IQC Meeting Minutes for March 28, 2014

State of California
Edmund G. Brown Jr., Governor
Instructional Quality Commission
An advisory body to the California State Board of EducationFinal Minutes of Meeting, March 28, 2014
(Approved on May 15, 2014)
Report of Action
Friday, March 28, 2014
Instructional Quality Commissioners Present:
- Louis “Bill” Honig, Chair
- Jo Ann Isken, Vice Chair
- Angel Barrett
- Kristyn Bennett
- Edward D’Souza
- Jose Dorado
- Robert Foster
- Lori Freiermuth
- Marlene Galvan
- Carla Herrera
- Nancy McTygue
- Brian Muller
- Socorro Shiels
- Julie Spykerman
- Carlos Ulloa
- Lauryn Wild
Commissioners Absent:
- Assembywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva
- Senator Carol Liu
Executive Director:
- Thomas Adams
State Board of Education Liaison Present:
- Ilene Straus
- Full Instructional Quality Commission (Commission or IQC)
- Call to Order
Commission Chair Honig called the meeting to order at 9:02 a.m.
- Salute to the Flag
Commissioner Isken led salute to the flag.
- Overview of the Agenda
Chair Honig welcomed Robert Foster, State Board of Education (SBE) appointee replacing Angie Estonina, to the Commission. Commissioner Foster is a middle school science teacher in the Redlands Unified School District. In addition, Chair Honig announced the SBE reappointed Commissioners Freiermuth, Galvan and himself for an additional 4-year term.
- Approval of Minutes for the November 21–22, 2013, Commission meeting (Action) ACTION: Commissioner D’Souza moved to approve the November 21–22, 2013, Commission meeting minutes. Commissioner Freiermuth seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (16-0). Commissioners Liu and Quirk-Silva were absent from the meeting.
- Approval of Minutes for the December 17, 2013, and March 7, 2014, English Language Arts/English Language Development (ELA/ELD) Subject Matter Committee (SMC) meeting (Action) ACTION: Commissioner Bennett moved to approve the December 7, 2013, and March 7, 2014 ELA/ELD SMC meeting minutes. Commissioner McTygue seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (16-0). Commissioners Liu and Quirk-Silva were absent from the meeting.
- Report of the Chair
Commission Chair Honig reported on the following:
- Trish Williams and Ilene Straus are the SBE liaisons to the Commission in the area of Science.
- EdSource article by Bill Honig, Coherent and Sequenced Curriculum Key to Implementing Common Core Standards, January 29, 2014 EdSource
- In the works is an application for a project that would help districts when reviewing instructional materials to adopt.
- Michael Kirst, SBE President, requested the IQC and California Department of Education (CDE) consider modifying the adoption procedure to make it more flexible for publishers. CDE will come back with more information about this issue.
- From the field, online frameworks are useful, but may need another useful alternative such as an executive summary, print document or a shorter version of the Mathematics and ELA Frameworks.
- The University of California Regents is taking an active role in supporting the common core and is open to a collaborative effort with the CDE.
- Executive Director’s Report
Thomas Adams, Executive Director, reported on the following:
- The Governor’s Budget
Includes funding for the 2016 Science Framework revision, but $20,000 less than requested.
Does not include funding for Braille and large print materials. CDE will have to charge districts a fee to provide this service. The Superintendent’s position is to keep the program going and provide this service free of charge for all blind and visually impaired students so they will have access to the curriculum.
- Future Works of the Commission
In the works are regulations for publisher fees for the 2016 ELA/ELA adoption.
The 2016 ELA/ELD adoption training and deliberations will be held in Los Angeles due to meeting room accommodations.
Roll- out of the frameworks – CDE and the County Offices of Education are working on a roll-out strategy. CDE is looking at the fall of 2014 to kick-off the ELA/ELD Framework with regional workshops and a possible statewide meeting. The commissioners will be assisting with the roll-outs.
- Achieve Workshop
On May 28–29, 2014, CDE is working with Achieve to train California teachers on common core rubrics in ELA and mathematics for evaluating instructional materials. Achieve plans to pilot the science rubric which is in the works. The training will be held in the Los Angeles area. More information will follow.
- The Governor’s Budget
- Report from the State Board of Education
Ilene Straus, SBE liaison, gave a report on the activities of SBE’s March meeting.
