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ESSA Assistance Status Data Files

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) school assistance eligibility status data files, including student group information.

School Eligibility Data Files


  • 2023–24 ESSA Assistance Status Spreadsheet (XLSX)
    This spreadsheet contains the 2023–24 ESSA school assistance eligibility for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI), Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI), and ATSI student group information.


Note: Beginning in 2022–23, the record layout and student group information are no longer contained in separate files. Please see the ESSA Assistance Status Spreadsheets for this information.


California received a federal waiver and was not required to report performance levels (or colors) on the 2021 California School Dashboard (Dashboard). Because these data are not available, determination of exit from the CSI Lowest Performing Schools and ATSI categories was not possible. Therefore, schools designated in either category in 2019–20 remained in place through 2021–22.

However, local educational agencies were required to report graduation rate data which California is using to determine if those schools designated as CSI Low Graduation Rate in 2019–20 are eligible to exit. Schools with a three-year school-wide (i.e., 2018–19, 2019–20, and 2020–21 school years) average graduation rate at or above 68 percent exited the CSI Low Graduation Rate Schools category.


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, California received a federal accountability waiver of all 2020 Dashboard reporting requirements. Therefore, schools designated as CSI or ATSI in 2019–20, remained in place in 2020–21.



For additional information related to CSI, please visit the California Department of Education CSI web page.

Questions:   School Improvement and Support Office | | 916-319-0833
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, January 31, 2024
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