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Funding Results

21st CCLC & ASSETs

Note: Recipients and funding amounts are subject to budget and administrative adjustments.

21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) funding results for fiscal year 2022-23.

Program Questions: Expanded Learning Division, email:

Fiscal Questions: Expanded Learning Division, email:

County  Fiscal Year Program Cost Account  Service Location  Suffix Local Educational Agency  Grant Award Amount
Alameda 22 14535 10017 2A Alameda County Office of Education $168,582.02
Alameda 22 14535 61259 1A Oakland Unified $254,500.00
Alameda 22 14535 61259 2A Oakland Unified $702,635.82
Alameda 22 14535 61259 3A Oakland Unified $2,012,586.00
Alameda 22 14535 61291 1A San Leandro Unified $109,027.80
Alameda 22 14535 C0700 2A Lighthouse Community Charter High $254,500.00
Alameda 22 14603 10017 2A Alameda County Office of Education $25,000.00
Alameda 22 14603 61259 1A Oakland Unified $25,000.00
Alameda 22 14603 61259 2A Oakland Unified $75,000.00
Butte 22 14535 61424 2A Chico Unified $254,500.00
Butte 22 14535 Z0720 3A Boys and Girls Club of the North Valley $128,268.00
Butte 22 14603 61424 2A Chico Unified $25,000.00
Colusa 22 14535 61622 1A Williams Unified $201,853.93
Colusa 22 14603 61622 1A Williams Unified $25,000.00
Contra Costa 22 14535 61648 1A Antioch Unified $209,672.37
Contra Costa 22 14535 61796 1A West Contra Costa Unified $509,000.00
Contra Costa 22 14535 Z3730 2A Craft Community Care Center, Inc. $410,254.00
Contra Costa 22 14603 61796 1A West Contra Costa Unified $50,000.00
Contra Costa 22 14603 Z3730 2A Craft Community Care Center, Inc. $25,000.00
Fresno 22 14535 10108 1A Fresno County Office of Education $1,781,500.00
Fresno 22 14535 10108 2A Fresno County Office of Education $509,000.00
Fresno 22 14535 10108 3A Fresno County Office of Education $2,799,500.00
Fresno 22 14535 62166 1A Fresno Unified $254,500.00
Fresno 22 14535 62166 1B Fresno Unified $763,500.00
Fresno 22 14603 10108 1A Fresno County Office of Education $25,000.00
Fresno 22 14603 10108 2A Fresno County Office of Education $25,000.00
Fresno 22 14603 62166 1B Fresno Unified $75,000.00
Imperial 22 14535 63099 2A Calexico Unified $356,300.00
Imperial 22 14603 63099 2A Calexico Unified $25,000.00
Kern 22 14535 63529 2A Kern High $254,500.00
Kern 22 14603 63529 2A Kern High $18,000.00
Kings 22 14535 73932 1A Reef-Sunset Unified $146,592.00
Los Angeles 22 14535 64279 2A Azusa Unified $509,000.00
Los Angeles 22 14535 64295 2A Bassett Unified $254,500.00
Los Angeles 22 14535 64725 1A Long Beach Unified $254,500.00
Los Angeles 22 14535 64725 2A Long Beach Unified $254,500.00
Los Angeles 22 14535 64733 1A Los Angeles Unified $417,250.20
Los Angeles 22 14535 64733 2A Los Angeles Unified $5,403,665.14
Los Angeles 22 14535 64733 2Y Los Angeles Unified $254,500.00
Los Angeles 22 14535 64733 3A Los Angeles Unified $5,853,500.00
Los Angeles 22 14535 64808 1A Montebello Unified $509,000.00
Los Angeles 22 14535 73437 2A Compton Unified $1,018,000.00
Los Angeles 22 14535 14349 3A ARC-Good Sports Plus $509,000.00
