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Information on historical Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) percentages since 2013–14, the inception of LCFF.

The table below provides information on the COLA for current fiscal year (FY) and prior fiscal years. The State Department of Finance (DOF), provides an estimate of the current year COLA as part of the annual budget process External link opens in new window or tab.. The statutory COLA is set as of the May Revision, the May before the budget is enacted. The final funded COLA may differ due to legislative action, or adjustments pursuant to Education Code Section 14002 (commencing with 2019–20 fiscal year).

For historical information on Gap Funding, go to the LCFF Gap Funding web page.


COLA Estimated COLA
(at Governor's Budget)
Statutory COLA
(at May Revision)
Funded COLA
(at Budget Act)
FY 2024–25 0.76%



FY 2023–24 8.13% 8.22% 8.22%
FY 2022–23 5.33% 6.56% 6.56%1
FY 2021–22 1.50% 1.70% 2.70%2
FY 2020–21 2.29% 2.31%3 0.00%
FY 2019–20 3.46% 3.26% 3.26%
FY 2018–194 2.51% 2.71%

(Super COLA 3.70%)

FY 2017–18 1.48% 1.56% 1.56%
FY 2016–17 0.47% 0.00% 0.00%
FY 2015–16 1.58% 1.02% 1.02%
FY 2014–15 0.86% 0.85% 0.85%
FY 2013–14 1.65% 1.57% 1.57%

1In addition to statutory COLA, Assembly Bill 181 (Chapter 52, Statutes of 2022) authorized LCFF base grant adjustments effective fiscal year 2022–23. See Funding Rates and Information web page for details.

2Assembly Bill 130 (Chapter 44, Statutes of 2021) authorized a compounded COLA comprised of statutory COLA adjustments attributed to fiscal year 2020–21 (2.31%) and fiscal year 2021–22 (1.70%), and an additional 1% increase in LCFF base grant for an effective increase of 5.07% from 2019–20 to 2021–22 funding levels.

3The 2020–21 May Revision proposed a 10 percent reduction to certain components of the LCFF formula that are also subject to COLA. The 2020–21 Budget Act did not contain the 10 percent reduction.

4The 2018–19 Budget Act authorized a higher COLA, known as "Super COLA”, for school districts and charter schools.

Questions:   Principal Apportionment Section | | 916-324-4541
Last Reviewed: Friday, July 12, 2024
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