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2024–25 Title III EL & Immigrant Assurances

Consolidated Application Title III English Learner (EL) and Immigrant Student Program Subgrant Assurances for fiscal year 2024–25.

Assurances from the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as Amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA):

  1. The local educational agency (LEA) will use ESSA Title III, Part A funds according to the purposes of the ESSA. (20 United States Code [USC] §§6812, 6825; Public Law [PL] 114-95, §3102)
  2. The LEA agrees to expend the funds to improve the education of English learner (EL) students and immigrant children and youth by assisting them to learn English and meet the challenging State academic standards. In carrying out activities with such funds, the eligible entity shall use effective approaches and methodologies for teaching EL and immigrant children and youth. (20 USC §6825; PL 114-95, §3115[a])
  3. ESSA Title III funds shall be used to supplement the level of federal, state, and local public funds that, in the absence of such availability, would have been expended for programs for EL students and immigrant children and youth, and in no case to supplant such federal, state, and local public funds. (20 USC §6825; PL 114-95, §3115[g])
  4. The LEA will maintain an updated Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Federal Addendum that addresses Title III provisions of the state and ESSA, Title III Section 3116 (20 USC §6826; PL 114-95, §3116). LEAs applying for Title III Subgrant funds for the first time must complete and submit to the California Department of Education (CDE) the LCAP Federal Addendum. The LEA shall provide to the CDE a proposed budget per the Title III program requirements, as part of the Consolidated Application. (20 USC §§6824, 6825, 6826; PL 114-95, §§3114, 3115, 3116)
  5. The LEA shall consult with appropriate private school officials in a timely and meaningful manner to provide Title III, Part A equitable services to eligible EL and Immigrant students attending private schools located within the LEA’s geographical boundaries. (20 USC §7881; PL 114-95, §8501[c])

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Questions:   Education Data Office | | 916-319-0297
Last Reviewed: Monday, April 29, 2024
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