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2019 Visual and Performing Arts Timeline

Approved by the State Board of Education on September 13, 2017*.
Event Schedule

Revised Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) Standards Focus Group recruitment letter; draft/post online application; distribute letters to Local Educational Agencies (LEAs), arts educators, stakeholder organizations, and institutes of higher education

November 2016

Recruitment of Focus Group members pursuant to Education Code Section 44013(a)

November–December 2016

State Superintendent of Public Instruction (SSPI) appoints Focus Group members

December 2016

Focus Group Meeting Locations (tentative):

  • Wednesday, January 9, 2017, 4–6 p.m.: Santa Clara County Office of Education (COE) (Video Conference for Alameda, San Mateo, and Stanislaus COEs)
  • Thursday, January 26, 2017, 4–6 p.m.: CDE (Video Conference for Butte, Humboldt, and Shasta COEs)
  • Monday, January 30, 2017, 4–6 p.m.: Los Angeles COE (Video Conference for Fresno and San Diego COEs and San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools)

January 2017

Instructional Quality Commission (IQC)/SSPI Approves Schedule of Significant Events (Timeline) and Standards Advisory Committee (SAC) Application

January 19–20, 2017

State Board of Education (SBE) action on Timeline and VAPA SAC application form

September 13–14, 2017

IQC receives Focus Group Report and approves VAPA SAC guidelines for the revised VAPA Standards

September 27–28, 2017

SAC recruitment letter and online application published/released for LEAs, arts education stakeholder organizations, and institutes of higher education

September 2017

Recruitment of VAPA SAC members (at least 45 days)

September–October 2017

IQC recommends VAPA SAC members to the SBE for Action

November 16–17, 2017

SBE appoints SAC members, receives Focus Group Report, and approves guidance for the revised VAPA Standards

January 2018

Sac meetings are scheduled for 4 dates (tentative):

  • February 13–14, 2018
  • March 7–8, 2018
  • April 4–5, 2018
  • May 3–4, 2018
February–May 2018

IQC VAPA Subject Matter Committee (SMC) reviews draft revised VAPA Standards in preparation for full IQC review; IQC/SSPI Approve draft Revised VAPA Standards for initial 60-day public review period

July 26–27, 2018

IQC post draft revised VAPA Standards for 60-day field review/feedback

August–September 2018

IQC analyze field review results and revised VAPA Standards and recommend draft revised VAPA Standards to the SBE

November 15–16, 2018

SBE action on draft revised VAPA Standards

January 2019

Statutory deadline for SBE action

January 31, 2019

*This timeline is subject to change. State Board of Education will only take action on changes to the approved timeline if they affect Instructional Quality Commission or State Board of Education action dates.

Questions:   Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division | | 916-319-0881
Last Reviewed: Thursday, August 10, 2023
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