Additional Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources
Additional resources curated by the California Department of Education (CDE) pertaining to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.Coronavirus (COVID-19) Main Web Page
American Indian
Cleaning School Facilities
Early Learning and Care
English Learners
Expanded Learning
Foster Youth
General Resources
Health Authorities
Mental Health
Pandemic Preparedness
Professional Learning
School Fiscal and Business Services
School Health and Safety
School Nutrition
Special Education
American Indian
Coronavirus (COVID-19) American Indian Resources
Information and resources regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) and California’s American Indian community.
Cleaning School Facilities
Department of Pestacide Regulation (DPR) Reminders for Using Disinfectants at Schools and Child Cares
Given the concern over the 2019 Novel Coronavirus, many schools and child cares in California are making it a priority to disinfect frequently-touched surfaces. Disinfectants are pesticides and must be used according to the label.
Departamento de Regulación de Pesticidas Recordatorios para el uso de desinfectantesen las escuelas y guarderías
Dada la preocupación por el novedoso coronavirus 2019, muchas escuelas y guarderías en California están haciendo que sea una prioridad desinfectar las superficies que se tocan con frecuencia.
Which DPR Healthy Schools Act Course Should I take?
The Healthy Schools Act requires anyone using any pesticide at a school or child carecenter to complete Healthy Schools Act training.
¿Cual Curso de DPR Debo Tomar para Cumplir con el Entrenamiento de la Ley de Escuelas Saludables?
La Ley de Escuelas Saludables requiere que cualquier persona que use cualquier pesticida en una escuela o centro de cuidado infantil complete un entrenamiento de la Ley de Escuelas Saluables.
Early Learning and Care
ELCD Management Bulletin 20-10
COVID-19 Guidance regarding Family Child Care Home Education Networks
ELCD Management Bulletin 20-09
COVID-19 Guidance on Program Self Evaluation, Contract Monitoring, and Program Quality Requirements
ELCD Management Bulletin 20-07
COVID-19 Guidance to California Resource and Referral Programs and Local Planning Councils.
ELCD Management Bulletin 20-05
Temporary Waiver of Family Fees following the enactment of Senate bill 117.
English Learners
English Learner Services During COVID-19 FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on providing services to English learners in California during the COVID-19 outbreak.
COVID-19 Reclassification Guidance for 2019–2020 and Fall Administration
This letter is to provide reclassification guidance, given the suspension of the California assessment (COVID-19) pandemic, and notify you of future adjustments to the Summative ELPAC testing schedule.
English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)/District Engish Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) FAQs
FAQs regarding the ELAC and DELAC requirements during the COVID-19 physical school closures.
English Learner Updates Newsletters
Information and Updates from the California Department of Education (CDE) English Learner Support Division. This page includes special weekly COVID-19 editions of the English Learner Updates Newsletter and Distance Learning Parent Newsletter.
Expanded Learning
Expanded Learning 2020-21 School Year Guidance
Senate Bill 98, Statutes of 2020 guidance for expanded learning programs 2020-21 school year.
Role of Expanded Learning During COVID-19 Crisis
Expanded Learning programs should provide support to students, families, and communities during the COVID-19 crisis. In providing this vital support, the utmost attention should be given to the health and safety of staff and those individuals served.
COVID-19 Guidance for Expanded Learning Programs
Guidance for Expanded Learning programs related to Executive Order N-45-20.
Foster Youth
COVID-19 Foster Youth Resources
Information and resources regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) and California's Foster Youth.
General Resources
General FAQs for 2019 Novel Coronavirus
Free Educational Resources for Distance Learning
Non-comprehensive list of publishers offering free distance learning resources.
March 17, 2020 Cover Letter (DOCX)
Health Authorities
CDC: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance for Schools
(Updated 15-Sep-2022)
This guidance by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is intended to help administrators of public and private childcare programs and K–12 schools prevent the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) among students and staff.
CDPH: Coronavirus (COVID-19) - What You Need to Know
Detailed guidance from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) about the coronavirus in general.
WHO: Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic
Latest updates from the World Health Organization (WHO) on the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic.
WHO: Q&A on Coronaviruses
World Health Organization Q & A on coronaviruses (COVID-19).
Mental Health
Comprehensive School Suicide Prevention in a Time of Distance Learning
Pandemic Preparedness
Pandemic Flu Checklist for Local Educational Agencies in California (PDF)
In light of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), the CDE is reposting the following checklist on pandemic influenza, which may be useful in planning and protecting the health and safety of staff and students.
Pandemic Flu Checklist for Child Care Agencies and Preschools in California (PDF)
In light of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), the CDE is reposting the following checklist on pandemic influenza, which may be useful in planning and protecting the health and safety of staff and students.
CDE Resources for Preparing for Pandemic Influenza
Information and best practices from the California Department of Education (CDE) on controlling the outbreak and spread of other common illnesses in schools, including information on pandemic influenza (flu).
Professional Learning
Quality Professional Learning from a Distance
Guidance and resources to support quality remote professional learning.
School Fiscal and Business Services
COVID-19 Information Related to School Closures, Funding, Form J-13A, and Attendance Reporting
FAQs and Certification Form for COVID-19 Closure.
Fiscal Accountability Guidance
Certain fundamental accountability requirements remain in effect including maintenance of internal controls, documentation of policy and procedure changes, fiscal accountability, expenditure compliance, and accurate accounting and reporting.
CARES Act ESSER Fund Allocations
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act provides funding to LEAs through Section 18003 of the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund, to address the impact of COVID-19 on elementary and secondary schools.
FEMA Public Assistance Training Webinars (PDF)
COVID-19 Time and Effort Requirements for Federal Education Programs
Frequently asked Questions related to federal program COVID-19 time and effort requirements.
Select Questions Related to Use of Department of Education Grant Funds
Frequently Asked Questions related to the use of grant funds from the U.S. Department of Education during the novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) with respect to compensation, travel, and conference costs.
SB 117 COVID-19 LEA Response Funds
First Apportionment for the SB 117 COVID-19 LEA Response Funds for Fiscal Year 2019–20.
FAQs About the Closure of School in Response to COVID-19, Form J-13A
Frequently Asked Questions about the closure of school in response to COVID-19, Form J-13A, the reporting of attendance for apportionment, and instructional time.
School Health and Safety
COVID-19 School Health and Safety Guidance
Guidance for required school-based health assessments, comprehensive sexual health education
comprehensive school safety plans and mandated reporting training, for the 2020–21 school year.
School Nutrition
Nutrition Services Division (NSD) What’s New web page
All COVID-19 guidance and announcements that affect Nutrition Program Operators are listed under the Disaster tab.
Special Education
Official Message from the State Director of Special Education
March 13, 2020 Letter from Kristin Wright, Director of the Special Education Division
Information Related to Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Services to Students with Disabilities.