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USDA Foods Forms

Forms and sample forms for use by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Foods recipients.

USDA Foods Transfer Forms
Forms required to report a commodity transfer to the Food Distribution Program.

USDA Foods Complaint Form and Instructions (PDF)
USDA Foods Complaint Form used by recipient agencies to report damaged product.

Parent USDA Foods Notification Template: USDA Foods Hold/Recall (DOC)

Available Translations of the Parent USDA Foods Notification Template
We offer this parental notification template for use by recipient agencies in the event of a USDA Foods hold or recall. The notification has been translated into a number of languages and is provided in generic form so that your agency can modify it to suit your needs and use it as resource for communication with parents.

USDA Foods and Translations (XLSX)
A list of USDA Foods and translations to use with the parent USDA Foods notification letter.
Select the appropriate translation worksheet (select from the tabs along the bottom of the spreadsheet), then select and insert the food name into the parental notification template where indicated.

Questions:   Food Distribution Program | 916-324-7132
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, March 05, 2024
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