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Equitable Services Ombudsman

Title I, Part A and Title VIII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) reauthorized as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

The ESEA reauthorized as the ESSA includes Participation by Private School Children and Teachers as defined under Section 1117 and Section 8501 participation by Private School Children and Teachers (under Uniform Provisions Subpart 1, Private Schools).


To help ensure such equity for private school children, teachers, and other educational personnel, the State educational agency involved shall designate an Ombudsman to monitor and enforce the requirements of this part pursuant to the ESSA Section 1117(a)(3)(B).

To ensure timely and meaningful consultation, a local educational agency (LEA) shall consult with appropriate private school officials during the design and development of such agency’s programs under this part. Such agency and private school officials shall both have the goal of reaching agreement on how to provide equitable and effective programs for eligible private school children, the results of which agreement shall be transmitted to the ombudsman designated under subsection (a)(3)(B) pursuant to ESSA Section 1117(b)(1).

To help ensure equitable services are provided to private school children, teachers, and other educational personnel under this section, the state educational agency (SEA) involved shall direct the Ombudsman designated by the agency under ESSA Section 1117 to monitor and enforce the requirements of this section. According to ESSA sections 8501(a)(3)(B); 8501(b)(1); and 34 Code of Federal Regulations 299.6, this section applies to programs under:

  • Title I, Part A;
  • Title I, Part C;
  • Title II, Part A;
  • Title III, Part A;
  • Title IV, Part A;
  • Title IV, Part B; and
  • Section 4631, with regard to the Project School Emergency Response to Violence Program

The Equitable Services Ombudsman Frequently Asked Questions are intended to help LEAs, and other stakeholders, understand the statutory requirements for statewide equitable services for eligible students attending nonprofit private elementary and secondary schools under Title I, Part A of the ESEA, as amended by the ESSA.

Equitable Services

Title I, Part A — Title I Services for Students in Private Schools
Title II, Part A — Title II Services for Private Schools
Title III, Part A — Title III English Learner Private School Participation
Title III, Part A — Title III Immigrant Private School Participation
Title IV, Part A— Title IV, Part A: Specialized Programs

California Department of Education (CDE) Equitable Services Contacts

Federal Program CDE Staff Telephone Email
Title I, Part A
Sylvia Hanna

Title I, Part C
Alejandro Leguizamo

Title II, Part A
Teresa Battenburg

Title III, Part A
Geoffrey Ndirangu

Title IV, Part A
Kevin Donnelly

Title IV, Part B
Joshua Brady

Project SERV

Sylvia Hanna

Title IV, Part A Bipartisan Tom Herman 916-319-0725
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Christine Krause 916-445-4613

Notification of Allocation and Equitable Services Proportional Share

Pursuant to ESSA sections 8501(a)(4)(C), and 1117(a)(4)(C), the SEA shall provide notice in a timely manner to the appropriate private school officials in the State of the allocation of funds for educational services and other benefits under this subpart that the LEAs have determined are available for eligible private school children. Below you will find equitable services allocations by LEA:

Title I, Part A

Title I, Part C

Title II, Part A

Title III, Part A

Title IV, Part A

Title IV, Part B

Project SERV


California Compliance Monitoring
Within the CDE, the Federal Program Monitoring (FPM) office has been designated to supervise the FPM reviews, which take place either in person or online.

On December 10, 2015, President Obama signed the ESSA, reauthorizing the federal ESEA and replacing the No Child Left Behind Act, the 2001 reauthorization of ESEA.

Nonprofit Private School Consultation Sample Templates (DOCX)
In order to comply with the federal law pursuant to ESSA sections 8501 and 1117, it is the LEA responsibility to ascertain the number of students enrolled in each nonprofit private school, and evidence the nonprofit private school intends to participate in federally funded programs.

Transferability Guidance (DOCX)
ESSA, Section 5103 authorizes an LEA to transfer funds from Title II, Part A and Title IV, Part.

Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP)
A UCP complaint is a written and signed statement alleging a violation of federal or state laws or regulations, which may include an allegation of unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying.

U.S Department of Education Resources

Office of Non-Public Education (ONPE) External link opens in new window or tab.
ONPE fosters maximum participation of nonpublic school students and teachers in federal education programs and initiatives.

U.S. Department of Education (ED) - ESSA External link opens in new window or tab.
ED's website with more information about the ESSA.

Questions:   Title I Policy, Program, and Support Office |
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, September 24, 2024
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