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April 17, 2020 IQC Minutes

State of California
Gavin Newsom, Governor

Instructional Quality Commission
An advisory body to the California State Board of Education



(Commission approved on May 13, 2020)

Report of Action
Friday, April 17, 2020

Instructional Quality Commissioners Present:
  • Jose Iniguez, Chair
  • Yolanda Muñoz, Vice Chair
  • Cristina Andre
  • Mariana Astorga-Almanza
  • Christine Chapman
  • Deborah Costa Hernández
  • Shay Fairchild
  • Linsey Gotanda
  • Lily Jarvis
  • Melanie Murphy-Corwin
  • David Phanthai
  • Alma-Delia Renteria
  • Manuel Rustin
  • Julie Tonkovich
  • Pamela Williamson
  • Assemblymember Shirley Weber
  • Senator Ben Allen
Executive Director:
  • Shanine Coats
State Board of Education Liaison Present:
  • Patricia Rucker
  • Ilene Straus

Please note that the complete proceedings of the April 17, 2020, Instructional Quality Commission (Commission or IQC) meeting, including closed-captioning, are available on the IQC 2020 Public Meeting Notices, Agendas, Minutes, Webcasts web page.

  1. Full Instructional Quality Commission
    1. Call to Order
      IQC Chair Iniguez called the meeting to order at approximately 10 a.m.

    2. Salute to the Flag
      Executive Director Coats led the salute to the flag.

    3. Overview of Agenda
      IQC Chair Iniguez reviewed the agenda and public comment guidelines.

    4. Approval of Minutes for the January 15–16, 2020, Commission Meeting (Action)
      ACTION: Commissioner Williamson moved to approve the January 15–16, 2020, Commission meeting minutes. Commissioner Gotanda seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. A roll-call vote was taken. The motion was approved by a unanimous roll-call vote of the members present (17–0).

    5. Report of the Chair
      IQC Chair Iniguez gave a report.

    6. Executive Director’s Report
      Executive Director Coats gave a report.

    7. Report for the State Board of Education (SBE)
      SBE liaisons Patricia Rucker and Ilene Straus reported on the activities of the SBE.

    8. Approve Proposed Revised 2020 IQC Meeting Calendar (Action)
      Item was withdrawn on April 10, 2020.

    9. 2020 World Languages Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (WL Framework)

      1. Review Second 60-Day Field Review Results and Recommend Final Edits to SBE (Action)
        The IQC reviewed and discussed the public comments received on the draft WL Framework second 60-day public review and comment period. IQC Chair Iniguez led the discussion. Throughout the discussion, the WL Framework lead writer and California Department of Education (CDE) staff members answered questions. At the conclusion of the discussion, the IQC came to consensus on what edits to recommend to the SBE.

        ACTION 1:
        Commissioner Renteria moved to recommend to the SBE the final agreed-upon edits to the draft 2020 WL Framework. Commissioner Jarvis seconded the motion. There was no additional discussion and no public comment. A roll-call vote was taken. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (17–0).

        ACTION 2: Commissioner Renteria moved that the IQC delegate to the WL Subject Matter Committee (SMC) Chair and Vice Chair the review and approval of the agreed-upon changes to the draft WL Framework as well as any minor edits identified by CDE staff or the writers (e.g., grammar, punctuation, word order, citations) before the framework is posted for SBE adoption. Commissioner Jarvis seconded the motion. There was no additional discussion and no public comment. A roll-call vote was taken. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (17–0).

    10. Lunch Break
      The meeting recessed for lunch.

    11. 2020 Arts Education Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (Arts Education Framework)

      1. Review Second 60-Day Field Review Results and Recommend Final Edits to SBE (Action)
        The IQC reviewed and discussed the public comments received on the draft Arts Education Framework during the second 60-day public review and comment period. IQC Chair Iniguez led the discussion. Throughout the discussion, the Arts Education Framework lead writer and CDE staff members answered questions. At the conclusion of the discussion, the IQC came to consensus on what edits to recommend to the SBE.

        ACTION 1: Commissioner Tonkovich moved to recommend to the SBE the final agreed-upon edits to the draft 2020 Arts Education Framework. Commissioner Murphy-Corwin seconded the motion. There was no additional discussion and no public comment. A roll-call vote was taken. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (16–0). Senator Allen was absent for the vote.

        ACTION 2: Commissioner Tonkovich moved that the IQC delegate to the Arts Education SMC Chair and Vice Chair the review and approval of the agreed-upon changes to the draft Arts Education Framework as well as any minor edits identified by CDE staff or the writers (e.g., grammar, punctuation, word order, citations) before the framework is posted for SBE adoption. Commissioner Murphy-Corwin seconded the motion. There was no additional discussion and no public comment. A roll-call vote was taken. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (16–0). Senator Allen was absent for the vote.

    12. General Public Comment
      The following individuals provided public comment:
      1. Lara Kiswani, Arab Resource and Organizing Center
      2. Lailan Huen, Oakland Unified School District Asian Pacific Islander Student Achievement
      3. Clementina Duron, educator

    13. Adjournment of Meeting
      IQC Chair Iniguez adjourned the meeting at approximately 3:43 p.m.
Last Reviewed: Monday, August 28, 2023
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