Instructional Quality Commission Meeting Minutes
Final Minutes of the Instructional Quality Commission March 28, 2019 Meeting.FINAL MINUTES OF MEETING: MARCH 28, 2019
Instructional Quality Commission
An advisory body to the California State Board of Education
(Commission approved on May 16, 2019)
Report of Action
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Instructional Quality Commissioners Present:
- Soomin Chao, Chair
- Jennifer Woo, Vice Chair
- Christine Chapman
- Lizette Diaz
- Shay Fairchild
- Deborah Costa Hernández
- Jose Iniguez
- Yolanda Muñoz
- Melanie Murphy-Corwin
- Nicole Naditz
- David Phanthai
- Alma-Delia Renteria
- Manuel Rustin
- Julie Tonkovich
- Pamela Williamson
Commissioners Absent:
- Jose Lara
- Shirley Weber, Assemblymember
Executive Director:
- Stephanie Gregson
State Board of Education Liaison Absent:
- Patricia Rucker
- Ilene Straus
Please note that the complete proceedings of the March 28, 2019, Instructional Quality Commission (Commission or IQC) meeting, including closed-captioning, are available online at Instructional Quality Commission 2019 Meeting Web page.
- Full Instructional Quality Commission
- Call to Order
Commission Chair Chao called the meeting to order at approximately 10 a.m.
- Salute to the Flag
Commissioner Murphy-Corwin led the salute to the flag.
- Overview of Agenda
Commission Chair Chao reviewed agenda and went over public comment guidelines
- Approval of Minutes
ACTION: Commissioner Naditz moved to approve the January 24–25, 2019 Commission meeting minutes. Commissioner Murphy-Corwin seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (15-0). Commissioners Lara and Weber were absent from the meeting.
- Report of the Chair
Commission Chair Chao gave a report.
- Executive Director’s Report
Executive Director Stephanie Gregson gave a report.
- Report of the State Board of Education (SBE): None
- Unconscious Bias Training
Lindsay Weiss, Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division, conducted an introduction to unconscious bias based on the book Blind Spot.
- Other Matters/Public Comment: None
- Mathematics Subject Matter Committee
- 2021 Revision of Mathematics Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (Mathematics Framework)
- Schedule of Significant Events (Information/Action)
ACTION: Commissioner Iniguez moved to recommend the 2021 Revision of the Mathematic Framework Schedule of Significant Events, pending funding, to the full IQC. Commissioner Renteria seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (8–0).
- Application for the Mathematics Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee (CFCC) (Information/Action)
Subject Matter Committee (SMC) Chair Chapman led the discussion of the CFCC application. There was one edit to the application. To match the deadline date listed on the Schedule of Significant Events, the application deadline was changed to August 15, 2019.
ACTION: Commissioner Muñoz moved to recommend, as amended, the application for the Mathematics CFCC to the full IQC. Commissioner Costa Hernández seconded the motion. There was no additional discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (8–0).
- Other Matters/Public Comment: None
- Health Subject Matter Committee
- 2020 Health Instructional Materials Adoption
- Content Standards Maps and Evaluation Criteria Maps (Information/Action)
ACTION: Commissioner Fairchild moved to recommend the set of evaluation criteria and standards maps to be used in the 2020 Health Instructional Materials Adoption to the full Commission. Commissioner Chapman seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (7–0). Commissioner Lara was absent from the meeting.
- Other Matters/Public Comment: None
- Full Commission Reconvenes
- Reports/Action from the Subcommittees to the Full Commission
Mathematics Subject Matter Committee
- Approve and Recommend to the SBE the Mathematics Framework Schedule of Significant Events (Action)
ACTION: Mathematics SMC Chair Chapman moved to recommend to the SBE the 2021 Mathematics Framework Schedule of Significant Events. Commissioner Iniguez seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (15–0). Commissioners Lara and Weber were absent from the meeting.
- Approve and Recommend to the SBE the Application for the Mathematics CFCC (Action)
ACTION: Mathematics SMC Chair Chapman moved to recommend to the SBE the Mathematics CFCC Application. Commissioner Muñoz seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (15–0). Commissioners Lara and Weber were absent from the meeting.
Health Subject Matter Committee
- Approve and Recommend to the SBE the Standards and Criteria Maps for the Health Instructional Materials Adoption (Action)
ACTION: Health SMC Chair Woo moved to recommend to the SBE the set of evaluation criteria and standards maps to be used in the 2020 Instructional Materials Adoption. Commissioner Williamson seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (15–0). Commissioners Lara and Weber were absent from the meeting.
- 2019 Health Education Framework for Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (Health Education Framework)
- Review Second 60-day Field Review Results and Recommend Final Edits to the SBE (Action)
Commission Chair Chao gave a summary of the public input that was received during the second 60-day review period. Prior to the Commission’s discussion on the item, Commission Chair Chao opened public comment on the draft Health Education Framework. She reviewed the general rules and procedures for giving public comment, which were also printed on the agenda. The commissioners then accepted public comment.
