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DASS CoP Intent to Implement CSI Instructions

Instructions for local educational agencies (LEAs) to complete the Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS) Community of Practice (CoP) Intent to Implement Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) using the Grant Management and Reporting Tool.

Grant Management and Reporting Tool (GMART) is a web-based platform that allows LEAs to complete and submit applications for funding, modify funding plans, and submit expenditure data.


Usernames and passwords are emailed to County and District Superintendents and Charter School Administrators. Passwords are case-sensitive and cannot be reset or changed by the LEA. If more than three attempts to log on have been made within one hour, the user will be locked out of the system and an automated email notification will be sent to the School Improvement and Support Office (SISO) mailbox for support. Once the account is unlocked, the LEA’s three contacts, listed under the LEA Contact Information tab, will receive two emails containing the LEA’s logon credentials.

Contact the SISO by phone at 916-319-0833 or by email at for assistance.

GMART Home Page for CSI

For each fiscal year (FY), the GMART home page displays the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) CSI LEA application for funding link to initiate the web-based application process.

  • LEAs with at least one DASS CoP school eligible under the CSI Low Graduation Rate criteria with less than 100 enrolled students will be required to complete the DASS CoP Intent to Implement CSI in GMART before it may access the application for funding. LEAs with eligible school/s/ will automatically be redirected to the DASS CoP Intent to Implement CSI tab.

  • LEAs without any DASS CoP schools eligible under the CSI Low Graduation Rate criteria with less than 100 enrolled students will be redirected to the Application Overview Section to begin completing the application. For more information on completing the application for funding, please view the Applications for Funding tab on the GMART Instructions web page.

DASS CoP Intent to Implement CSI

LEAs with at least one DASS CoP school eligible under the CSI Low Graduation Rate criteria with less than 100 enrolled students has the option to forgo implementation of all CSI-related improvement activities pursuant to ESSA, Section 1111(d)(1)(C)(ii) on behalf of its DASS CoP eligible school/s/.

LEAs are strongly encouraged to make this decision in collaboration with the DASS CoP CSI Low Graduation Rate school/s/ and its educational partners.


  • LEAs that exercise this flexibility do not have to develop or implement a CSI plan for its DASS CoP school eligible under the CSI Low Graduation Rate criteria with less than 100 enrolled students.

  • LEAs that choose to forgo the development or implementation of a CSI plan at its DASS CoP school eligible under the CSI Low Graduation Rate criteria with less than 100 enrolled students as described above, will also forgo the CSI funding associated with that specific school/s/, thus, reducing the LEA’s total allocation amount.

  • If the LEA is a single-school district, charter school, or a traditional LEA with only DASS CoP schools eligible under the CSI Low Graduation Rate criteria with less than 100 enrolled students and forgoes implementation of CSI-related activities, the LEA will be prompted to provide its signature that declares its intention to decline all CSI funding.

The GMART will display a table that includes the number of DASS CoP CSI Low Graduation Rate schools eligible for flexibility as well as the number of non-DASS CoP CSI schools, as applicable.

The table below is a display of the proposed Eligible DASS CoP Schools Summary in GMART.

Eligible DASS CoP Schools Summary
# of DASS Cop Schools Eligible to Forgo CSI # of Schools Not Eligible to Forgo CSI Total # of Schools Eligible for CSI
2 1 3

In the next table, the LEA will need to indicate if it intends to implement or forgo CSI school improvement activities pursuant to ESSA, Section 1111 (d)(1)(B), for each of its DASS CoP CSI Low Graduation Rate school/s/ with less than 100 enrolled students.

Below is an example of the table the LEA will complete in GMART:

Intent to Implement or Forgo CSI
Eligible DASS CoP School Name Will Implement all CSI-related Activities Will Forgo the Implementation of all CSI-related Activities LEA Action
School Name 1 Yes (radio buttons) No (radio buttons) Edit
School Name 2 Yes (radio buttons) No (radio buttons) Edit

For each school, use the buttons to indicate whether the LEA intends to implement or forgo CSI school improvement activities and then select the “Update” button.

  • If the LEA chooses to implement CSI-activities for all its DASS CoP CSI Low Graduation Rate school/s/ with less than 100 enrolled students, then the LEA’s CSI Preliminary Allocation will remain the same. The LEA may now select the “Save and Continue to the Application Overview” button to access and complete the application for funding. For more information on completing the application for funding, please view the Applications for Funding tab on the GMART Instructions web page.

  • If the LEA chooses to forgo CSI-activities for some but not all of its DASS CoP CSI Low Graduation Rate school/s/ with less than 100 enrolled students (or it has other non-DASS CoP schools eligible for CSI), then the LEA’s preliminary allocation will be reduced accordingly. A preliminary allocation table will appear and include a new column “New Adjusted Preliminary LEA Allocation (Declined Funding for DASS CoP School/s/)”. The LEA may now select the “Save and Continue to the Application Overview” button to access and complete the application for funding. For more information on completing the application for funding, please view the Applications for Funding tab on the GMART Instructions web page.

  • If the LEA is a single-school district, charter school, or a traditional LEA with only DASS CoP schools eligible under the CSI Low Graduation Rate criteria with less than 100 enrolled students and forgoes implementation of CSI-related activities, the LEA’s CSI allocation will be reduced to “$0” and the LEA will be prompted to complete the Signature to Decline CSI Funding.

    The LEA must review the terms and conditions, select all the checkboxes, and sign electronically in order to submit its choice to forgo implementation of CSI for its eligible schools and related funding. Once the DASS CoP Intent to Implement CSI is submitted by the LEA, a notification will display confirming that the California Department of Education (CDE) has received the submission and the LEA will receive an email confirming the LEA has declined funding. The LEA can now use the “Print” button to print a copy of the submission for its records.

CDE Contact Information

For questions, please contact the SISO by email at or by phone at 916-319-0833.

For instructions on how to complete the application for funding, please view the Applications for Funding tab on the GMART Instructions web page.

To access the ESSA CSI LEA Walk-through webinars, please visit the ESSA School Support Webinar Resources web page.

For additional information related to CSI, please visit the California Department of Education CSI web page.

Questions:   School Improvement and Support Office | | 916-319-0833
Last Reviewed: Friday, September 27, 2024
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