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2022–23 Title I, Part A LEA Carryover

Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS) Winter Release data entry instructions for the 2022–23 Title I, Part A Local Educational Agency (LEA) Carryover data collection form.
Data Collection Purpose

This form is used to determine the amount of fiscal year (FY) 2022–23 Title I, Part A funds to be carried forward to FY 2023–24. The 2022–23 Title I, Part A LEA Carryover data collection form must be completed by all local educational agencies (LEAs) that received 2022–23 Title I, Part A funds.

LEAs receiving less than $50,000 of Title I, Part A funds (including funds transferred-in from other sources) in FY 2022–23 are not subject to the 15 percent carryover limit but are required to complete this data collection form.

Program Information

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act reauthorized as the Every Student Succeeds Act Section 1127(a) limits the amount of Title I, Part A funds an LEA may carry over from one FY allocation to not more than 15 percent of the total Title I, Part A funds allocated to the LEA for that FY. The law allows a state educational agency (SEA) to grant an LEA a waiver of this carryover limit if: (1) the LEA request is reasonable and necessary, or (2) a supplemental Title I, Part A appropriation becomes available. The law limits the SEA’s ability to grant such a waiver to once in three years. Additional information is available on the California Department of Education (CDE) Title I, Part A Carryover Waiver Request Criteria web page.

Completion of the waiver section in this form is not an automatic approval of the carryover waiver. The CDE will send the LEA a written approval or denial of the LEA waiver request.

Note: The waiver must be approved before the LEA can spend the carryover funds that are in excess of the 15 percent limit.

For more information, please refer to the CDE Title I, Part A Carryover and Waiver web page.

CDE Program Staff Contact

Rina DeRose
Education Programs Consultant
Title I Policy, Program, and Support Office

Displayed Data – Allocation

2022–23 Title I, Part A LEA allocation: Source data from the CDE Title I, Parts A and D web page.

Procedures – Transferred Funds
Step Action Program Instructions
1 Enter the Transferred-in Amount. Required field. The amount transferred-in must be equal to or greater than zero. Enter the transferred-in amount as reported in the same fiscal year Federal Transferability data collection form.
Displayed Data – Available Allocation

2022–23 Title I, Part A LEA available allocation: The LEA allocation amount plus the transferred-in amount.

Procedures – Expenditures and Obligations
Step Action Program Instructions
2 Enter the Expenditures and Obligations through September 30, 2023. Required field. Amount must be equal to or greater than zero.
Displayed Data – Carryover Calculation

Carryover as of September 30, 2023: The 2022–23 Title I, Part A LEA available allocation amount minus the expenditures and obligations through September 30, 2023.

Carryover percent as of September 30, 2023: The September carryover divided by the 2023–23 Title I, Part A LEA available allocation then multiplied by 100 to display value as a percentage.

Note: If the September carryover is 15 percent or less or the LEA is not eligible to apply for a carryover waiver, then no additional fields will display.

2022–23 Allowable carryover amount: The data is calculated as 15 percent of the 2021–22 Title I, Part A LEA available allocation.

Amount of 2022–23 carryover funds above the allowable 15 percent: The data is calculated as the carryover as of September 30, 2023, minus the 2022–23 allowable carryover amount, or zero, whichever is greater.

Procedures – Waiver Request

If the LEA has an available allocation that is less than $50,000, then the rules and function of the waiver request section of this data collection form do not apply, regardless of the September carryover percent.

An LEA is eligible to apply for a carryover waiver three years from when the last carryover waiver was approved for the LEA.

If the September carryover is greater than 15 percent for an LEA with an available allocation greater than $50,000, and the LEA is eligible for a new waiver when the carryover calculation is saved, the waiver request section will display in this data collection form.

Step Action Program Instructions
3 Provide the Reasonable and Necessary Justification description. Optional field. Describe how the LEA plans to expend or obligate the carryover funds. Maximum 1,700 characters. For additional information, visit the CDE Title I, Part A Carryover Waiver Request Criteria web page.
Error Messages
Field Name Error Message Resolution
Expenditures and Obligations Expenditures and obligations as of September 30, 2023, must be less than or equal to Title I, Part A LEA available allocation. Expenditures and obligations cannot exceed the Title I, Part A LEA available allocation.
Transferred-in Amount Transferred-in amount is required. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.

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Last Reviewed: Tuesday, December 03, 2024
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