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Health Education Framework Revision Process

This chart illustrates the major events in the Health Education Framework revision process.
Schedule Events
June 2016
  • Instructional Quality Commission (IQC) Recommends Timeline and Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee (CFCC) Application Form to State Board of Education (SBE)
September 2016
  • SBE Approves Timeline and CFCC Application, 90-day CFCC Recruitment
November 2016
  • Meetings of Four Focus Groups (Educators Appointed by SSPI) Held to Solicit Input on Framework
January 2017
  • IQC Receives Focus Group Input and Reccommends CFCC Members and Guidelines to SBE
March 2017
  • SBE Recieves Focus Group Input, Appoints CFCC Members, and Approves Guidelines
May 2017 to January 2018
  • CFCC Meets Six Times to Draft Framework, Forwards to IQC
March 2018
  • IQC's Health Subject Matter Committee (HSMC) and IQC Review and Edit Draft Framework
April to June 2018
  • IQC Conducts 60-Day Field Review, Draft Framework Posted on the Internet
August 2018
  • HSMC Reviews Public Comment and Recommends Edits to IQC
September 2018
  • IQC Reviews Public Comment, Edits Draft Framework, and Recommends Draft Framework to SBE
March 2019
  • Health SMC/IQC review comments from the second 60-day public review period and recommends final edits to the Health Education Framework for SBE adoption in May

May 2019
  • SBE Acts on IQC's Recommendation to Adopt Framework
Early 2020
  • Framework Edited, Final Version Posted on CDE Framework Web Page


Questions:   Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division | | 916-319-0881
Last Reviewed: Monday, August 28, 2023
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