As students strive to learn and their parents and teachers work to help them succeed, school administrators make sure that they all have the materials, facilities, and resources that they need. This page helps administrators find what they need.A Message to California School and District Administrators
Principals and superintendents are responsible for the “big picture” of their schools and districts. This might include anything from budget management to staff training and working directly with students and parents. It’s critical work that is full of opportunities to help students and families in California succeed. The information gathered in these pages helps you stay up to date, maximize your resources, and connect with colleagues.
How Do I...
- Learn about my school's or district's performance
- Learn more about my responsibilities as a mandatory reporter of child abuse and neglect
- Get results from statewide assessments
- Get a list of funding opportunities
- Look up Education Code
- Get the California School Accounting Manual
- Get a list of available funding
Hot Topics
- California School Dashboard and System of Support
- Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments
- Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments
- California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System
- Local Control Funding Formula
- Common Core State Standards
- Transitional Kindergarten
Resources for Administrators
- Standards and Frameworks
- School and District Reports
- Common Core Resources for Special Education
- Educational Resources Catalog
- Dataquest Reports
- Local Control Funding Formula Funding Snapshot
- Parental Notifications in Multiple Languages
- Principal Apportionment
- Mandate Block Grant
- California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS)
- Smarter Balanced Assessment System
- Training for Child Care Professionals
- Early Education and Support Division Publications
- Title I, Part A
- Healthy Eating & Nutrition Education
Students | Parents | Teachers | Administrators
Last Reviewed: Monday, December 4, 2023