Request for Applications California Environmental Literacy Project
Environmental Education Grant Program
To County and District Superintendents and Interested Parties:
Please use these errata to update your copy of the Request for Applications (RFA). These errata are needed to revise multiple sections of the document that contained technical errors due to a formatting issue that resulted in incorrect labeling of sections and referenced page numbers. These errata hereby revise as follows:
Cover Page
Deadline for Applications: Friday, February 12, 2021, by 3:00 p.m.
Replace with:
Deadline for Applications: Friday, February 26, 2021, by 3:00 p.m.
Part 3. Partnership Description (page 9)
In a section of the proposal labeled Part 2. Project and Partnership Description, the proposal must demonstrate adherence to the requirements and expertise as described in Section 2. Eligible Project Partnerships
Replace with:
In a section of the proposal labeled Part 3. Partnership Description, the proposal must demonstrate adherence to the requirements and expertise as described in Section 2. Eligible Project Partnerships on page two of this RFA.
Part 3. Partnership Description (page 11)
Successful applications will also mention the Lead County Offices of Education (COE's) and each partner's expertise and experience in Part 3. Professional Learning Activities and Part 4. California Regional Environmental Education Community (CREEC) Network Support Activities, as relevant to the activities described in those sections.
Replace with:
Successful applications will also mention the Lead COE’s and each partner's expertise and experience in Part 4. Professional Learning Activities and Part 5. CREEC Network Support Activities, as relevant to the activities described in those sections.
Part 4. Professional Learning Activities (page 11)
In a section labeled Part 3. Professional Learning Activities, the proposal must describe the activities the project will engage in related to professional learning and explain how the activities are based on lessons learned from previous similar programs and activities.
Replace with:
In a section labeled Part 4. Professional Learning Activities, the proposal must describe the activities the project will engage in related to professional learning and explain how the activities are based on lessons learned from previous similar programs and activities.
Part 5. California Regional Environmental Education Community Network Support Activities (page 13)
In a section of the proposal labeled Part 4. California Regional Environmental Education Community Network Support Activities, include a paragraph committing to a plan to accomplish the required activities listed below.
Replace with:
In a section of the proposal labeled Part 5. California Regional Environmental Education Community Network Support Activities, include a paragraph committing to a plan to accomplish the required activities listed below.
Part 6. Service Area and Continuous Improvement (page 13)
In a section of the proposal labeled Part 5. Service Area and Continuous Improvement, describe how the proposal demonstrates the following:
Replace with:
In a section of the proposal labeled Part 6. Service Area and Continuous Improvement, describe how the proposal demonstrates the following:
Part 7. Scope of Work Table (page 14)
In a section of the proposal labeled Part 6. Scope of Work Table, the proposal must include a table with the project year and name of the Lead COE in the title (see sample table below).
Replace with:
In a section of the proposal labeled Part 7. Scope of Work Table, the proposal must include a table with the project year and name of the Lead COE in the title (see sample table below).
Part 9. Appendices (page 16)
The proposal must include a section labeled Part 9. Appendices. This section should include the Appendix 1. Project Support, mentioned on page 8 of this document and Appendix 2. Project Staff, mentioned on page 11 of this document.
Replace with:
The proposal must include a section labeled Part 9. Appendices. This section should include the Appendix 1. Project Support, mentioned on page 9 of this document and Appendix 2. Project Staff, mentioned on page 11 of this document.
6. Application submission Instructions (page 17)
The complete application, including all required components, must be uploaded to a folder in provided to the Lead COE in advance for receipt of the application by the California Department of Education (CDE) Educator Excellence and Equity Division by 3:00 p.m. on Friday, February 12, 2021.
Replace with:
The complete application, including all required components, must be uploaded to a folder in provided to the Lead COE in advance for receipt of the application by the CDE Educator Excellence and Equity Division by 3:00 p.m. on Friday, February 26, 2021.
Evaluation Rubric, Evaluation of the Proposed Partnership (page 22, second row, first column)
In a section of the proposal labeled Part 2. Project and Partnership Description, the proposal must include a table labeled Project Staff and an appendix labeled Appendix 2. Project Staff that match with respect to names of the partners described, the project staff listed in the table, and the CVs or resumes provided in the appendix.
Replace with:
In a section of the proposal labeled Part 3. Partnership Description, the proposal must include a table labeled Project Staff and an appendix labeled Appendix 2. Project Staff that match with respect to names of the partners described, the project staff listed in the table, and the CVs or resumes provided in the appendix.
Evaluation Rubric, Rubric for Evaluating the Professional Learning Activities (page 26)
The rubric below will be used to evaluate evidence provided in the sections of the application labeled Part 3. Professional Learning Activities and Part 6. Scope of Work Table.
Replace with:
The rubric below will be used to evaluate evidence provided in the sections of the application labeled Part 4. Professional Learning Activities and Part 7. Scope of Work Table.
Evaluation Rubric, Rubric for Evaluating the Professional Learning Activities (page 30, first row, second and third column)
in the Needs Assessment section
Evaluation Rubric, Rubric for Evaluating Commitment to Supporting the California Regional Environmental Education Community Network (page 32)
The rubric below will be used to evaluate the sections of the proposal labeled Part 3. Partnership Description, Part 4. California Regional Environmental Education Community Network Support Activities, and Part 6. Scope of Work Table. Each Lead COE is to include in their proposal evidence of a plan to accomplish the required activities listed below. Items that are satisfactorily met receive two points each, items that are not satisfactorily met receive zero points each.
Replace with:
The rubric below will be used to evaluate the sections of the proposal labeled Part 3. Partnership Description, Part 5. California Regional Environmental Education Community Network Support Activities, and Part 7. Scope of Work Table. Each Lead COE is to include in their proposal evidence of a plan to accomplish the required activities listed below. Items that are satisfactorily met receive one point each, items that are not satisfactorily met receive zero points each.
Evaluation Rubric, Rubric for Evaluating Service Area and Ensuring Continuous Improvement (page 34)
The rubric below will be used to evaluate the overall proposal, especially the section of the proposal labeled Part 7. Continuous Improvement Plan.
Replace with:
The rubric below will be used to evaluate the overall proposal, especially the section of the proposal labeled Part 6. Service Area and Continuous Improvement.