- Other Matters/Public Comment: None
- Call to Order
- Executive Committee
Commission Chair Honig called the Executive Committee meeting to order.
- Committee Assignments (Action)
The committee assigned Commissioner Foster to the Health, History–Social Science and Science SMCs.
- Other Matters/Public Comment: None
- Committee Assignments (Action)
- Science Subject Matter Committee
- Science Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (Science Framework), 2016 Revision (Information)
Science Focus Group Meetings and Public Comment Received Regarding the Revision of the Science Framework
Bryan D. Boyd, Science Consultant for the Instructional Resources Unit, gave an update on the five regional focus groups and discussed how they gathered input on what guidance and information should be included in the revised Science Framework to support the implementation of the California Next Generation Science Standards (CA NGSS). Bryan reported that the Science Focus Group Report will be presented to the Science SMC and the IQC, the IQC will take action on the guidelines for the revision of the Science Framework, and they will recommend the Science Curriculum Frameworks and Evaluation Criteria Committee (CFCC) members to the SBE at the May 15–16, 2014, meeting.
- Other Matters/Public Comment:
Will Parish, Executive Director, Ten Strands
- Science Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (Science Framework), 2016 Revision (Information)
- English Language Arts/English Language Development (ELA/ELD) Subject Matter Committee
ELA/ELD SMC Chair Isken called the ELA/ELD SMC meeting to order.
- The English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (ELA/ELD Framework), 2014 Revision (Information/Action) Chair Isken called the ELA/ELD SMC to order. She reviewed that the purposes of the meeting were to review the recommended revisions to the chapters, discuss revised Chapter 7A, and request the IQC empower the ELA/ELD SMC to approve Chapter 7B at an ELA/ELD SMC meeting on the afternoon of April 21, 2014, via a conference call. Staff reviewed all the documents commissioners received via mail, e-mail, or in their red folders. The documents included the “Consolidated Items A and B” chart which lists all the suggested edits and captured the agreed revisions from the ELA/ELD SMC meeting held on March 7, Attachments 1-9, an informational summary of the current snapshots/vignettes, and handouts referencing new language to the glossary and Chapter 12.
- Public Hearing on the Draft ELA/ELD Framework (Time Certain – 10 a.m.)
AMC Chair Isken convened the ELA/ELD SMC Public Hearing on the Draft ELA/ELD Framework at 10 a.m. Three members of the public provided comments: - Janice Orton, ELA/ELD CFCC Member and Middle School Literacy Coach/Teacher Specialist, California School for the Deaf, Fremont
- Rory Osbrink, Bilingual/Deaf Studies Teacher Specialist, California School for the Deaf, Fremont, and Professor Gallaudet University and Berkeley City College
- Jessica Sawko, California Science Teachers Association
Discussion on Edits to the Draft ELA/ELD Framework (Action)
Chair Isken outlined the process for reviewing the documents and discussing possible edits and revisions. Using the “Consolidated Items A and B” chart, each section of edits was opened for discussion. Commissioners addressed any items on the chart that needed further explanation or were not adequately addressed in the draft framework. Public members, SBE liaison, or staff had an opportunity to provide input. Each series of section or chapter items concluded with a vote of consensus. A summary of comments and actions for items or sections of items are included in Attachment 1 to the minutes. After a lengthy discussion on the revisions to the ELA/ELD Framework, the following action was proposed.
Subject Matter Committee Approval of the Draft ELA/ELD Framework (Action)
ACTION: Commissioner Herrera moved to: 1) request staff and the writers incorporate into the December 2013 review draft of the ELA/ELD Framework the edits agreed upon today, 2) ask the IQC to empower the ELA/ELD SMC to approve Chapter 7B, the high school chapter, any changes to the language regarding students who are deaf and hard-of hearing in Chapters 1 and 9, and the glossary definition for Structured English Immersion in a conference call meeting scheduled for April 21, 2014, from 4–5 p.m.; 3) ask the IQC to authorize Chair Honig and Chair Isken to work with the writers and staff to review and approve additional edits; 4) recommend that the IQC approve the December 2013 draft of the ELA/ELD Framework, with edits, and forward the edited ELA/ELD Framework to the SBE with a recommendation that the SBE adopt the ELA/ELD Framework; and 5) recommend that the draft ELA/ELD Framework, once edited, be sent out for a 60-day public review and comment period. Any future additions to the ELA/ELD Framework will be recommended by the IQC. Commissioner Bennett seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the ELA/ELD SMC members present (8-0)
- Public Hearing on the Draft ELA/ELD Framework (Time Certain – 10 a.m.)
