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2023–24 Consolidation of Administrative Funds

Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS) Winter Release data entry instructions for the 2023–24 Consolidation of Administrative Funds data collection form.
Data Collection Purpose

The Consolidation of Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Administrative Funds form is used to request approval to consolidate ESEA funds for the administration of one or more programs under ESEA (or such other programs as the United States Secretary of Education shall designate), as authorized in Section 8203 of the ESEA.

Program Information

ESEA Section 8203(a) provides that the maximum amount that can be consolidated shall not be more than the percentage, established in each program, of the total available for the local educational agency (LEA) under those programs. For Title III, Part A: English Learner Student Program the maximum amount is two percent of the total grant amount, as provided in ESEA Section 3115(b). Also, Title IV, Part A, Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants (SSAE) allows a maximum of two percent for administrative costs pursuant to ESEA Section 4105(c). No maximum amounts are specified in the ESEA for the other programs (including Title III, Part A Immigrant Student Program, and Title IV, Part B). The maximum that can be consolidated is what is reasonable and necessary for the proper and efficient administration of the programs, provided that the amount distributed to any program, when combined with the program’s indirect costs, does not exceed any administrative cost cap established by law or regulations.

For further information, please see the California Department of Education (CDE) Consolidated Application (ConApp) web page to review the 2023–24 Consolidated Application Program Guidance.
CDE Program Staff Contact

Hilary Thomson
Education Fiscal Services Assistant
Fiscal Oversight and Support Office

Step Action Program Instructions
1 Select the indicator for any program for which the LEA is requesting to consolidate administrative funds. Receipt of this certified data collection form by the CDE will indicate approval of the LEA request to consolidate administrative funds for the programs selected on this form. Approval is valid only for the fiscal year requested.
Error Messages
Field Name Error Message Resolution
Title I, Part A Indicator The LEA did not apply for or did not receive a Title I, Part A allocation. This option is not applicable. Deselect the indicator.
Title I, Part D Indicator The LEA did not apply for or did not receive a Title I, Part D allocation. This option is not applicable. Deselect the indicator.
Title II, Part A Indicator The LEA did not apply for or did not receive a Title II, Part A Supporting Effective Instruction allocation. This option is not applicable. Deselect the indicator.
Title III, Part A (Immigrant Students) Indicator The LEA did not apply for or did not receive a Title III Immigrant student program allocation. This option is not applicable. Deselect the indicator.
Title III, Part A (English Learner Students) Indicator The LEA did not apply for or did not receive a Title III English learner student program allocation. This option is not applicable. Deselect the indicator.
Title IV, Part A (Student Support) Indicator The LEA did not apply for or did not receive a Title IV, Part A allocation. This option is not applicable. Deselect the indicator.

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Questions:   ConApp Support Desk | | 916-319-0297
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, November 29, 2023
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