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English Learner Roadmap Archives

This web page contains information from the English Learner Roadmap (EL Roadmap) Workgroup, including the member list and all meeting notices.

California English Learner Roadmap Home | Policy and Printed Document | Research | Principles Overview | Principle One | Principle Two | Principle Three | Principle Four | Characteristics of Examples | Illustrative Case Examples | Crosswalk to Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) | Resources | Educator Workforce Investment Grant (EWIG) | Communications and Updates | Archives

The California Department of Education invited educators with a minimum of five years of demonstrated experience implementing English learner (EL) programs to apply to serve on the EL Roadmap Workgroup. Educators selected to serve represent the various geographic regions of the state, professional roles, and areas of expertise such as early childhood, transitional kindergarten through grade twelve, adult education, special education, and university teacher preparation programs.

The EL Roadmap Workgroup held four public meetings: November 10, 2016; February 24, 2017; May 17, 2017; and September 26, 2017. Public comment followed each EL Roadmap Workgroup meeting in order for the public to provide input. All meetings convened at 9:00 a.m. and adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

Roadmap Workgroup Members
A list of EL Roadmap Workgroup members and their affiliations.

Public meeting notices for the four EL Roadmap Workgroup meetings:

September 26, 2017, Public Meeting Notice

May 17, 2017, Public Meeting Notice

February 24, 2017, Public Meeting Notice

November 10, 2016, Public Meeting Notice

Questions:   Multiligual Support Division | | 916-319-0938
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, June 18, 2024