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FY 2024 CSI LEA AFF Instructions

Instructions for local educational agencies (LEAs) using the Grant Management and Reporting Tool to submit the fiscal year (FY) 2024–25 Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) LEA Application for Funding (AFF).

Grant Management and Reporting Tool (GMART) is a web-based platform that allows LEAs to complete and submit applications for funding, modify funding plans, and submit expenditure data.


Usernames and passwords are emailed to County and District Superintendents and Charter School Administrators. Passwords are case-sensitive and cannot be reset or changed by the LEA. If more than three attempts to log on have been made within one hour, the user will be locked out of the system and an automated email notification will be sent to the School Improvement and Support Office (SISO) mailbox for support. Once the account is unlocked, the LEA’s three contacts, listed under the LEA Contact Information tab, will receive two emails containing the LEA’s logon credentials.

Contact the SISO by phone at 916-319-0833 or by email at for assistance.

GMART Home Page for CSI

For each FY, the GMART home page displays the ESSA CSI LEA application for funding link to initiate the web-based application process. Once selected, the LEA will be redirected to the "Application Overview" section to begin completing the application.

  • LEAs with at least one Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS) Community of Practice (CoP) school eligible under the CSI Low Graduation Rate criteria with less than 100 enrolled students will be required to complete the DASS CoP Intent to Implement CSI tab in GMART before it may access the application for funding. LEAs with eligible school/s/ will automatically be redirected to the "DASS CoP Intent to Implement CSI" section. For instructions on how to complete this section, please view the DASS CoP Intent to Implement CSI Instructions web page.

Application Process

The ESSA CSI LEA application for funding is a web-based application that includes an Application Overview and six separate sections. In order to receive ESSA, Section 1003 funding, the eligible LEA must complete and submit the application for funding on or before the due date.

To begin the web-based application, the LEA must first review the "Application Overview" section. Once the LEA has reached the “Eligibility Requirements” section within the Application Overview, the LEA will select the “Select to Display More Information” button at the bottom of the page to continue. The LEA will repeat this process until it has read all related content in this section. Once all of the information has been reviewed, the LEA must select the “Save and Continue to Section 1” button at the bottom of the page to advance to Section 1 of the application.

The bullets below describe each of the six sections of the application.

  • Section 1: Intent to Apply—Each LEA that has a school or schools that meet the criteria for CSI and intends to apply for funding must check the LEA “Intends to apply” check box in Section 1 of the online application. By selecting this check box, the LEA can now select the “Save and Continue to Section 2” button to advance to Section 2 of the application.

If the LEA selects the “Does Not Intend to apply” checkbox, the LEA must indicate the reason it chooses to not accept funding in the textbox provided before the LEA can advance to Section 6 of the application to certify its intention to not apply for funding and to sign and submit the application.

  • Section 2: General Assurances, Certifications, Terms, and Conditions—The LEA must review and adhere to the requirements of the general assurances, certifications, and terms and conditions as a condition of receiving funds. Once all of the information has been reviewed, the LEA must select the “Save and Continue to Section 3” button at the bottom of the page to advance to Section 3 of the application.

  • Section 3: LEA Information—The LEA information is prepopulated into the GMART. The LEA must verify the accuracy of its applicant information, including the physical address, the Preliminary LEA Allocation Amount, County/District code, and National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) code. If the information is accurate, the LEA will select the “The LEA Applicant Information is accurate” checkbox. The LEA can now enter contact information for the Primary Grant Coordinator, Secondary Grant Coordinator, and the Fiscal Coordinator by selecting the “Edit Contact Information” button at the bottom of the page. All contact fields must be completed in order to continue to Section 4 of the web-based application. If the LEA has only one Primary Grant Coordinator, it must duplicate that information for the Secondary Grant Coordinator.

    • First and Last Name
    • Title
    • Phone
    • Extension
    • Email
    • Fax

    If the LEA applicant information is inaccurate, the LEA will select “The LEA Applicant Information is inaccurate” checkbox. Please select the “Save and Logoff” button and contact the SISO by phone at 916-319-0833 or by email at for assistance.

