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CDE Program Contacts

Contact information for inquiries on specific program funding sources.
Title I, Part A
Program Program Information, Fiscal Information, or Both Staff Assignment Email Telephone Number
LEA Allocation and Reservations Program Information Sylvia Hanna 916-319-0948
School Allocation Both Rina DeRose 916-323-0472


Both Rina DeRose 916-323-0472
Protected Prayer Certification Both Miguel Cordova 916-319-0381
Nonprofit Private School Equitable Services Both Sylvia Hanna 916-319-0948
Schoolwide Programs
Both Rina DeRose 916-323-0472
Targeted Assistance Program Both Rina DeRose 916-323-0472
Title I, Part D
Program Program Information, Fiscal Information, or Both Staff Assignment Email Telephone Number

At-Risk, Neglected, Juvenile Detention, Juvenile Correction

Both Sherry Davis or 916-445-4904
Title II, Part A
Program Program Information, Fiscal Information, or Both Staff Assignment Email Telephone Number

Supporting Effective Instruction

Program Information Lisa Fassett 916-323-4963
Supporting Effective Instruction Fiscal Information Alice Ng 916-323-4636
Title III, Part A
Program Program Information, Fiscal Information, or Both Staff Assignment Email Telephone Number

English Learner Students

Program Information Annie Abreu Park 916-319-9620
English Learner Students Fiscal Information Geoffrey Ndirangu 916-323-5831

Immigrant Students

Program Information Annie Abreu Park 916-319-9620
Immigrant Students Fiscal Information Geoffrey Ndirangu 916-323-5831
Title IV, Part A
Program Program Information, Fiscal Information, or Both Staff Assignment Email Telephone Number


Program Information Federal Programs and Reporting Office n/a
Allocation Fiscal Information Categorical Allocations and Audit Resolution (CAAR) Office n/a
Title V
Program Program Information, Fiscal Information, or Both Staff Assignment Email Telephone Number
Title V, Part B Subpart 1: Small Rural School Achievement (SRSA) Grant Program Information Rural Education Achievement Program 916-319-0787
Title V, Part B Subpart 1: Alternative Uses of Funds Authority Participation

Program Information

Rural Education Achievement Program 916-319-0787
Title V, Part B Subpart 2: Rural and Low-Income Schools (RLIS) Grant Program Information Rural Education Achievement Program 916-319-0787
Title V, Part B Subpart 2: Rural and Low-Income Schools (RLIS) Grant Fiscal Information Categorical Allocations and Audit Resolution (CAAR) Office n/a
Other Programs
Program Program Information, Fiscal Information, or Both Staff Assignment Email Telephone Number
Private School Consultation (Title I, Part A) Program Information Sylvia Hanna 916-319-0948

Private School Consultation (Title II, Part A)

Program Information

Teresa Battenburg 916-322-5836
Private School Consultation (Title III, Part A, Immigrant and English Learner) Program Information Geoffrey Ndirangu 916-323-5831
Private School List Program Information Private Schools Office 916-445-7331
Questions:   ConApp Support Desk | | 916-319-0297
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, May 15, 2024
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