Each speaker had one minute to provide public comment with the exception of Spanish speakers who were given two minutes to allow for translation. The following individuals provided public comment (some names may be misspelled due to illegible writing):
- Jason Gayler
- Jerread Wright
- Chris Celio
- Kristen Hyler
- Ariel Storm
- Kelly Schenkoske
- American Figueroa
- Joe R. Miranda
- Pastor Enrique Ozellana
- Luis Ramirez
- Norma Pozello
- Mario Chaparro
- Ana P Franco
- Rochelle Conner
- Gheorghe Rosca
- Stephanie Yates
- Jasmine Mo
- Joy Park
- Jinah Yi
- Mindy Lee
- Maryla Boumann, Pray California
- Courtney McDaniel, Informed Parents of Placer
- Alexis Fernanto Gomez, California (CA) Association of School Health Educators
- Amy West, Concerned Women for America (CWA)
- Katherine Duran, CCOSS
- Tim Thompson, Informed Parents of CA (IPOC)
- Lisa L Dubrow, Informed Parents
- Andrea Tapia, IPOC
- Lionada Leopo, IPOC
- Jennifer Gonzalez, Informed Parent
- Araceli Justiniani, IPOC
- Alma E. Nieto, IPOC
- Emmi Rincon
- Patricia Ballesteros, IPOC
- Peggy McDaniel, IPOC
- Lilan Flores, Student
- Alvarado
- Ofelea St Garcia, Informed Parents
- Yolanda Aredina, Informed Parents
- Eva Alvarado, Student
- Teresa Vera, IPOC
- Esmelda Delgado, IPOC
- David Alabran, IPOC
- Linda Pillsbury, IPOC
- Nancy Sandoval, IPOC
- Diane Caldera, IPOC
- Denise Pursche, IPOC
- Beth Swanni, IPOC/CA Parent
- Sandra Padilla, IPOC
- Sandy Torosian, United States Parents Involved in Education
- Melanie Torres, IPOC
- Gracey Van Der Mark, IPOC
- Michelle Thompson, IPOC, Concerned Parents of San Juan
- Natalia Garcia, IPOC
- Pam Da Trejo, IPOC
- Richard Wartman, IPOC
- Stephanie Morgan, Informed Parents
- McCall Kimball, IPOC
- Shanee Euren, Registered Nurse
- Eric Euren, Pastor
- Mary Pettey, Concerned Parent CA
- Olga Timonina, Concerned Parent CA
- Matt Trudell, Parent of Grade Schooler
- Jenny Johnson, God
- Judy Woo, Parent
- John Schuff, Parent
- Susan Bieny, Parent
- Denise Jones, Parent
- Lindsay Erickson, Parent
- Andrew Ramirez, Student
- Al Kuhr, Parent
- Heather Char, Parent
- Nicole Wright, Parent
- Phyllis Manley, Parent
- Lorenzo Magallon, Parent
- Marlo Tucker, CWA State Director
- Becky Schank, Parent
- Ally Hage, Parent/Teacher
- Brenda Wood, Pastor, Word of Life Ministries
- Vararie Earl, Grandparent
- Jenica Williams, Parent
- Becky Rice, Parent
- Sheila Ratliff, Grandparent
- Mark Ahliw, Parent
- Jennifer Chou, American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California
- Dean Forman, Father/Grandfather
- Laura Kanter, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Center Orange County (OC)
- Jessica Hubbard, Girls Inc. Of OC
- Liz Sanchez, CA State University Fullerton (CSUF)
- Kelli Bourne, LGBT Center OC
- Kai Morales, CSUF
- Luis Gomez, LGBT Center OC
- Jay Rymer, LGBT Center OC
- Sylvia Bond
- Erin Smith, Parent
- Heather Appel, Parent
- Erika Noll, Parent
- Leah Tufan, Parent
- Emy Brasher, Parent
- Elizabeth Wells, Planned Parenthood of CA
- Maurico Johnson, Church of God Pentecostal
- Ben Tuifua, Parent
- Amy Brandon, Parent
- Kevin Brandon, Parent
- Debbie Jones, Grandparent
- Tim Steele, Parent
- Nadia Serdick, Parent
- Daytoo Serdick, Parent
- Michael Kempe, Grandparent
- Kim Conner, Parent
- Rita Riedeiros, Parent
- Matthew Chacon, Educator
- Kevin Snider, Pacific Justice Institute
- Bruce Marshall
- Lorraine Marshall
- David Fisher, Grandparent
- Veronica Sullivan, Student
- Rick Gall, Teacher
- Julie Trout, Parent
- Hannah Judd, Parent
- Marilyn Jackson, P4SS
- Leslie Jamieson, Parent
- Roman Kalinia, IPOC
- Sondra Brown, Parent
- Dennae Valerio, Parent
- Alla Manchero, Parent
- Joe Gicar, GOP
- Phillip Hsu
- Gloria Zamora, Parent
- Efraim Perez
- Angela Vigil
- Joseph Dunca
- Chris Miller, Student Mental Health Policy Workgroup
- Tami Martin, Equality California
- Jessica Parral, Los Angeles LGBT Center
- Rebecca Rangel, Parent/Informed Parents
- Ruth Puris, Parent
- Cherise Estel, Grandparent
- A Blachowski, Charter Parent/Informed Parents
- Bernadette Hilgman, Parent/Informed Parents
- Janet Mullen, Grandmother
- Greg Burt, Parent/California Family Council
- Cornelius Goga
After all public comments were heard, the Commission reviewed and discussed the public comments received on the draft Health Education Framework during the second 60-day public review and comment period. Commission Chair Chao led the discussion of the recommended edits submitted by members of the public. The Health Education Framework writers and California Department of Education staff members answered questions throughout this discussion. At the conclusion of their discussion, the Commission recommended 372 public comments be included in the draft framework.
ACTION: Commissioner Woo moved to recommend to the SBE the final edits agreed upon to the draft 2019 Health Education Framework. Commissioner Fairchild seconded the motion. There was no additional discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (14–0). Commissioner Renteria was not present for the vote and Commissioners Lara and Weber were absent from the meeting.
- Individual Commissioner Reports: None
- Other Matters/Public Comment: None
Commission Chair Chao adjourned the meeting at approximately 4:58 p.m.