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CDMIS Update #32

Child Development Management Information System (CDMIS) Update Regarding New Reason Codes U (CSPP Early Enrollment) and V (Means-Tested Government Program)

Child Development Management Information System (CDMIS) January 23, 2024

New Reason Codes in “Reason for Receiving Child Care Services” Field

The Reason for Receiving Child Care Services information field indicates the primary reason that subsidized child care services through an agency’s contract with the Early Education Division (EED) are needed by the family. This is the primary reason used to determine “need” for services. Two new reason codes have been added.

Below are the two new reason codes that will be available for use starting on February 1, 2024:

Reason Code U – CSPP Early Enrollment

Reason Code U – CSPP Early Enrollment has been added for California State Preschool Program (CSPP) children and families who are over the allowable income threshold but are eligible for subsidized child care services through Early Enrollment under the provisions of Education Code (EC) Section 48000.15(c)(1).

The EC Section 48000.15(b)(4) defines an early enrollment child as a child whose fourth birthday falls between June 3rd and September 1st, inclusive, preceding the school year during which they are enrolled in a TK classroom. School districts and charter schools offering early enrollment TK must concurrently offer enrollment in a CSPP operated by the school district or charter school if the district or school operates one, and it is not full. Children may be enrolled through early enrollment after all other eligible children have been enrolled. The CDE is in the process of developing additional guidance for CSPP contractors on early enrollment, and in the meantime, contractors can refer to interim guidance released via the EED’s email distribution list on September 12, 2023 If you do not have a copy of this email, please contact your Program Quality Implementation regional consultant. Contractors can find their regional consultant on the CDE website here:

Early enrollment for FY 2023-24 is defined as any child whose birthdate falls between June 3, 2019 and September 1, 2019.

Early enrollment for FY 2024-25 is defined as any child whose birthdate falls between June 3, 2020 and September 1, 2020.

More information on Early Enrollment can be found on the Transitional Kindergarten FAQs web page at

Note: If one or more children in the family is enrolled in full-day CSPP and Reason Code U is selected for that family, the family must also have a “need” for services as defined in EC Section 8208.

Please note the below restriction s before selecting Reason Code U – CSPP Early Enrollment.

  1. This code can only be used when all of the children in the family are receiving services in CSPP.
  2. This code can be used when all of the children received Full-Day Services, Part-Day Services, or a mix of both length of care types.
  3. This code has no income limits and the family can exceed the 100 percent x 1.15 State Median Income Threshold limits.
  4. This code can only be used during the following report periods: July 2023 to June 2025

Reason Code V – Means-Tested Government Program

Reason Code V – Means-Tested Government Program has been added for children and families who are over the allowable income threshold but are eligible for subsidized services through Means-Tested Government Programs under the provisions of EC 8213.5(a)–(c).

This includes families who have a member of its household who is certified to receive benefits from Medi-Cal, CalFresh, the California Food Assistance Program, the California Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children, the federal Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations, Head Start, Early Head Start, or any other designated means-tested government program, as determined by the department. The CDE has determined that CalWORKs is also a means-tested government program that families can use under this provision. Examples of Means-Tested Government Programs and more information on Means-Tested Government Program Eligibility can be found on the Management Bulletin 23-01 web page at

Please note the below restrictions before selecting Reason Code V – Means-Tested Government Program.

  1. This code can be used when any of the children in the family are receiving services in CSPP, General Child Care and Development Programs (CCTR), Migrant Child Care and Development Programs (CMIG), California Family Child Care Home Education Networks (CFCC), California Alternative Payment Programs (CAPP), CalWORKs Stage 2 (C2AP), CalWORKs Stage 3 (C3AP), and Migrant Child Care Alternative Payment Programs (CMAP).
  2. This code can be used when all of the children received Full-Day Services, Part-Day Services, or a mix of both length of care types.
  3. This code can only be used when all of the children in the family are age eligible for their respective contract types.
  4. This code has no income limits and the family can exceed the 100 percent x 1.15 State Median Income Threshold limits.
  5. This code can only be used in the following report periods: July 2023 into perpetuity.

Additional Resources on Reason for Receiving Child Care Services Field

Additional resources on the Reason for Receiving Child Care Services information field can be found on the Child Care Reporting--Service Reason web page at

For more information, please contact the CDMIS Support Team at or

Questions:   CDMIS Support |
Last Reviewed: Monday, January 22, 2024
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