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Instructional Quality Commission Meeting Minutes

Final Minutes of the July 26, 2018 Instructional Quality Commission Meeting. Approved by the Commission on September 20, 2018.
Report of Action
Thursday, July 26, 2018

Instructional Quality Commissioners Present:
  • Dean Reese, Commission Chair
  • Jocelyn Broemmelsiek (late)
  • Christine Chapman
  • Lizette Diaz
  • Shay Fairchild
  • Jose Flores
  • Risha Krishna
  • Jose Iniguez
  • Yolanda Muñoz
  • Melanie Murphy-Corwin
  • Nicole Naditz
  • Julie Tonkovich
  • Jennifer Woo
Commissioners Absent:
  • Soomin Chao
  • Jose Lara
  • Alma-Delia Renteria
  • Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva
  • Senator Anthony Portantino
Executive Director:
  • Stephanie Gregson

State Board of Education Liaison Present:

  • Patricia Rucker
  1. Full Instructional Quality Commission (Commission or IQC)

    1. Call to Order Commission
      Chair Reese called the meeting to order at approximately 10 a.m.

    2. Salute to the Flag
      Commissioner Iniguez led the salute to the flag.

    3. Overview of Agenda
      There were no changes to the agenda.

    4. Approval of Minutes (Action)

      : Commissioner Murphy-Corwin moved to approve the May 17, 2018, Commission meeting. Commissioner Naditz seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (12–0). Commissioner Broemmelsiek was absent for the vote and Commissioners Chao, Lara, Renteria, Assemblywoman Quirk-Silva, and Senator Portantino were absent from the meeting.

    5. Report of the Chair Commission
      Chair Reese reported on the science adoption deliberations that took place July 17-20. He thanked the educators who participated in the adoption as well as the California Department of Education (CDE) staff.

    6. Executive Director’s Report
      Executive Director Stephanie Gregson reported on the following:
      • Her recent educational trip to South Korea.
      • Science adoption deliberations, she thanked the commissioner facilitators and CDE staff.
      • The Science Framework is now 508 compliant and is posted on the CDE web page.

    7. Report for the State Board of Education
      State Board of Education (SBE) liaison Rucker reported on the activities of the SBE.

    8. 2020 IQC Meeting Dates

      ACTION: Commissioner Chapman moved to approve the 2020 meeting dates. Commissioner Murphy-Corwin seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (12–0). Commissioner Broemmelsiek was absent for the vote and Commissioners Chao, Lara, Renteria, Assemblywoman Quirk-Silva, and Senator Portantino were absent from the meeting.

    9. Other Matters/Public Comment: None
  1. World Languages Subject Matter Committee (SMC)
    SMC Chair Naditz called the World Languages meeting to order.
    1. 2019 World Languages Standards for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (World Language Standards) (Information/Action)
      1. Review Draft World Languages Standards (Information)
        SMC Chair Naditz led the review of the draft World Languages Standards.

        Stephanie Gregson provided an overview of the standards development process and guidelines.

        Alejandro Hernández explained the process the World Languages Standards Advisory Committee determined alignment with the guidelines.

        The World Languages SMC reviewed the draft World Languages Standards and recommend to the IQC edits to be made before this draft is posted for a 60-day public review and comment period.

      2. Public Comment on the Draft World Languages Standards: None

      3. Approval of the Draft World Languages Standards for the 60-Day Public Review and Comment Period (Action)
        SMC Chair Naditz led the discussion to approve the draft World Languages Standards for the 60-day public review and comment period.

        ACTION: Commissioner Diaz moved to recommend the draft World Languages Standards with the suggested edits/additions for the 60-day public review and comment period. Commissioner Muñoz seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the committee members present (5-0). Commissioner Brommelsiek was absent for the vote and Commissioners Chao and Renteria were absent from the meeting.

        ACTION: Commissioner Tonkovich moved to delegate to the Chair and Vice Chair of the World Languages SMC the review and approval of the agreed upon changes to the draft World Languages Standards as well as any minor edits (e.g. grammar, punctuation, word order, citations) identified by the Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division (CFIRD) staff or writer prior to posting for the 60-day public review and comment period. Commissioner Muñoz seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the committee members present (5-0). Commissioner Brommelsiek was absent for the vote and Commissioners Chao and Renteria were absent from the meeting.

      4. Approval of the Online Survey for the Public Review and Comment Period (Action)
        SMC Chair Naditz led the discussion to approve the online survey for the 60-day public review and comment period of the draft World Languages Standards.

        ACTION: Commissioner Tonkovich moved to recommend the online survey for the 60-day public review and comment period of the draft World Languages Standards. Commissioner Diaz seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the committee members present (5-0). Commissioner Brommelsiek was absent for the vote and Commissioners Chao and Renteria were absent from the meeting.

    2. Other Matters/Public Comment: None

  2. Visual and Performing Arts Subject Matter Committee
    SMC Chair Tonkovich called the Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) SMC meeting to order.
    1. 2019 Visual and Performing Arts Standards for California Public Schools, Prekindergarten Through Grade Twelve (VAPA Standards) (Information/Action)
      1. Review Draft VAPA Standards (Information)
        SMC Chair Tonkovich led the review of the draft VAPA Standards.

