQC.

    1. Report/Action from Subcommittees
      Health Subject Matter Committee
      1. 2019 Revision of the Health Education Framework Timeline (Action)
        ACTION: Commissioner Woo moved that the IQC approve and recommend to the SBE the Schedule of Significant Events for the 2019 Revision of the Health Education Framework for California Public Schools: Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve. Commissioner Krishna seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. A roll call vote was taken. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (9–0).
      2. 2019 Revision of the Health Education Framework Application for Appointment to the Health Education CFCC (Action)
        Commissioner Woo moved that the IQC approve and recommend to the SBE the Application for Appointment to the Health Education CFCC with the changes made by the Health SMC. Commissioner Krishna seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. A roll call vote was taken. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (9–0).

        Science Subject Matter Committee
      3. Science Framework for California Public Schools: Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (Science Framework), 2016 Revision (Information/Action)
        IQC Chair Wild reported at the May 20, 2016 meeting, the IQC took action and approved the following draft Science Framework documents:
        • Table of Contents
        • State Board of Education Policy on the Teaching of Natural Sciences
        • Chapter 3 – Kindergarten Through Grade Two
        • Chapter 9 – Instructional Strategies for the Next Generation Science Standards for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve Teaching and Learning for the 21st Century
        • Chapter 11 – Instructional Resources to Support the Next Generation Science Standards for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve
        • Appendix 1: Recommended Literature for the Science Classroom
        • Appendix 2: K–12 Connections to Environmental Principles and Concepts
        • Appendix 3: Progression of the Science and Engineering Practices, Disciplinary Core Ideas, and Crosscutting Concepts in Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve
        • Appendix 4: High School Three-Year Model: Every Science, Every Year
        • Appendix 5: Computer Science in Science
        • Glossary Part 1 and 2
        • New Resources Section

        At today’s meeting the IQC reviewed, discussed, and took action on the remaining chapters.

        1. The IQC will review, discuss, and act on the following:
          • Chapter 1–Overview of the California Next Generation Science Standards
          • Chapter 2–Transitional Kindergarten
          • Chapter 4–Grades Three Through Five
          • Chapter 5–Introduction to Grades Six Through Eight
          • Chapter 5–Preferred Integrated Model
          • Chapter 5–Discipline Specific Model
          • Chapter 6a–Introduction to Grades Nine Through Twelve
          • Chapter 6b–High School 3 Course Model Introduction Chapter 6c–High School Three Course Model – The Living Earth
          • Chapter 6d–High School Three Course Model – Chemistry in the Earth System
          • Chapter 6e–High School Three Course Model – Physics in the Universe
          • Chapter 6f–High School 4 Course Model Introduction
          • Chapter 6g–High School Four Course Model – Life Science/ Biology
          • Chapter 6h–High School Four Course Model – Chemistry
          • Chapter 6i–High School Four Course Model – Physics
          • Chapter 6j–High School Four Course Model – Earth and Space Sciences
          • Chapter 7– Assessment of Student Learning
          • Chapter 8– Access and Equity
          • Chapter 10–Implementing High-Quality Science Instruction: Professional Learning, Leadership, and Supports

            CFIRD staff member Bryan Boyd guided the discussion on the remaining chapters that were reviewed. During the discussion of each chapter, Matthew d’Alesssio, science framework writer, highlighted changes and edits to the revised version before Commissioners, State Board liaisons, and the public were asked for comments and consensus was reached on each chapter. Lisa Hegdahl, CSTA, and Jennifer Allison gave public comment on Chapter 5: Preferred Integrated Model.

        2. Approval to recommend the draft Science Framework to the State Board of Education for adoption (Action)
          Commissioner Reese moved that the IQC recommend the draft Science Framework to the SBE for adoption and direct the CDE staff to post the framework online for the second 60-day public review period, with recommended edits, from June 28, 2016, through August 29, 2016. Commissioner Chao seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (9–0).

    B. Public Comment on Today’s Meeting Agenda Items: None

  4. IQC Chair adjourned the meeting at approximately 12:27 p.m.


Last Reviewed: Thursday, July 13, 2023
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