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Calculations to Determine the 2012–13 Advance

Calculations to determine the 2012–13 Advance Apportionment.

The Advance Principal Apportionment (Advance) for 2012–13 is based on a statutory derivation pursuant to California Education Code (EC) sections 14002 through 14007 and 41301 and is certified pursuant to EC Section 41330. The following provides specific details regarding the calculation of funding for each program.

County Offices of Education and School District Revenue Limits

The estimated 2012–13 state-aid portion of revenue limit for each county office of education (COE) and school district is equal to the 2011–12 Second Principal (P-2) Apportionment state aid, reflected on Line C-5 of the County Revenue Limit Exhibit or Line E-4 of the School District Revenue Limit Exhibit, less the reduction required by EC Section 14041. The details of this reduction are available on the California Department of Education (CDE) Web site. If the reduction exceeded the revenue limit state-aid, the state-aid was reduced to zero.

Charter School General-Purpose Entitlement

The estimated 2012–13 state-aid portion of the general-purpose entitlement for charter schools funded through the charter school funding model is equal to the 2011–12 P-2 state aid amount, less the reduction required by EC Section 14041. The details of this reduction are available on the CDE Web site. If the reduction exceeded the state-aid portion of the general-purpose entitlement, the state-aid was reduced to zero.

Charter School Categorical Block Grant

The estimated 2012–13 funding for the per-ADA portion of the categorical block grant is equal to the 2011−12 P-2 amount. This amount was based on P-2 ADA times the statutory funding rate of $500 per ADA and reduced by a proration factor of 0.7956234589, yielding a per-ADA rate of $398. This rate, and funded ADA, will both be adjusted at the 2012–13 First Principal (P-1) Apportionment and again at the P-2 Apportionment.

The estimated 2012–13 funding for the Economic Impact Aid portion of the categorical block grant is also equal to the 2011–12 P-2 amount. Funding rates will be revised, and changes in pupil counts will be incorporated, at the 2012−13 P-1 Apportionment.

Charter School Overpayments (Prior and Current Years)

The apportionment includes funding adjustments to charter schools that received overpayments of state aid in the 2011–12 P-2 Apportionment due to changes in the 2011–12 (or prior) block grant rates, ADA, local revenue, or other adjustments. These adjustments are included in the Advance Apportionment Summary as prior year adjustments (Prior Year Amount Charter Overpaid, Line A-25). Charter schools that have insufficient funding to offset a prior year overpayment will also have a current year overpayment adjustment (Amount Charter Overpaid, Line A-24). This adjustment will continue in the charter school’s subsequent apportionments until the state recovers the full amount owed. In some cases, an invoice will be sent directly to the charter school.

For those charter schools that received an exemption for the June deferral, and thereby received all of their 2011–12 entitlement as of that June payment, some or all of their 2011–12 P-1 deferred July and August payments may be withheld to prevent a net overpayment of 2011–12 apportionment funds. Those adjustments, if any, are reflected on the Advance Apportionment Summary (Adjustments and Prior Year Recomputations, Line A-26) and the associated Adjustments and Prior Year Recomputations Excel file posted on the CDE Web site.

Basic Aid “Choice”/Court-ordered Voluntary Pupil Transfer and Basic Aid Supplement Charter School Adjustment

Funding for Basic Aid “Choice”/Court-ordered Voluntary Pupil Transfer and Basic Aid Supplement Charter School Adjustment are equal to the 2011–12 P-2 amounts.

Adult Education

Funding for Adult Education was calculated by multiplying each Local Educational Agency’s (LEA) base year proportionate share percentage by the $588,909,000 appropriated in item 6110-156-0001 of the Budget Act of 2012. An additional $45,896,000 in funding for 2012–13 is deferred to fiscal year 2013–14 and was not included in the calculation.

Adults in Correctional Facilities

Funding for reimbursement of services for the Adults in Correctional Facilities (AICF) program is equal to 2011–12 P-2 for each LEA.


The funding was calculated by multiplying the 2011–12 P-2 amount for each LEA by a factor of 0.8408819413 in order to reach the $9,467,000 appropriated in item 6110-103-0001 of the Budget Act of 2012. An additional $6,227,000 in funding for 2012–13 is deferred to fiscal year 2013–14 and was not included in the calculation.

