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September 20-21, 2018 IQC Meeting Agenda

State of California
Edmund G. Brown Jr., Governor

Instructional Quality Commission
An advisory body to the California State Board of Education



September 20–21, 2018

Instructional Quality Commission Members
  • Dean Reese, Chair
  • Soomin Chao, Vice Chair
  • Jocelyn Broemmelsiek
  • Christine Chapman
  • Lizette Diaz
  • Shay Fairchild
  • Jose Flores
  • Jose Iniguez
  • Risha Krishna
  • Jose Lara
  • Yolanda Muñoz
  • Melanie Murphy-Corwin
  • Nicole Naditz
  • Alma-Delia Renteria
  • Julie Tonkovich
  • Jennifer Woo
  • Sharon Quirk-Silva, Assemblywoman
  • Anthony Portantino, Senator
Executive Director
  • Stephanie Gregson
State Board of Education Liaisons
  • Patricia Rucker
  • Ilene Straus


Schedule of Meeting Location
Commission Meeting (live webcast)
Thursday, September 20, 2018
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. ± (plus or minus)

Friday, September 21, 2018
9 a.m. to 2 p.m. ± (plus or minus)
California Department of Education (CDE)
1430 N Street, Room 1101
Sacramento, CA 95814

Please see the detailed agenda for more information about the items to be considered and acted upon. The public is welcome.


The Instructional Quality Commission (IQC or Commission) will hold a two-day meeting on Thursday–Friday, September 20–21, 2018, at the location indicated above. The meeting will include some activities involving the Commission as a whole and others involving one or more of the Commission’s various committees. The following outline of activities is provided for convenience only. The actual order of business may be changed without notice by the Commission Chair to accommodate the needs of members, invited presenters, and key staff. Anyone interested in a particular matter should plan on being in attendance for the whole meeting. Timing and order of activities may change. The full Commission and its various committees will commence, recess, and reconvene as necessary throughout the meeting.


The agenda for this IQC meeting may involve the full scope of its statutory responsibilities, which includes studying the problems of courses of study in the schools of the state; developing criteria; conducting the evaluation of instructional materials; and recommending minimum standards for courses of study, curriculum frameworks, and the adoption or rejection of instructional materials. The Commission reserves the right to consider specific matters and take action within the full scope of its responsibilities. The list that follows is illustrative of the matters to be considered, but it is not necessarily exhaustive.


Time certain designates a definite time for the start time of the public hearing. The public hearing may not begin earlier than the designated time certain. It may begin later than the designated time but not earlier.

Time is set aside for individuals so desiring to speak on any topic not otherwise on the agenda. Please see the detailed agenda for the Public Comment. In all cases, the presiding officer reserves the right to impose time limits on presentations as may be necessary to ensure that the agenda is completed.


Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability or any other individual who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in a meeting of function of the Instructional Quality Commission, may request assistance by contacting the California Department of Education's Curriculum Frameworks & Instructional Resources Division (CFIRD) Office at 1430 N Street, Room 3207, Sacramento, CA 95814; telephone 916-319-0881; facsimile 916-319-0172 at least ten (10) days in advance of the scheduled meeting date.

This agenda is posted on the IQC website.


Thursday, September 20, 2018
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. ± (plus or minus)


  1. Full Instructional Quality Commission

    1. Call to Order
      Dean Reese, Commission Chair

    2. Salute to the Flag

    3. Overview of Agenda

    4. Approval of Minutes for the Following Meetings (Action)

    5. Report of the Chair
      Dean Reese, Commission Chair

    6. Executive Director’s Report
      Stephanie Gregson, Executive Director

    7. Report from the State Board of Education
      State Board of Education (SBE) Liaisons

    8. Other Matters/Public Comment
  1. Education Technology Committee (DOCX)
    1. Computer Science Strategic Implementation Plan (Information/Action)

      1. Review Draft Computer Science Strategic Implementation Plan (DOCX) (Information)

      2. Public Comment on the Draft Computer Science Strategic Implementation Plan

      3. Approval of the Draft Computer Science Strategic Implementation Plan for the 30-Day Public Review and Comment Period (Action)

      4. Approval of the Online Survey for the Public Review and Comment Period (DOCX) (Information/Action)

    2. Other Matters/Public Comment

  2. Science Subject Matter Committee (DOCX)

    1. Report on the 2018 Science Adoption of K–8 Instructional Materials (Information)

      Attachment 1: Report of Findings []

      Attachment 2: List of Public Comments (DOCX)

    2. Public Hearing on the Submissions for the 2018 Science Adoption of K–8 Instructional Materials (Time Certain – 11:15 a.m.)

