Independent Study Directory
A comprehensive guide with contact information and links to the key offices and resources within the California Department of Education with responsibility for specific areas of independent study implementation, guidance, and support.Specific Independent Study Contact Information
Instructional Time and Attendance Accounting
Guidance on the independent study conditions of apportionment, county office of education waivers of the independent study offering requirement, instructional time, attendance accounting, and attendance for apportionment.
Supports local educational agencies (LEAs) with requirements and submittal process for the Request for Allowance of Attendance Due to Emergency Conditions, form J-13A.- 2021–22 Attendance Accounting and Instructional Time Independent Study Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Instructional Time Requirements
- Independent Study Ratio Calculations
- 2021–22 Form J-13A FAQs
Program Coordination and Maintenance
Guidance, technical assistance, information and resources related to the general and programmatic elements of independent study implementation and practice.
Special Education
General guidance and technical assistance related to serving pupils with disabilities who are currently placed in independent study, or who are being considered for placement in independent study by an individualized education program team.
English Learners
FAQ guidance and technical assistance via email and phone calls around English learner services and the provision of English-language development during independent study.
Charters Schools
Provide general guidance and technical assistance to nonclassroom-based charter schools on how to apply for a funding determination and FAQs on recently passed legislation impacting charter schools.
California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System
Guidance regarding the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) file submissions for fall 2 (course sections, and course section enrollments) and end of year (pupil absence summary).
Contact: or
Other Resources for Targeted Supports
Foster Youth
Provide guidance and technical assistance to LEAs and foster youth liaisons regarding the educational rights afforded to foster youth.
Pupils Experiencing Homelessness
Provide guidance and technical assistance to LEAs and homeless liaisons regarding the educational rights afforded to children and youth experiencing homelessness.
Pupils Requiring Mental Health Supports
Provides guidance, information, and resources on pupil mental health and youth suicide prevention; Youth Mental Health First Aid trainings for staff; Building a Network of Safety for School Communities Suicide Prevention monthly webinar series for educators and staff; Parent/Family Mental Health webinar series; and LivingWorks Start Online Suicide Prevention training for middle and high school staff and pupils.
Contact: Monica Nepomuceno,
Native American Pupils
Provide guidance and technical assistance to LEAs regarding meeting the unique academic, cultural, and linguistic needs of Native American pupils.
Local Agency Systems Support Office
Provides guidance and technical assistance related to the Local Control and Accountability Plan, school plan for pupil achievement, and certain other LEA-wide plans.
County-District-School Administration
Guidance regarding applying for a county-district-school code for a new independent study school.
Alternative Schools and Programs of Choice
Guidance for LEAs seeking to establish a new school focused on different means of attaining the objectives of regular education and meeting pupils' needs; voluntary for districts, teachers, pupils, and their parents.