Community Day School Additional Funding

Funding for Community Day School (CDS) was calculated by multiplying each LEA’s base year proportionate share percentage by the $36,934,000 appropriated in item 6110-190-0001 in the Budget Act of 2012. An additional $4,751,000 in funding for 2012–13 is deferred to fiscal year 2013–14 and was not included in the calculation.

CDS Additional Funding for Mandatory Expelled Pupils

Funding for CDS for pupils who were expelled for any of the mandatory expulsion offenses as described in EC Section 48915(c) is equal to the 2011–12 P-2 amounts.

County Office Funds Transfer

Funding for county office funds transfers is equal to the 2011–12 P-2 amounts.

Gifted and Talented Education

Funding for Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) was calculated by multiplying each LEA’s base year proportionate share percentage by the $39,931,000 appropriated in item 6110-124-0001 of the Budget Act of 2012. An additional $4,294,000 in funding for 2012–13 is deferred to fiscal year 2013–14 and was not included in the calculation.

Regional Occupational Centers/Programs

In order to approximate the funding that will be apportioned in 2011−12, given the $345,078,000 that is appropriated in item 6110-105-0001 of the Budget Act of 2012, each LEA’s 2011–12 P-2 amount for Regional Occupational Centers/Programs (ROC/P) (less the Local Income distribution) was multiplied by a factor of 0.8969868079. The distribution of excess taxes and the additional $39,630,000 in funding for 2012–13 deferred to fiscal year 2013–14 were not included in the calculation and will be included at the P-2 Apportionment.

Special Education

The apportionment for the following special education programs is equal to the 2011–12 P-2 amounts.

  • AB 602 Program
  • Infant (Ages Two Years and Younger) Program
  • ROC/P Handicapped Program

Supplemental Instructional Programs

Funding for each supplemental instructional program was calculated by multiplying each LEA’s base year proportionate share percentage by the amounts appropriated in item 6110-104-0001 of the Budget Act of 2012 as shown in the following table. The table also shows the additional funds for 2012–13 that are deferred to fiscal year 2013–14, which were not included in the calculation.

Program Budget Act Amount Deferred to 2013–14

Core Academic Program for Kindergarten and Grades One through Twelve



California High School Exit Examination Remedial, Grades Seven through Twelve



Low Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) and At-Risk of Retention, Grades Two through Six



Retained or Recommended for Retention, Grades Two through Nine



Basic Aid Reduction

The basic aid reduction has been applied to categorical programs funded through the Principal Apportionment for basic aid district’s pursuant to Senate Bill 81 (Chapter 2, Statutes 2012) in the Advance Apportionment Summary (Basic Aid Reduction, Line A-27). A schedule (The preceding link is no longer available. Please use the following link instead: Basic Aid Reduction XLSX) of the categorical program recoveries and each district’s reduction amount is posted on the CDE's Web site. As shown on the schedule, the following programs from the Principal Apportionment were reduced: Supplemental Instruction Core Academic Programs, Remedial Program, Retained and Recommended for Retention, Low STAR score and at Risk of Retention; Community Day School Additional Funding; Gifted and Talented Education; Regional Occupational Centers and Programs; and Adult Education. For the Advance, Special Education, Apprenticeship, Basic Aid Choice and Adults in Correctional Facilities funding were not reduced. Because these programs are not precluded from a reduction, if necessary, a reduction will be applied to these programs at the P-1 and/or P-2 Apportionment.

Payment Schedule and Deferrals

Monthly payments for the Advance Apportionment are available on CDE’s Web site at the county summary level and by LEA. Assembly Bill (AB) 103 (Chapter 13, Statutes of 2012) enacted several intra-year deferrals that affect payments during the Advance period (July through January) and in March. AB 103 defers the following payments:

Deferral Month Deferral Amount Deferral Repayment

July 2012


$700 million in September 2012
$500 million in January 2013

August 2012


January 2013

October 2012


January 2013

March 2013


April 2013

An LEA that applied for and received approval of an exemption from the AB 103 deferral received the full statutory payment for the month.

Questions:   Principal Apportionment Section | | 916-324-4541
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
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