    3. Subject Matter Committee Recommendations to the Full Commission on the Submissions for the 2018 Science Adoption of K–8 Instructional Materials (Action)

      1. Proposed Consent List of Instructional Materials Programs (Recommended in the Reports of Findings of the Review Panels)

      2. Consideration of Individual Programs

    4. Other Matters/Public Comment



Friday, September 21, 2018
9 a.m. to 2 p.m. ± (plus or minus)

  1. Full Commission Reconvenes
    1. A. Reports/Action from Subcommittees
      Education Technology Committee

      1. Full Commission Approval of the Draft Computer Science Strategic Implementation Plan for the 30-Day Public Review and Comment Period (Action)

      2. Full Commission Approval of the Computer Science Strategic Implementation Plan Online Survey for the Public Review and Comment Period (Action)

    2. Public Hearing on the Submissions for the 2018 Science Adoption of K–8 Instructional Materials (Time Certain – 9 a.m.)

    3. Commission Recommendation to the SBE the Submissions for the 2018 Science Adoption of K–8 Instructional Materials (Action)

    4. Public Hearing on the Draft Health Education Framework (Time Certain – 10 a.m.)

    5. Commission Recommendation to the SBE the Draft Health Education Framework (Action)

    6. Individual Commissioner Reports

    7. Other Matters/Public Comment


Public Hearings on the 2018 Science Adoption of K–8 Instructional Materials
General Guidelines

The IQC is conducting public hearings regarding the 2018 Science instructional materials submitted for adoption consideration. Written comments are also welcome. Directions for providing public comment are:

  1. All public testimony may be limited to one or two minutes per speaker and/or organization, depending on the number signing up to testify. Because of time constraints, written testimony is encouraged from all who testify.

  2. All testimony shall be specific to the content of the materials (publisher, book, section, page number, etc.). The IQC is interested in comments regarding the alignment of the materials with the criteria for evaluating instructional materials contained in California’s framework for the pertinent subject area.

  3. Speakers are assigned to speak in the order they have signed up and will be given a numbered card. The chair may organize public comments by topic. When called upon to speak, speakers identify their name and the organization they represent, if any.

  4. Organizations who sign up more than one speaker may be asked to select a single representative in order to allow all other individuals and organizations wishing to provide testimony to be heard.

  5. To avoid repeated comments, speakers are encouraged to simply indicate they are in support of statements made by previous speakers and then either leave the podium or provide comments on issues not previously presented.

  6. There will be no disruptive behavior during the hearing. Individuals not complying will be asked to leave the hearing room.

  7. The public hearing before the full IQC is to provide comments not previously provided at the public hearing of the Science SMC, to present new information, or to respond to the SMC's recommendations.

Public Hearing on the Draft Health Education Framework
General Guidelines

The IQC is conducting a public hearing regarding the IQC’s recommendation to the State Board of Education the draft Health Education Framework. Written comments are also welcome. Directions for providing public comment are:

  1. All public testimony may be limited to one to two minutes per speaker and/or organization, depending on the number signing up to testify. Because of time constraints, written testimony is encouraged from all who testify.

  2. All testimony shall be specific to the content of the draft Health Education Framework.

  3. Speakers are assigned to speak in the order they have signed up and will be given a numbered card. When called upon to speak, speakers identify their name and the organization they represent, if any.

  4. Organizations who sign up more than one speaker may be asked to select a single representative in order to allow all other individuals and organizations wishing to provide testimony to be heard.

  5. To avoid repeated comments, speakers are encouraged to simply indicate they are in support of statements made by previous speakers, and then either leave the podium or provide comments on issues not previously presented.

  6. There will be no disruptive behavior during the hearing. Individuals not complying will be asked to leave the hearing room.

  7. The public hearing before the full IQC is to provide comments not previously provided at the public hearing of the Health SMC, to present new information, or to respond to the SMC’s recommendations.


Last Reviewed: Tuesday, September 26, 2023
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