- 2015 ELA/ELD Instructional Materials Primary Adoption (Information)
Chair Isken informed the ELA/ELD SMC that the SBE took action to approve both the Schedule of Significant Events (Timeline) for the 2015 ELA/ELD Instructional Materials Adoption of instructional materials for Kindergarten through grade eight and the Instructional Materials Reviewer and Content Review Expert Online Application. These two actions effectively launched the adoption project.
Chair Isken announced that the recruiting period will run from April 1 through August 1, 2014 and that the CDE anticipates that this adoption will attract a high rate of publisher participation and require a high number of reviewers. All recommended applications will be forwarded to the ELA/ELD SMC for approval at their September 2014 meeting.
Chair Isken noted that a letter from the State Superintendent of Public Instruction had been distributed to all California district and school administrators as part of the effort to recruit qualified candidates, and asked each member of the Commission to help spread the word to educators who might be interested in participating. Chair Isken also reminded members to review the Timeline and make sure their calendars were clear for the two scheduled training and corresponding deliberation sessions.
- Public Comment on Adoption: None
- Other Matters/Public Comment: None
- The English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (ELA/ELD Framework), 2014 Revision (Information/Action) Chair Isken called the ELA/ELD SMC to order. She reviewed that the purposes of the meeting were to review the recommended revisions to the chapters, discuss revised Chapter 7A, and request the IQC empower the ELA/ELD SMC to approve Chapter 7B at an ELA/ELD SMC meeting on the afternoon of April 21, 2014, via a conference call. Staff reviewed all the documents commissioners received via mail, e-mail, or in their red folders. The documents included the “Consolidated Items A and B” chart which lists all the suggested edits and captured the agreed revisions from the ELA/ELD SMC meeting held on March 7, Attachments 1-9, an informational summary of the current snapshots/vignettes, and handouts referencing new language to the glossary and Chapter 12.
- Full Commission Reconvenes
- Public Hearing: Draft ELA/ELD Framework (Time Certain – 12:30 p.m.)
Commission Chair Honig convened the Instructional Quality Commission Public Hearing on the Draft ELA/ELD Framework at 3 p.m. There were no speakers. Chair Honig closed the Public Hearing.
- Commission Approval of the Draft ELA/ELD Framework (Action)
ACTION: Draft ELA/ELD Framework
ELA/ELD Subject Matter Committee Chair Isken moved that the Instructional Quality Commission 1) request CFIR staff and the framework writers to incorporate into the December 2013 Review Draft of the ELA/ELD Framework the edits agreed upon today; 2) ask the full Instructional Quality Commission to empower the ELA/ELD SMC to approve Chapter 7B, the high school chapter, any changes to the language regarding students who are deaf and hard-of-hearing in Chapter 1 and 9, and the glossary definition for Structured English Immersion in a conference call meeting scheduled for April 21, 2014 from 4–5 p.m.; 3) ask the full Instructional Quality Commission to authorize Commissioner Chair Honig and SMC Chair Isken to work with the writers and staff to review and approve additional edits; 4) recommend that the full Instructional Quality Commission approve the December 2013 draft of the ELA/ELD Framework, with edits, and forward the edited ELA/ELD Framework to the State Board of Education with a recommendation that the State Board adopt the ELA/ELD Framework; 5) and recommend that the draft ELA/ELD Framework, once edited, be sent out for a 60-day public review and comment period. Any future additions to the ELA/ELD Framework will be recommended by the IQC and acted upon by the State Board.
Commissioner Wild seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. There was a roll call vote. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (16–0). Commissioners Liu and Quirk-Silva were absent from the meeting.
- Reports/Action from Subcommittees: None
- Individual Commissioner Reports: None
- Other Matters/Public Comment: None
Chair Honig adjourned the meeting at 2:53 p.m.
- Public Hearing: Draft ELA/ELD Framework (Time Certain – 12:30 p.m.)
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, January 24, 2023
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