  • Section 4: Narrative Responses—The LEA must provide complete written responses with a maximum of 500 characters each for Prompts 1 and 2, and 1000 characters each for Prompts 3 and 4. If the LEA will not add additional information to Prompts 1, 2, and/or 4, type NA for the response. Prompt 3 requires a complete response. In order to continue to Section 5, all four prompts must include a response. Once all of the information has been reviewed, the LEA must select the “Save and Continue to Section 5” button at the bottom of the page to advance to Section 5 of the application.

  • Section 5: Comprehensive Support and Improvement Preliminary Funding Plan—The LEA must complete a funding plan based on the prepopulated preliminary allocation. The LEA will distribute its preliminary allocation among the schools identified by selecting the “Edit” button under the “LEA Action” column and inputting data into the “Amount of Funds Distributed” column. Once data has been entered, the LEA must select the “Update” button to save the data or the “Cancel” button to cancel the entered data. To continue to Section 6, the preliminary LEA allocation amount must equal the total distributed amount. Once all of the data is accurately entered, the LEA must select the “Save and Continue to Section 6” button at the bottom of the page to advance to Section 6 of the application.

    • If an LEA with at least one DASS CoP school eligible under the CSI Low Graduation Rate criteria with less than 100 enrolled students chooses to forgo implementation of all CSI-related improvement activities pursuant to ESSA, Section 1111(d)(1)(C)(ii) on behalf of its DASS CoP eligible school/s/, then the LEA will also forgo the CSI funding associated with that specific school/s/, thus, reducing the LEA’s total allocation amount.

      • The Preliminary Funding Plan table will include a new column “New Adjusted Preliminary LEA Allocation (Declined Funding for DASS CoP School/s/)”, as applicable.

      • LEAs will not be able to distribute preliminary funding to any DASS CoP school/s/ for which it has declined to implement CSI. CSI funds may not be expended at or on behalf of school/s/ for which funding has been declined or that are otherwise ineligible.

The table below is a display of the proposed Preliminary Funding Plan that the LEA will complete in the GMART.

FY 2024–25 Allocation
LEA Name Preliminary LEA Allocation New Adjusted Preliminary LEA Allocation
(Declined Funding for DASS CoP School/s/)
SAMPLE Unified (District) $0 $0
LEA and School Name CSI Eligibility Status (2024–25 ESSA Assistance Status Data File) Preliminary Amount of Funds Distributed LEA Action
SAMPLE Unified (District) n/a $0 Edit
ABC Elementary CSI Low Perform $0 Edit
DEF Middle School CSI Low Perform $0 Edit
GHI High School CSI Grad $0 Edit
Total Distributed n/a $0 n/a
  • Section 6: Signatures and Submission—Each LEA must review the terms and conditions, select the necessary checkboxes, and sign the application electronically in order to submit the application. Once the application is submitted by the LEA, a notification will display confirming that the California Department of Education (CDE) has received the application. After submitting the application, the LEA can use the “Print Submitted Application” button to print a copy of the application for its records.

The CDE will review the submitted application. If the application is approved, the LEA primary, secondary, and fiscal grant contacts will receive an email notification of approval. If a revision is needed, the LEA contacts will receive an email notification that the application must be revised. To revise the application, the LEA must log in to the GMART and review the “Notes” column within the Application Status table and make the necessary revisions. Once all revisions have been completed, the LEA must resubmit the application (see Section 6 instructions).

CDE Contact Information

For questions related to the CSI LEA AFF, please contact the SISO by email at or by phone at 916-319-0833.

For questions regarding CSI eligibility criteria and determinations, please contact the Accountability Development and Policy Analysis Unit by email at

For questions regarding CSI allocations and apportionments, please contact the Categorical Allocations and Audit Resolution Office by email at

For information regarding the CSI planning process, please contact the Local Agency Systems Support Office by phone at 916-323-LCFF (5233) or by email at


For instructions on how to complete the DASS CoP Intent to Implement CSI, please view the DASS CoP Intent to Implement CSI Instructions web page.

To access the ESSA CSI LEA Walk-through Webinars, please visit the ESSA School Support Webinar Resources
web page.

For additional information related to CSI, please visit the California Department of Education CSI web page.

Questions:   School Improvement and Support Office | | 916-319-0833
Last Reviewed: Monday, January 27, 2025
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