        Stephanie Gregson provided an overview of the standards development process and purpose of the IQC.

        Letty Kraus provided an overview of decision made by the VAPA Standards Advisory Committee in the context of the guidelines.

        The VAPA SMC reviewed the draft VAPA Standards and recommend to the full IQC edits to be made before this draft is posted for a 60-day public review and comment period.

      2. Public Comment on the Draft VAPA Standards: None

      3. Approval of the Draft VAPA Standards for the 60-Day Public Review and Comment Period (Action)
        SMC Chair Tonkovich led the discussion to approve the draft VAPA Standards for the 60-day public review and comment period.

        ACTION: Commissioner Naditz moved to recommend the draft VAPA Standards with the suggested edits/additions for the 60-day public review and comment period. Commissioner Woo seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the committee members present (6-0). Commissioners Chao and Lara were absent from the meeting.

        ACTION: Commissioner Woo moved to delegate to the Chair and Vice Chair of the VAPA SMC the review and approval of the agreed upon changes to the draft VAPA Standards as well as any minor edits (e.g. grammar, punctuation, word order, citations) identified by the CFIRD staff or writer prior to posting for the 60-day public review and comment period. Commissioner Murphy-Corwin seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the committee members present (6-0). Commissioners Chao and Lara were absent from the meeting.

      4. Approval of the Online Survey for the Public Review and Comment Period (Action)
        SMC Chair Tonkovich led the discussion to approve the online survey for the 60-day public review and comment period of the draft VAPA Standards.

        ACTION: Commissioner Diaz moved to recommend the online survey for the 60-day public review and comment period of the draft VAPA Standards. Commissioner Murphy-Corwin seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the committee members present (6-0). Commissioners Chao and Lara were absent from the meeting.

    2. Other Matters/Public Comment: None

  3. Education Technology Committee
    Committee Chair Murphy-Corwin called the Education Technology Committee meeting to order.
    1. Computer Science Standards for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (Computer Science Standards) (Information/Action)
      1. Discussion on Edits to the Draft Computer Science Standards (Information)
        Dr. Stephanie Gregson explained this is the last stage of the standards development process for the IQC and if they want changes to the standards, then they must provide specific language for edits. The SBE Liaison, Patricia Rucker reminded the committee members the importance of considering the public comments received. The committee worked its way through the Public Review Comments table, letters submitted for public comment, and provided their own edits for consideration. The primary writer, Katherine Goyette, responded to questions and specific requests for edits. One of the writers from WestEd, Aleata Hubbard, joined the meeting via the phone.

      2. Public Comment on the Draft Computer Science Standards
        Mark Wise, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

      3. Committee Recommendation to the Full Commission the Draft Computer Science Standards (Action)

        ACTION: Commissioner Fairchild moved to approve the revised draft Computer Science Standards with edits to the full Commission. Commissioner Iniguez seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the committee members present (6-0). Commissioners Chao and Renteria were absent from the meeting.

    2. Other Matters/Public Comment

  4. Health Subject Matter Committee
    SMC Chair Woo called the Health SMC meeting to order.
    1. Health Education Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (Health Education Framework), 2019 Revision (Information/Action)
      1. Update on the Survey Results and Comments Received During the First 60-Day Public Review and Comment Period (Information)
        Lindsay Weiss provided a brief summary report of the number of surveys that were completed and a general overview of the public comments submitted to the CDE regarding the draft Health Education Framework. Additionally, Lindsay pointed out an additional line edit in the Access and Equity Chapter that will be addressed in the next round of revisions.

      2. Edits to the Draft Health Education Framework, Access and Equity, Chapter 7
        SMC Chair Woo reviewed the three edits that the full commission had requested during the March 22 –23, 2018 IQC meeting. The requested edits that were made are:

        • On pages 3 and 4, lines 65–82 there is a new section on Universal Design for Learning. This was added to provide context for the new information in the section on Students with Disabilities. Also, the paragraph on Students Identified as Vulnerable was moved from page 3 to pages 7–8, lines 185–194 to better fit the organization of the chapter. It is now placed with the other sections on student groups that are listed at the beginning of the chapter.

        • Learning from Diverse Role Models in High School on pages 39–41, lines 794–860. The example was re-written to make it more related to health education. In the previous version of the chapter, the example was taken from the science framework.

        • There is a new section, Establishing an Inclusive Health Education Classroom through Universal Design for Learning on pages 43 –46, lines 931–945. This series of tables replaces what were several pages of lists in the previous version of the chapter, many of which were not related to health education content or skills.

          An additional line edit was pointed out, which was to capitalize “Individualized Education Plan (IEP)” and will be fixed in the next round of revisions. A recommendation was made to add the word “deportation” on page 48, line 952 after the word “loss.” The new text will read: “…including the loss, deportation, or incarceration of a family member…”

          A request was made to replace line 596 with people first language for consistency throughout the chapter. A recommendation was made to use the California Dashboard student group terms as the basis for naming student groups. These changes will be made in the next round of revisions.

