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Child Care Reporting--Provider Zip Code

Provider Zip Code

The Provider Zip Code information field indicates the zip code of the location where the child receives subsidized child care services through an agency’s contract with the Early Education Division (EED).

Where to Find It

This information is part of the provider's address. For AP programs, look in the provider's file; for center-based programs, look in the family's file.

Note: Check to see if the family has a subsequent Notice of Action on file (not the initial notice) that applies to the report period (i.e., completed on or before the report month as indicated by the Effective Date of Action). If such a Notice of Action is on file, enter the updated information.

Rules and Guidelines

  • This information field is required.
  • The zip code must contain nine digits. The primary five-digit zip code and the four-digit extension.
  • Enter numbers only.
  • The provider zip code and provider Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code must be consistent.

Error Messages and Solutions

  • The Provider Zip Code is required. [801A Electronic File Transfer], [801A Input/Edit], [801B]

Problem: The Provider Zip Code field is blank. This field must have information.

Solution: Enter the zip code of the provider.

  • A valid Provider Zip Code must have 9 numbers. [801A Electronic File Transfer], [801A Input/Edit], [801B]

Problem: An incomplete Provider Zip Code or letters instead of numbers are entered.

Solution: Confirm that all nine digits of the Provider Zip Code are entered.

  • The “Provider Zip Code” does not exist in the “Provider FIPS Code” provided. [801A Electronic File Transfer], [801A Input/Edit]

Problem: A Provider Zip Code that does not exist in the county indicated by the Provider FIPS Code is entered.

Solution: Confirm the Provider FIPS Code and the Provider Zip Code are entered correctly. Use the Zip/FIPS Lookup function available on the Child Development Management Information System (CDMIS) Main Menu to verify the information.

  • One or more duplicate records for this family. [801A Electronic File Transfer], or This Provider/Type of Child Care already exists for this child’s services. [801A Input/Edit]


CDD-801A Electronic File Transfer: Two identical rows exist in the electronic file, or two nearly identical rows exist in the electronic file. The only difference between the rows is the program code. This could occur if a child changed programs during the report period.

CDD-801A Input/Edit: Duplicate provider information is entered for the same child. An agency is trying to add a Type of Care for a Provider Federal Employment Identification Number [FEIN]/Social Security Number [SSN] that already exists for the child.


  • CDD-801A Electronic File Transfer: Delete one of the duplicate rows in the electronic file or revise the information in the row with the error to reflect the correct family, child, and provider information. If the child received care from one provider during the report period but changed programs (i.e., from CSPP to CCTR) during the report period, report both program codes for that same provider in the same row under Program Code 1 and Program Code 2.
  • CDD-801A Input/Edit: The information provided under the Provider FEIN/SSN and Type of Care has been entered twice. Verify the information under each type of care displaying the error. Correct the information as necessary. If the child received care from one provider during the report period but changed programs (i.e., from CSPP to CCTR) during the report period, report both program codes for that same provider under Program Code 1 and Program Code 2.
  • Child care provided in Oregon, Nevada, or Arizona is only allowed when all services to the child are provided by CalWORKs Stage 2 or 3 or Alternative Payment program types. [801A Electronic File Transfer], [801A Input/Edit]

Problem: The information for the provider indicates they are located in Oregon, Nevada, or Arizona; however, the program codes indicating the services provided are not C2AP, C3AP, or CAPP. Out-of-state providers can only be reported when the child receives services only through C2AP, C3AP, or CAPP from that provider.

Solution: Confirm that the Provider FIPS Code and the Provider Zip Code are entered correctly. Use the Zip/FIPS Lookup function available on the CDMIS Main Menu to verify the information.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The United States Postal Service (USPS) does not provide mail delivery to some of the service locations (centers and/or homes) where services to children are provided and there is no nine-digit zip code associated with these locations. Some providers have a Post Office Box and some pick up their mail General Delivery at their local Post Office. What Zip Code should I report for these providers?

For instances where the USPS does not provide mail delivery to these service locations, use the nine-digit zip code associated with the provider's P.O. Box.

  • Which zip code do I use--the family's residence or the zip code of the child care provider?

For the Provider Zip Code information field, enter the zip code of the location where the child receives subsidized child care services through an agency’s contract with the EED.

  • I am trying to enter a Provider Zip Code, but the system is giving me the error "The Provider Zip Code does not exist in the Provider FIPS Code provided" and I cannot save the information. What do I do?

The CDMIS uses the zip codes provided by the USPS, which are updated once each month. The zip code provided by the family may be incorrect or the zip code may be entered incorrectly. To verify a zip code, visit United States Postal Service Look Up a ZIP Code External link opens in new window or tab. to obtain the nine-digit zip code.

The FIPS Code may also be entered incorrectly. (See data definition for Provider Federal Information Processing Standards Code.)

  • I do not know/cannot find the four-digit extension of the zip code of the provider’s service location. What do I do?

An agency should contact their local post office and request the four-digit extension of the zip code of the provider’s service location. To look up the nearest post office, visit United States Postal Service Find Locations External link opens in new window or tab..

  • I have a child who received services at two of our centers during the same month. These centers are located in different zip codes. How do I report this child's services?

For children receiving services at two different centers located in different zip codes and operated by the same provider, report this child as having two providers in the report period, each with the zip code associated with the specific center.

For children who receive services from the same provider but changed centers during the month, resulting in the child receiving services in a different zip code, report this child as having two providers in the report period, each with the zip code associated with the specific center during that specific report period. For the next report period, only include the provider information that reflects the new zip code.


Return to Appendix A: Data Definitions

Questions:   CDMIS Office | | 916-445-1907
Last Reviewed: Monday, February 5, 2024
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