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ELD Distance Learning FAQs

Responses to frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding designated and integrated English language development (ELD) within distance learning instruction.
  1. Is designated English language development (ELD) required on a daily basis during distance learning?

    English learners must continue to receive designated and integrated ELD as part of their educational curriculum. While daily live interaction with certificated employees and peers is a required element of distance learning, local educational agencies (LEAs) have flexibility to determine how services will be provided to students in order for the students to make progress toward English proficiency and meet grade level academic achievement. Each LEA should have a plan for providing instruction aligned with its language acquisition program.

  2. Is designated ELD required as a part of the regular school day?

    Yes. The California Code of Regulations section 11300(a) states that designated English language development is “instruction provided during a time set aside in the regular school day…”. Designated ELD is part of the core curriculum, which is taught during an instructional day.

  1. Is there a minimum number of minutes required for ELD instruction?

    No. There is no set minimum for required minutes of ELD instruction. ELD is a required course of study for all English learners and instruction is provided to students based on their proficiency level. The needs of the student determine the number of minutes necessary for students to make progress toward English proficiency.

  2. How can educators ensure equity of access for English learners to receive ELD instruction during distance learning?

    Some strategies follow:

    • Provide a designated time for designated and integrated ELD instruction within distance learning schedule for English learners.
    • Emphasize the importance of building scaffolds to continue providing integrated ELD within core subjects.
    • Consider a hybrid model for at-home learning (virtual learning along with assignment packets).
    • Local educational agencies provide guidance on how and where to secure internet access.
    • Provide pencil and paper study packets, information regarding television resources, and other activities for rural areas with no internet access.
  3. Is there a specific curriculum required for designated and integrated ELD instruction during distance learning?

    No. LEAs have the flexibility to determine the curriculum used for ELD instruction. Recommendations for determining use of ELD curriculum follow:

    • Identify materials (sets of student text books, workbooks, etc.) to send home.
    • Determine if the current curriculum has a digital designated and integrated ELD component.
    • Keep in mind digital subscriptions the district may already have and make those available.
    • Contact publishers and vendors to request free full access to available components that support distance learning.
  4. How can teachers prepare to provide designated and integrated ELD instruction?

    Teachers can use the California English Language Development Standards (CA ELD Standards) to help guide the development of designated and integrated ELD instruction. Specifically, pages 18–24 (Proficiency Level Descriptors) in the CA ELD Standards may be helpful. The CA ELD Standards are available on the California Department of Education (CDE) ELD Standards web page. Also, see question 4, above.

    Resources for providing English language development instruction via distance learning are available on the CDE Resources that Support Distance Learning web page. Additional distance learning resources can be found on the CDE Free Educational Resources for Distance Learning web page. These resources are not exhaustive. Distance learning resources may be available through your local county office of education, local educational agency, or community partners.
  5. Is designated ELD required to be taught synchronously rather than only asynchronously?

    California Education Code Section 43503 (b)(6) states that distance learning shall include “daily live interaction with certificated employees and peers for purposes of instruction, progress monitoring, and maintaining school connectedness. This interaction may take the form of internet or telephonic communication, or by other means permissible under public health orders. If daily live interaction is not feasible as part of regular instruction, the governing board or body of the local educational agency shall develop, with parent and stakeholder input, an alternative plan for frequent live interaction that provides a comparable level of service and school connectedness.” Local educational agencies have the flexibility to design the services they provide to English learners within these parameters.

  1. How can educators ensure equity of access for multilingual students during distance learning?

    Bilingual, Dual Language, and other Language Acquisition programs can continue to be offered through distance learning. Distance learning provides an opportunity to deepen and capitalize on students’ use of the home language. Be sure to design culturally responsive lessons. Students and families may need primary language literacy resources. Also, see question 5, above, for educational resources.

  2. Who determines grading policies during distance learning?

    Local districts will decide their grading policies during distance learning. Local educational agencies should weigh their policies with the lens of equity and with the primary goal of ensuring that grading policies do no harm to students.

    Local grading policies should consider different student groups including English learners, homeless, foster youth, and those who do not have access to technology and materials. Any changes to learning strategies or grading policies for students with disabilities should be done within the Individualized Education Program (IEP).

  3. What information has been provided regarding graduation requirements during distance learning?

    For grading purposes, a class can be offered as credit/no credit, pass/fail, or a modified A–D. The university systems have agreed to accept credit/no credit grades in lieu of letter grades for all courses, including A–G courses, completed in winter/spring/summer 2020 for all students. Information on graduation requirements can be found on the California Department of Education (CDE) FAQs on Grading and Graduation Requirements web page. Additional information is available regarding college admissions on the CDE College Admissions, Grading, and Graduation Requirements web page.

Questions:   Language Policy and Leadership Office | 916-319-0845
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
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