Los Angeles 22 14535 A1470 1Y Woodcraft Rangers $110,237.20
Los Angeles 22 14535 C0016 1Y Vaughn Next Century Learning Center $254,500.00
Los Angeles 22 14535 23939 3A The Accelerated School $254,500.00
Los Angeles 22 14535 C0540 2Y North Valley Military Institute $254,500.00
Los Angeles 22 14535 C0738 1Y Academia Avance Charter School $183,682.83
Los Angeles 22 14535 Z1840 1A After-School All-Stars, Los Angeles $763,500.00
Los Angeles 22 14535 Z1840 1Y After-School All-Stars, Los Angeles $254,500.00
Los Angeles 22 14535 14349 3A After-School All-Stars, Los Angeles $1,272,500.00
Los Angeles 22 14535 Z1850 1A Green Dot Public Schools $509,000.00
Los Angeles 22 14535 14535 3A Green Dot Public Schools $1,272,500.00
Los Angeles 22 14535 Z3780 1A Rio Hondo Education Consortium $1,527,000.00
Los Angeles 22 14535 Z3780 1B Rio Hondo Education Consortium $763,500.00
Los Angeles 22 14535 Z4150 1Y Think Together $1,664,353.65
Los Angeles 22 14535 Z4150 2Y Think Together $1,397,864.74
Los Angeles 22 14535 14349 3A Think Together $254,500.00
Los Angeles 22 14603 64733 2A Los Angeles Unified $600,000.00
Los Angeles 22 14603 64733 2Y Los Angeles Unified $25,000.00
Los Angeles 22 14603 A1470 1Y Woodcraft Rangers $25,000.00
Los Angeles 22 14603 C0016 1Y Vaughn Next Century Learning Center $25,000.00
Los Angeles 22 14603 C0540 2Y North Valley Military Institute $25,000.00
Los Angeles 22 14603 C0738 1Y Academia Avance Charter School $25,000.00
Los Angeles 22 14603 Z1840 1Y After-School All-Stars, Los Angeles $25,000.00
Los Angeles 22 14603 Z4150 1Y Think Together $125,000.00
Los Angeles 22 14603 Z4150 2Y Think Together $25,000.00
Madera 22 14535 65201 2A Chowchilla Union High $216,325.00
Madera 22 14535 65243 1A Madera Unified $555,084.86
Madera 22 14535 65243 3A Madera Unified $254,500.00
Madera 22 14603 65243 1A Madera Unified $50,000.00
Mendocino 22 14535 65565 1A Fort Bragg Unified $157,586.40
Merced 22 14535 10249 2A Merced County Office of Education $73,296.00
Merced 22 14535 65730 2A Le Grand Union High $234,140.00
Merced 22 14535 65755 3A Los Banos Unified $159,419.00
Merced 22 14535 65789 1A Merced Union High $1,272,500.00
Merced 22 14535 65789 2A Merced Union High $509,000.00
Merced 22 14535 75366 2A Delhi Unified $254,500.00
Merced 22 14603 65730 2A Le Grand Union High $25,000.00
Merced 22 14603 65789 1A Merced Union High $50,000.00
Merced 22 14603 65789 2A Merced Union High $25,000.00
Merced 22 14603 75366 2A Delhi Unified $25,000.00
Monterey 22 14535 73825 3A North Monterey County Unified $254,500.00
Napa 22 14535 10280 1A Napa County Office of Education $50,900.00
Orange 22 14535 66522 2A Garden Grove Unified $199,731.60
Orange 22 14535 66670 2A Santa Ana Unified $1,272,500.00
Orange 22 14535 A3990 2A Boys & Girls Club of Westminster $254,500.00
Orange 22 14535 H9960 1A YMCA of Anaheim $164,916.00
Orange 22 14535 H9960 2A YMCA of Anaheim $591,865.20
Orange 22 14603 66670 2A Santa Ana Unified $50,000.00
Riverside 22 14535 67082 2A Hemet Unified $509,000.00
Riverside 22 14535 67173 3A Palm Springs Unified $254,500.00
Riverside 22 14535 67207 2A Perris Union High $509,000.00
