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2023-24 and 2024-25 Work-Based Learning Change.

To:           Local Educational Agency (LEA) Representatives

From:      California Department of Education (CDE) –
                California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Team

Date:      March 4, 2024

SubjectCALPADS Update FLASH #265

2023−24 and 2024−25 Work-Based Learning Changes

Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) currently submit work-based learning data on the Work-Based Learning (WBLR) file as part of the CALPADS End-of-Year (EOY) 1 submission. These data provide information on 11 different Work-Based Learning Types, which are used or being assessed for use in the College/Career Indicator (CCI) on the California School Dashboard. This Flash summarizes upcoming changes to the data collected on the WBLR file.  

2023−24 Changes

New Code added to Internship Employer Performance Evaluation Code Set

LEAs populate Field 21.13 − Internship-Employer Performance Evaluation Code on the WBLR file with codes from the "Internship Employer Performance Evaluation" code set. Currently, there are four codes in this code set. A fifth code, "Not Provided by Employer," is being added in 2023-24 as displayed in the following table.

New CALPADS Code – Implementation will be July 1, 2024

CALPADS Coded Value CALPADS Code Name CALPADS Code Definition Existing Code? Start Date
Not Provided by Employer The student did not receive a rating because the employer: (1) failed to provide an evaluation or (2) did not evaluate the student's performance on the internship.

The new code will be included in the upcoming version of the CALPADS Code Sets (v15.2 - effective for 2023–24 Academic Year), which will be posted on the CDE CALPADS System Documentation web page at

2024−25 Changes

Work-Based Learning Type Non-Registered Pre-Apprenticeship Will Be Retired

The State Board of Education (SBE) removed the Work-Based Learning Type Code 30 - Non-registered Pre-Apprenticeships from use in the College/Career Indicator at their September 2023 meeting. Therefore, the Work-Based Learning Type Code 30 - Non-Registered Pre-Apprenticeship Program is being retired beginning in 2024−25. LEAs may continue to submit this Work-Based Learning Type in 2023−24, but it will not be used. Beginning in 2024−25, if this code is included in the WBLR file, the file will fail upon input.

State Course Required for Internships

Currently, LEAs are required to populate Field 21.12 – State Course Code – Embedded Work-Based Learning on the WBLR file for Work-Based Learning Types 15 – Student-led Enterprise and 20 – Simulated Work-Based Learning, and they may populate the field with any state course code.

In 2023−24, a new warning Data Discrepancy (DD), WBLR0649E1 – Missing State Course Code – Embedded Work-Based Learning for Internships will trigger for End-of-Year 1 if Field 21.12 – State Course Code – Embedded Work-Based Learning is not populated for the Work-Based Learning Type 10 - Internship. Beginning in 2024−25, LEAs will be required to populate this field for Work-Based Learning Type 10 – Internship, and this validation will become fatal. Additionally, for Internships only, CALPADS will only accept a Career Technical Education (CTE) course code (State Course Codes 7000 – 8999) or one of the Work Experience Education course codes below.

CALPADS Work Experience Education Course Codes

Coded Value Course Name
Exploratory Work Experience Education (EWEE)
General Work Experience Education (GWEE)
CTE Work Experience Education (CTWEE)


Questions:   CALPADS/CBEDS/CDS Operations Office | | 916-324-6738
Service and Support: CALPADS-CSIS Service Desk | | 916-325-9210
Last Reviewed: Monday, March 11, 2024
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