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Identification & Parent Notification Requirements

Information, letter templates, & other resources to assist local educational agencies regarding identification & parent notification requirements once a student has been identified as an English learner or initially fluent-English proficient student.

Home Language Survey

Pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 11518.5 (a), a local educational agency (LEA) shall conduct a parent or guardian survey in writing to identify whether the primary or native language of their pupil is a language other than English. These sample forms are designed to assist with this process:

State Test of English Language Proficiency (ELP)

Information about the Initial English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC), California’s statewide test for English language proficiency administered by LEAs to eligible students in kindergarten through grade twelve, as required by Education Code (EC) sections 313 and 60810 and Titles I and III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).

  • Initial ELPAC
    The Initial ELPAC is the required state test for ELP that is given to students whose primary language is a language other than English.
  • Summative ELPAC
    The purpose of the Summative ELPAC is to measure progress toward English proficiency and to help determine if a student is ready to be reclassified. This is important to ensure that students continue to receive the support they need to do well in school.
  • Alternate ELPAC
    The Alternate ELPAC will replace all locally determined alternate assessments and provide a consistent, standardized measurement of ELP across the state for students with the most unique needs.

Each LEA using funds under Titles I or III to provide a language instruction educational program as determined under Title III shall, not later than 30 days after the beginning of the school year, inform parents of an English learner identified for participation or participating in such a program (20 United States Code, Section 6312).

Sample Initial Parent Notification

This letter is a sample initial notification to inform parents of their child's identification as an English learner or initially fluent-English proficient student, upon entering a California school for the first time, and provide all the required information to meet Federal Title I or Title III requirements. LEAs may edit this sample notification to meet local needs and update the year.

Sample Initial Parent Notification(DOCX; Jun-2024)
Available Translations of the Sample Initial Parent Notification

Sample Annual Parent Notification

This letter is a sample annual notification to inform parents of their child's continued identification as an English learner in a California school, and provide all the required information to meet Federal Title I or Title III requirements. LEAs may edit this sample notification to meet local needs and update the year.

Sample Annual Parent Notification(DOCX; Jun-2024)
Available Translations of the Sample Annual Parent Notification

Sample Initial Alternate ELPAC Parent Notification

This letter is a sample initial Alternate ELPAC notification to inform parents of their child's identification as an English learner or initially fluent-English proficient student, upon entering a California school for the first time, and provide all the required information to meet Federal Title I or Title III requirements. LEAs may edit this sample notification to meet local needs and update the year.

Sample Initial Alternate ELPAC Parent Notification (DOCX; Jun-2024)
Available Translations of the Sample Initial Alternate ELPAC Parent Notification

Sample Annual Alternate ELPAC Parent Notification

This letter is a sample annual Alternate ELPAC notification to inform parents of their child's continued identification as an English learner in a California school, and provide all the required information to meet Federal Title I or Title III requirements. LEAs may edit this sample notification to meet local needs and update the year.

Sample Annual Alternate ELPAC Parent Notification (DOCX; Jun-2024)
Available Translations of the Sample Annual Alternate ELPAC Parent Notification

DataQuest "15% or Above" Report
The California Department of Education DataQuest web page provides a report of districts and schools that meet the 15 percent language group requirement for translation of parental notifications (EC Section 48985).

Questions:   Language Policy and Leadership Office | 916-319-0845
Last Reviewed: Monday, August 12, 2024
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