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2021–22 FFVP Grant Application Instructions

The California Department of Education (CDE) Nutrition Services Division, through the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP), will grant funds to eligible elementary school sites to provide students with a variety of free fresh fruit and vegetable snacks during the school day as a supplement to, and not part of, the school breakfast and lunch programs, and to teach students about good nutrition. The FFVP encourages schools to partner with other entities in the community to support their efforts.

How to Apply for the California FFVP Grant

Request for Application

The CDE FFVP Grant Request for Applications (RFA) is an online application. The grant period is July 1 through June 30 of each school year.

The CDE releases the FFVP Grant RFA on the CDE Available Funding web page in the spring of each school year, if funding is available.

All eligible school food authorities (SFA) must submit a separate online application for each elementary school interested in applying for the FFVP grant. This includes both current FFVP grantees and new applicants.

Grant Application

You can download the grant application package and instructions from the Search CDE Funding web page. After selecting the link, you will need to type “FFVP” in the keywords field and then click the Search CDE Funding button. This will bring up the FFVP RFA links for current and previous years.

Grant Eligibility

All eligible SFAs may receive an FFVP grant on behalf of the awarded elementary school sites. Examples of eligible SFAs include school districts, County Offices of Education, charter schools, private schools, or residential child care institutions operating the NSLP.

Information about the FFVP grant eligibility and program requirements is available in the Grant Overview on the CDE California FFVP web page. Applicants that do not meet the FFVP grant eligibility and program requirements will not be awarded and should not apply.

General Assurances and Certifications

General assurances and certifications are requirements for applicants and grantees as a condition of receiving funds. Applicants do not need to sign and return the general assurances and certification with the application; instead, they must download them and keep on file to be available for compliance reviews, complaint investigations, or audits.

Applicants that participate in the consolidated application should already have a copy of the general assurances and certifications on file and do not need to keep a separate copy. The general assurances and certifications can be accessed on the CDE Funding Forms web page.

Applicants and grantees, if funded, as a condition of receiving funds must agree to comply with the federal Uniform Administrative Requirements. For more information, visit the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations Title 2,Code of Federal Regulations, Part 200, web page External link opens in new window or tab..

Tips for Completing Applications

  1. Gather all of the requested information before you submit your application. For ease of editing and formatting, draft your answers to the questions in a Word document and then cut and paste them into the online application.
  2. Print a hard copy or PDF of the entire application from the first screen of the application before entering any responses.
  3. Save each application, so you can return to it later. You can save the unique URL to the online application as a bookmark or add to Favorites in your Web browser. (We recommend that you save the link by school site, if you are submitting more than one application.)

Before you submit the application online, print and review the application for completion, grammar, and accuracy. Print and save a hard copy of your responses for your records. You will not have access to your completed application after it is submitted.

Applicant Information

The CDE will use the SFA and school identification information provided in the application to verify that all of the grant criteria is met. Applicants must provide the SFAs:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Child Nutrition Information and Payment System (CNIPS) identification number
  • Vendor number
  • County number

This information can be verified in the CDE CNIPS.

The SFA must submit a RFA online for each elementary school site applying to receive the FFVP grant. Please allow enough time to collect this information for each elementary school site before beginning the application online. The applicant must provide school site identification information including:

  • Name
  • Address
  • County District School (CDS) code
  • CNIPS site number
  • Vendor number or charter number
  • Grade levels

CDS codes are 14 digits long and, for this application, must be submitted without hyphens or spaces. For example: 12345678901234. You may search for or verify the CDS Code for this site on the CDE California School Directory web page.

The school site identification information also includes:

  1. Total enrollment from October of the previous school year and
    Total number of students eligible for free and reduced price meals


  2. Total enrollment from October of the previous school year and
    Provision 1, 2, or 3 and the most current Provision Base Year


  3. Total enrollment from October of the previous school year and
    Individual School Percentage (ISP) for the Community Eligibility Provision

School site identification information is available in the CDE CNIPS. If you do not have access to the CNIPS please contact your district school nutrition program operator or claim administrator.

School Site Implementation Plan

All sites must agree to meet the requirements of the California FFVP Guidelines on the CDE California FFVP web page and the USDA FFVP: Handbook for Schools External link opens in new window or tab. (PDF).

Each site application must describe the elementary school’s implementation plan including:

  • Who will participate in the preparation, distribution, and service of the FFVP snack to students

  • Location where students will receive the FFVP snack

  • Frequency per week of the FFVP snack offerings

  • Time of the FFVP snack offerings (must be during the school day and outside of meal program time)

  • Method of FFVP snack delivery to students

  • How staff will provide nutrition education at least once per week, including the method, frequency, and curricula or general content for nutrition education

  • What school site partnership activities (current or planned) will assist the school to implement the FFVP, including organizations that will help with fruit and vegetable acquisition, handling, promotion, and distribution; nutrition education; or other activities that contribute to the goals of the FFVP

School Grant Team Support Form

To qualify for a grant, the USDA requires that each elementary school must have the documented support of the district superintendent, school principal, and school food service manager or director. In addition, each grant team support form must identify the primary grant contact and the CNIPS claim administrator.

By completing the application, each member of the grant team is signifying that they agree to the general assurances and certifications (including drug-free workplace, lobbying, debarment, and suspension), and terms of this program for all site applications identified with this SFA. The school support team includes:

  • School Superintendent (or designee)
  • Food Service Director (or designee)
  • CNIPS Claim Administrator
  • School Principal


The FFVP grant applications must be completed and submitted online. The CDE will not consider email or hard copy applications as a complete submission.

Once the application is submitted, the CDE will provide a confirmation email to all of the contacts included in the School Support Team Form, with the exception of the Superintendent.

Questions:   The FFVP Team |
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, August 13, 2024
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