          ACTION: Commissioner Diaz moved to recommend the changes to the Access and Equity chapter as presented in Attachment 1 with the addition of the minor edits discussed to the full IQC. Commissioner Fairchild seconded this motion. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the committee members present (6–0). Commissioner Krishna was not present for the vote and Commissioner Lara was absent from the meeting.
    2. Other Matters/Public Comment
      Daly Jordan Cook, California Teachers Association

  5. Full Commission Reconvenes
    1. Reports/Action from Subcommittees
      World Languages Subject Matter Committee
      1. Approve Draft World Languages Standards for the 60-Day Public Review and Comment Period (Action)

        ACTION: SMC Chair Naditz moved to recommend to the IQC that the draft World Languages Standards be sent out for the 60-Day public review and comment period with the changes agreed to today. Commissioner Woo seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (11–0). Commissioners Flores and Krishna were absent for the vote and Commissioners Chao, Lara, Renteria, Assemblywoman Quirk-Silva, and Senator Portantino were absent from the meeting.

        ACTION: SMC Chair Naditz moved to have the full IQC delegate the Chair and Vice Chair of the World Languages SMC the review and approval of the agreed-upon changes to the draft standards as well as any minor edits identified by the CFIRD staff or the writers (e.g. grammar, punctuation, word order, citations) before the draft standards document is posted for its 60-day public review and comment period. Commissioner Muñoz seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (11–0). Commissioners Flores and Krishna were absent for the vote and Commissioners Chao, Lara, Renteria, Assemblywoman Quirk-Silva, and Senator Portantino were absent from the meeting.
      2. Approve Online Survey Form for the Draft World Languages Standards Public Review and Comment Period (Action)

        ACTION: SMC Chair Naditz moved that the IQC approve the survey questions for the online survey form that will be posted along with the draft standards. Commissioner Iniguez seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (11–0). Commissioners Flores and Krishna were absent for the vote and Commissioners Chao, Lara, Renteria, Assemblywoman Quirk-Silva, and Senator Portantino were absent from the meeting.

        Visual and Performing Arts Subject Matter Committee

      3. Approve Draft VAPA Standards for the 60-Day Public Review and Comment Period (Action)

        ACTION: SMC Chair Tonkovich moved to recommend to the IQC that the draft VAPA Standards be sent out for the 60-Day public review and comment period with the changes agreed to today. Commissioner Murphy-Corwin seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (11–0). Commissioners Flores and Krishna were absent for the vote and Commissioners Chao, Lara, Renteria, Assemblywoman Quirk-Silva, and Senator Portantino were absent from the meeting.

        ACTION: SMC Chair Tonkovich moved to have the full IQC delegate the Chair and Vice Chair of the Visual and Performing Arts SMC the review and approval of the agreed-upon changes to the draft standards as well as any minor edits identified by the CFIRD staff or the writers (e.g. grammar, punctuation, word order, citations) before the draft standards document is posted for its 60-day public review and comment period. Commissioner Naditz seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (11–0). Commissioners Flores and Krishna were absent for the vote and Commissioners Chao, Lara, Renteria, Assemblywoman Quirk-Silva, and Senator Portantino were absent from the meeting.

      4. Online Survey Form for the VAPA Standards Public Review and Comment Period (Action)

        ACTION: SMC Chair Tonkovich moved that the IQC approve the survey questions for the online survey form that will be posted along with the draft standards. Commissioner Murphy-Corwin seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (11–0). Commissioners Flores and Krishna were absent for the vote and Commissioners Chao, Lara, Renteria, Assemblywoman Quirk-Silva, and Senator Portantino were absent from the meeting.

        Education Technology Committee

      5. Approve and Recommend to the SBE the Draft Computer Science Standards (Action)

        ACTION: Committee Chair Murphy-Corwin moved that the IQC approve and recommend to the SBE the revised draft Computer Science Standards. Commissioner Broemmelsiek seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. A roll call vote was taken. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (11–0). Commissioners Flores and Krishna were absent for the vote and Commissioners Chao, Lara, Renteria, Assemblywoman Quirk-Silva, and Senator Portantino were absent from the meeting.

        Health Subject Matter Committee

      6. Approve Edits to the Draft Health Education Framework, Access and Equity, Chapter 7 (Action)

        ACTION: SMC Chair Woo moved that the IQC approve the changes to the Access and Equity chapter as presented in Attachment 1. Commissioner Fairchild seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (11–0). Commissioners Flores and Krishna were absent for the vote and Commissioners Chao, Lara, Renteria, Assemblywoman Quirk-Silva, and Senator Portantino were absent from the meeting.

    2. Individual Commissioner Reports

    3. Other Matters/Public Comment: None

Commission Chair Reese adjourned the meeting at approximately 3:53 p.m.

Questions:   Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division | |916-319-0881
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, September 20, 2023
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