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Long Descriptions for Chapter Six

Long descriptions for complex figures and tables in chapter six of the Improving Education for Multilingual and English Learner Students: Research to Practice.

Figure 6.3. Three Interrelated Strands of Translanguaging Pedagogy

A figure shows a graphical representation of the three interrelated strands of translanguaging pedagogy proposed by Garcia, Johnson, and Seltzer. The three strands are stance, design, and shifts:

  • Stance means that teachers believe that their multilingual students’ language practices are valuable resources necessary for classroom learning and also a right.
  • Design means that teachers design classroom routines, lessons, units, and assessment practices in ways that intentionally build bridges between students’ homes/communities and school.
  • Shifts means that teachers are flexible and willing to make moment-by-moment changes in the course of lessons or units, based on learners’ feedback, and to support student voice and agency

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Questions:   Language Policy and Leadership Office | 916-319-0845
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, June 18, 2024