Charter School Certification of Information
Information and instructions for completing the online Charter School Certification of Information.Section Menu
In spring 2024, charter schools reported and certified their information with the California Department of Education (CDE) for fiscal year (FY) 2024–25 through the Charter School Certification of Information for the purposes of informing state and federal policy, supporting charter school authorization and oversight, and promoting transparency of the state’s public school system.
Data Results
Data collected via the Certification of Information for FY 2024–25 are provided below. All data are provided as reported by the authorized representative of the charter school.
2024–25 Charter School Certification of Information Results(XLSX; Revised 23-Jan-2025)
Data Fields
The Certification of Information contains the following data fields:
- Section 1. Directory Information
- Section 2. Operations and Facilities
- Organization Type
- Governing Board Details
- Facilities
- Additional Sites
- Section 3. Program Information
- Funding Type
- Instructional Type
- Special Education
- Exclusive Partnership
- Early and Middle College High School
- Section 4. Other Information
- Unique Entity Identifier
- Retirement System
- Section 5. Acknowledgment and Certification
Section 1. Directory Information
- The full legal name of the charter school for FY 2024–25. If different from the charter school’s name in FY 2023–24, the charter school’s previous name and the date the new name became effective.
- The grade levels to be served.
- The total projected enrollment.
- The charter school’s primary contact at its chartering authority.
- Name
- Title
- Email Address
- Phone Number
Section 2. Operations and Facilities
Organization Type
- Information regarding a charter school that is operated by a for-profit corporation as outlined in California Education Code (EC) Section 47604(b)(2)(A)
- Name of the For-Profit Corporation
- Principal (Physical) Street Address
- City
- State
- Zip Code + Four Digits
- Mailing Street Address
- City
- State
- Zip Code + Four Digits
- Indicate if the for-profit organization operates or manages more than one charter school.
- Information regarding a charter school that is operated by a nonprofit public benefit corporation as outlined in EC Section 47604(a)
- Name of the Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation
- Principal (Physical) Street Address
- City
- State
- Zip Code + Four Digits
- Mailing Street Address
- City
- State
- Zip Code + Four Digits
- Nine-Digit Employer Identification Number (EIN) of the Organization as reported on the Internal Revenue Service Exempt Organizations Business Master File Extract
- Indicate if the nonprofit organization operates or manages more than one charter school.
- Description of the process by which the organization's governing board members are determined.
Governing Board Details
- The total number of charter school governing board members.
- Information regarding the charter school’s governing board president/chair.
- Name
- Email Address
- Beginning Term Date
- Ending Term Date
- Whether the charter school will occupy district facilities, as outlined in EC Section 47614
- If yes, the facility cost agreement between the district and the charter school, as required by California Code of Regulations, Title 5 Section 11969.7(e)
- Three percent (3%) supervisorial oversight fee
- Two percent (2%) supervisorial oversight fee
- Cost per square foot and total cost; dollar amount for both and the periodicity (e.g., per month, per year, etc.), if applicable
- Rent or other fee; the amount and periodicity (e.g., per month, per year, etc.)
- Other fee or arrangement; describe the calculation and total amount
- No charge
Additional Sites
- The number of sites, facilities, locations, offices, administrative offices, campuses, buildings, suites, satellites, and/or resource centers (collectively referred to as “sites”) affiliated with the charter school.
- Information for up to three additional sites.
- Name of Site
- Physical Address
- District of Location
- County of Location
- Type of Site
- Student Serving
- Administrative Office
- Other: Describe
- Primary Contact of the Site
- Primary Contact Email
- Primary Contact Phone
Section 3. Program Information
Funding Type
The charter school’s funding type:
- Direct Funded: Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) apportionment funds for a directly funded charter school flow directly to the county treasurer and then to the charter school.
- Locally Funded: LCFF apportionment funds are calculated separately for a locally funded charter school; funds flow through its chartering authority.
Instructional Type
- The anticipated percentage of classroom-based attendance to be offered by the charter school.
- The anticipated percentage of nonclassroom-based attendance to be offered by the charter school.
Special Education
- The charter school’s Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) membership.
- The charter school’s primary contact for special education.
- Name
- Title
- Email Address
- Phone Number
Exclusive Partnership
Whether the charter school is providing instruction exclusively in partnership, pursuant to EC Section 47612.1
. If yes, the federal program with which the charter school is in partnership:
- Federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, pursuant to United States Code, Title 29 Section 3101 et seq.
- Federally Affiliated Youth Build Programs
- Federal Job Corps Training or Instruction, provided pursuant to a memorandum of understanding with the federal provider
- California Conversation Corps or Local Conservation Corps, certified by the California Conservation Corps pursuant to Public Resources Code sections 14406 or 14507.5
Early and Middle College High School
Whether the charter school is an Early College High School (ECHS) or a Middle College High School (MCHS), as outlined in EC sections 11302
and 11300
- ECHS: An innovative partnership between charter or non-charter public secondary schools and a local community college, the California State University, or the University of California that allows pupils to earn a high school diploma and up to two years of college credit in four years or less. ECHS are small, autonomous schools that blend high school and college into a coherent educational program.
- MCHS: A secondary school located on a community college campus offering challenging academic programs and designed to serve high-potential, high-risk students. A MCHS offers effective support services, small class sizes, and the opportunity for students to concurrently take some college classes at typically minor cost to the student.
Section 4. Other Information
Unique Entity Identifier
Whether the charter school has a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI). If yes, the 12-character UEI without any spaces. For information about the UEI or to check the UEI status of a charter school, visit System for Award Management
Retirement System
All retirement offerings for any charter school employee:
- 401(k) or 403(b)
- Federal Social Security
- Other: Describe
- None
Acknowledgment and Certification
I understand and acknowledge that the CDE may provide a copy of the information reported to the chartering authority for information and/or certification; make the information publicly available on its website; and/or provide the information to other agencies, organizations, and individuals.
I hereby certify that I am a full-time paid employee of the charter school who has direct knowledge of the information contained herein and am authorized to submit this information to the CDE. I certify that I have provided only true and correct information about the charter school.
Indicate the following of the authorized representative of the charter school. All fields are required:
- Full Legal Name
- Job Title
- Email Address
- Phone Number
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