Riverside 22 14535 73676 1A Coachella Valley Unified $610,800.00
Riverside 22 14603 67082 2A Hemet Unified $25,000.00
Riverside 22 14603 67207 2A Perris Union High $25,000.00
Riverside 22 14603 73676 1A Coachella Valley Unified $50,000.00
Sacramento 22 14535 67314 1A Elk Grove Unified $254,500.00
Sacramento 22 14535 67314 3A Elk Grove Unified $509,000.00
Sacramento 22 14535 67439 1A Sacramento City Unified $992,550.00
Sacramento 22 14535 67439 2A Sacramento City Unified $509,000.00
Sacramento 22 14535 67447 2A San Juan Unified $415,686.97
Sacramento 22 14603 67439 1A Sacramento City Unified $50,000.00
Sacramento 22 14603 67439 2A Sacramento City Unified $25,000.00
San Bernardino 22 14535 67850 2A Rialto Unified $254,500.00
San Bernardino 22 14535 67876 3A San Bernardino City Unified $509,000.00
San Diego 22 14535 10371 1A San Diego County Office of Education $6,671,089.83
San Diego 22 14535 10371 2A San Diego County Office of Education $91,620.00
San Diego 22 14535 10371 3A San Diego County Office of Education $488,500.00
San Diego 22 14535 68338 2A San Diego Unified $1,093,332.00
San Diego 22 14535 68338 3A San Diego Unified $127,250.00
San Diego 22 14603 10371 1A San Diego County Office of Education $475,000.00
San Diego 22 14603 68338 2A San Diego Unified $25,000.00
San Francisco 22 14535 68478 1A San Francisco Unified $1,090,278.00
San Francisco 22 14535 68478 2A San Francisco Unified $386,840.00
San Francisco 22 14603 68478 1A San Francisco Unified $50,000.00
San Joaquin 22 14535 10397 3A San Joaquin County Office of Education $254,500.00
Santa Clara 22 14535 A7070 3A Boys & Girls Clubs of Silicon Valley $250,000.00
Santa Clara 22 14535 V9270 1A Goodwill of Silicon Valley $1,018,000.00
Santa Clara 22 14535 V9270 2A Goodwill of Silicon Valley $1,018,000.00
Santa Clara 22 14603 V9270 1A Goodwill of Silicon Valley $50,000.00
Santa Clara 22 14603 V9270 2A Goodwill of Silicon Valley $25,000.00
Santa Cruz 22 14535 69799 1A Pajaro Valley Unified $509,000.00
Santa Cruz 22 14603 69799 1A Pajaro Valley Unified $25,000.00
Shasta 22 14535 10454 2A Shasta County Office of Education $254,500.00
Stanislaus 22 14535 75556 3A Riverbank Unified $254,500.00
Tehama 22 14535 71506 2A Corning Union High $254,500.00
Tehama 22 14603 71506 2A Corning Union High $25,000.00
Tulare 22 14535 71860 3A Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified $254,500.00
Tulare 22 14535 71993 1A Lindsay Unified $254,500.00
Tulare 22 14535 75325 2A Farmersville Unified $254,500.00
Tulare 22 14535 76794 3A Woodlake Unified $254,500.00
Tulare 22 14535 A2880 2A Pro-Youth/HEART $2,129,656.00
Tulare 22 14603 71993 1A Lindsay Unified $25,000.00
Tulare 22 14603 75325 2A Farmersville Unified $25,000.00
Tulare 22 14603 A2880 2A Pro-Youth/HEART $100,000.00
Ventura 22 14535 72652 2A Ventura Unified $411,507.16
Ventura 22 14603 72652 2A Ventura Unified $25,000.00
Yolo 22 14535 A7180 2A Empower Yolo $254,500.00
Yuba 22 14535 72769 3A Wheatland Union High $254,500.00

More about 21st CCLC & ASSETs

Last Reviewed: Wednesday, March 06, 2024
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