IQC Final Meeting Minutes July 24, 2017

State of California
Edmund G. Brown Jr., Governor
Instructional Quality Commission
An advisory body to the California State Board of Education
(Approved on September 27, 2017)
Report of Action
Monday, July 24, 2017
Instructional Quality Commission (IQC) Members Present:
- Lizette Diaz, Commission Chair
- Bill Honig, Vice Chair
- Jocelyn Broemmelsiek
- Soomin Chao
- Jose Flores
- Brian Muller
- Melanie Murphy Corwin
- Nicole Naditz
- Julie Tonkovich
- Jennifer Woo
Commissionner Emeritus:
- Julie Spykerman
Executive Director:
- Stephanie Gregson
California Department of Education (CDE) Staff Facilitator:
- Jim Long
- Instructional Quality Committee
- Call to Order
IQC Chair Diaz called the meeting to order at 2 p.m. She welcomed commissioners, commissioner emeritus, CDE staff, and the public to the meeting to train the individuals who will be facilitating the panels during the week of deliberations.
- Approval of August 17, 2017, Meeting to Take Public Comment for the 2017 History–Social Science Adoption (Action)
ACTION: Commissioner Muller moved to add August 17, 2017, to the IQC calendar as a meeting of the full IQC to take public comment for the 2017 History–Social Science Adoption. Commissioner Woo seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (10–0).
- Revisions to Visual and Performing Arts and World Language Standards Timelines and Advisory Committee Member Applications (Information)
At the January IQC meeting, the IQC recommended to the State Board of Education (SBE) the timelines and member applications for both the Visual and Performing Arts and World Language Standards Advisory Committees as part of the revision process for those content standards. However, due to a delay in the funding for those projects, the SBE did not take action on those items in March. The funding is now included in the Governor’s budget, and the IQC is moving forward with the request for SBE action on those items in September. The timelines and member applications had to be revised to reflect new advisory committee meeting dates. The revisions do not impact future IQC or SBE meetings and action as recommended in January.
- Other Matters/Public Comment on Today’s Agenda Items: None
- Call to Order
- History–Social Science Subject Matter Committee
- History–Social Science Adoption Facilitator Refresher Training (Information)
The CDE staff led the refresher training of facilitators for the 2017 History–Social Science Instructional Materials Adoption. Staff walked the commissioners/commissioner emeritus through the process of deliberations that included a skit simulating many of the situations that they might run into during their panel’s work.
- Other Matters/Public Comment on Today’s Agenda Item: None
IQC Chair Diaz adjourned the meeting at approximately 3:10 p.m.
- History–Social Science Adoption Facilitator Refresher Training (Information)
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, September 20, 2023
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